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To the space station and beyond with Linux
Posted: May 7, 2013 at 7:46 am
Summary: The International Space Station's laptops are moving from Windows to Linux, and R2, the first Linux-powered humanoid robot in space, is now under-going in-flight testing.
Unlike my recent spoof story about a Linux-powered Iron Man suitthat you could build at home, this story isn't science fiction. NASA really has decided to drop Windows from the laptops on the International Space Station (ISS) in favor of Linux, and the first humanoid robot in space, R2, really is powered by Linux.
Keith Chuala, a United Space Alliancecontractor, manager of the Space Operations Computing (SpOC) for NASA, and leader of the ISS's Laptops and Network Integration Teams, recently explained that NASA had decided to move to Linuxfor the ISS's PCs."We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable one that would give us in-house control. So if we needed to patch, adjust, or adapt, we could."
Specifically, the ISS astronauts will be using computers running Debian 6. Earlier, some of the on-board computers had been using Scientific Linux, a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) clone. While not the newest version of Debian, Debian 7 has just been released, Debian is nothing if not well-tested and reliable.
While Linux has been used on the ISS ever since its launch (PDF link) and for NASA ground operations almost since the day Linus Torvalds created it, it hasn't seen that much use on PCs in space. "Things really clicked," said Chuala in an interview, "after we came to understand how Linux views the world, the interconnectedness of how one thing affects another. You need that worldview. I have quite a bit of Linux experience, but to see others who were really getting it, that was exciting."
In addition to appearing on in-flight laptops, Linux is also running Robonaut (R2), the first humanoid robot in space. Currently on the station and experimental mode, R2 is meant to carry out tasks too dangerous or tedious for astronauts.
To help astronauts and IT specialists get up to speed, NASA is relying on The Linux Foundation for training. As Chuala explained, "NASA is as heterogeneous as it gets".
"They had a heavy Debian Linux deployment, but also various versions of RHEL/Centos. Because our training is flexible to a variety of distributions, we're able to address all those different environments in a single training session. No other training organization can provide that."
And, I might add, no other operating system is as flexible as Linux. From supercomputersto robots to desktops, NASA is finding that Linux is the answer.
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Gravity in the Elysium Space Station
Posted: at 7:46 am
I dont know too much about the upcoming moving Elysium, but it looks pretty cool. Here is the trailer. The first interesting thing I saw was the rotating space station.
Why are you weightless in space? I have already answered this question in great detail. The short answer is that you dont really feel gravity anyway since it acts on all parts of your body equally and on the space station. Both the space station and all parts of your body have the same acceleration which means there is no interaction forces between them. What you actually feel is not the gravitational force, but rather the force that other objects push on you. On the surface of the Earth, you are mostly at rest. This means that the ground has to push up on you to balance the gravitational force and you feel weight.
Ok, Im not going to spend more time talking about weightlessness. If you arent happy with my short answer, read my other post. For now, lets say that you have a person in a space station. The space station could be in orbit around the Earth or in deep space where there are no strong gravitational forces. Either way, the person will be weightless.
How do you make a person feel weight? One way is to accelerate the person so that there is a force from the ground of the space station that is similar to Earth. Here is a force diagram of a person on the surface of the Earth and a person in the space station with fake gravity.
The person on the ground has the two forces that are equal in magnitude (thus no acceleration). I am calling FN the normal force. This is the force the person feels and calls weight. Now, we want the astronaut person to have this same FN force. Since there is no gravitational force, this one force would make the person accelerate in that same direction.
That is our fake gravity force make the person accelerate. There are two ways this person could accelerate in that direction. The person could increase in speed in that direction, this would be an acceleration. However, this would also change the velocity. For a station in orbit, this wouldnt work but it would be fine for a spaceship traveling to another star and accelerating. No, for the space station we need to do something else. The answer is to make the acceleration perpendicular to the velocity of the person so that the person moves in a circle.
When an object moves in a circle, the velocity vector is always changing and the direction of this change in velocity is towards the center of the circle. Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity vector. Its really that simple. Here is how this would work.
And this is your basic spinning space station. You have seen this in countless space movies because it is an idea that would actually work. How do you change the acceleration of the object moving in a circle? There are two things to change, the radius of the circle and the speed that you move in a circle. The magnitude of this acceleration is:
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Gravity in the Elysium Space Station
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Tiny Alien-Like Skeleton Contains Human DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Tiny Alien-Like Skeleton Contains Human DNA
Tests of the mysterious skeleton, believed by some to be alien, have so far revealed only human DNA.
By: NewsyScience
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Tiny Alien-Like Skeleton Contains Human DNA - Video
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Bombas De Boston Teriam Vestígios De DNA Feminino – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Bombas De Boston Teriam Vestgios De DNA Feminino Curtir #10003; Comentar #10003; Compartilhar #10003; Inscreva-Se #10003; Bombas De Boston Teria...
By: Dhaif Mansour
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Bombas De Boston Teriam Vestígios De DNA Feminino - Video
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Brooke Lakin – DNA (Little Mix Acoustic Cover) Live at the Plough Inn Hickling – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Brooke Lakin - DNA (Little Mix Acoustic Cover) Live at the Plough Inn Hickling
Brooke Lakin - DNA (Little Mix Cover) Live at the Plough Inn Hickling Leics April 2013 Guitar - Chris White, Recorded and mixed by Steve Wainer.
By: bikersteve1200
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Brooke Lakin - DNA (Little Mix Acoustic Cover) Live at the Plough Inn Hickling - Video
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All Extraterrestial Aliens Were Created With Our DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
All Extraterrestial Aliens Were Created With Our DNA
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All Extraterrestial Aliens Were Created With Our DNA - Video
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DNA Repair Defects in all SubTypes of Breast Cancer – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
DNA Repair Defects in all SubTypes of Breast Cancer
By: RadiumSociety
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DNA Housekeeping Proteins May Also Prevent Cancer
Posted: at 7:45 am
Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Cancer / Oncology Also Included In: Genetics Article Date: 06 May 2013 - 3:00 PDT
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Senior author Gerald Crabtree, who is also of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and colleagues, write about their findings in a paper published online in Nature Genetics on 5 May.
"Somehow these chromatin-regulatory complexes manage to compress nearly two yards of DNA into a nucleus about one one-thousandth the size of a pinhead. And they do this without compromising the ability of the DNA to be replicated and selectively expressed in different tissues - all without tangling."
More recently, in the journal Nature, they reported that switching subunits in the BAF complexes can transform human fibroblasts to neurons, suggesting they also play an instructive role in cell development, and possibly, cancer.
In this latest study, they show that BAF complexes "are mutated in nearly 20 percent of all human malignancies thus far examined," says Crabtree.
The results also show that the mutations have a broad reach, comparable to that of another well-known tumor suppressor, p53.
"Although we knew that this complex was likely to play a role in preventing cancer, we didn't realize how extensive it would be," says co-first author and postdoctoral scholar Cigall Kadoch.
The team discovered that certain patterns of mutations in the subunits of the BAF complexes seem to precede specific cancers. For example, one pattern suggests ovarian rather than colon cancer will follow.
When they found that in some cases even just one mutation in a subunit was enough to trigger cancer, they realized how important a role BAF complexes must play in tumor suppression.
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New device can extract human DNA with full genetic data in minutes
Posted: at 7:45 am
May 6, 2013 Take a swab of saliva from your mouth and within minutes your DNA could be ready for analysis and genome sequencing with the help of a new device.
University of Washington engineers and NanoFacture (, a Bellevue, Wash., company, have created a device that can extract human DNA from fluid samples in a simpler, more efficient and environmentally friendly way than conventional methods.
The device will give hospitals and research labs a much easier way to separate DNA from human fluid samples, which will help with genome sequencing, disease diagnosis and forensic investigations.
"It's very complex to extract DNA," said Jae-Hyun Chung, a UW associate professor of mechanical engineering who led the research. "When you think of the current procedure, the equivalent is like collecting human hairs using a construction crane."
This technology aims to clear those hurdles. The small, box-shaped kit now is ready for manufacturing, then eventual distribution to hospitals and clinics. NanoFacture, a UW spinout company, signed a contract with Korean manufacturer KNR Systems last month at a ceremony in Olympia, Wash.
The UW, led by Chung, spearheaded the research and invention of the technology, and still manages the intellectual property.
Separating DNA from bodily fluids is a cumbersome process that's become a bottleneck as scientists make advances in genome sequencing, particularly for disease prevention and treatment. The market for DNA preparation alone is about $3 billion each year.
Conventional methods use a centrifuge to spin and separate DNA molecules or strain them from a fluid sample with a micro-filter, but these processes take 20 to 30 minutes to complete and can require excessive toxic chemicals.
UW engineers designed microscopic probes that dip into a fluid sample -- saliva, sputum or blood -- and apply an electric field within the liquid. That draws particles to concentrate around the surface of the tiny probe. Larger particles hit the tip and swerve away, but DNA-sized molecules stick to the probe and are trapped on the surface. It takes two or three minutes to separate and purify DNA using this technology.
"This simple process removes all the steps of conventional methods," Chung said.
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New device can extract human DNA with full genetic data in minutes
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HGP10 Symposium: Whole Genome Sequencing in Newborn Screening – Jeff Botkin – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
HGP10 Symposium: Whole Genome Sequencing in Newborn Screening - Jeff Botkin
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