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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Natural Relief for Eczema Available at Home from Jason International’s Oxygen Bath

Posted: May 8, 2013 at 2:44 pm


As she read the words eczema and psoriasis in the Jason International bath collection catalog, Whitney Jones started to cry.

I started to cry because we had been through so many doctor appointments, so many creams, and so many heartbreaks over something working and then not working. And MicroSilk Hydrotherapy seemed like the answer, explained Jones of Humnoke, Ark.

Her daughter, Alayna, 9, was diagnosed with eczema in 2004 when she was six months old. Her condition became aggravated. For years, she suffered from red, dry skin and a painful itch that would not go away.

Id wear socks on my hands and wrap up like a burrito, Alayna said of efforts to keep her skin moist, clean and protected as she slept. Her daily regimen included over-the-counter antihistamines and prescription medicines for asthma and anxiety. Her condition became so unsettling that she visited a therapist weekly to help her deal with anxiety.

Then, her mom found MicroSilk.

Jason International specifically created MicroSilk Hydrotherapy to rejuvenate the skin. In the bath, MicroSilk generates oxygen-rich microbubbles that cleanse and moisturize the skin and leave it visibly healthier and silky smooth.

Were thrilled that Alayna Jones, Emily Ross, Sara Thomas, and so many others find natural relief from MicroSilk, said Jason International Chairman Remo Jacuzzi. Our products result from our passion for healthy living and our prowess for engineering. And were always gratified to hear of the quality-of-life difference they make in peoples daily lives.

Whitney Jones recalled she was hopeful but initially skeptical about MicroSilk. The first time, Alayna was very red and very itchy. We put her in the bath and ran a 20-minute cycle, Jones said, When we took her out, her skin looked as it had never looked before. Her red, dry skin became milky white.

Doctors told us to keep her skin moist and clean and help her relax, she said. The MicroSilk bath does all three. It moisturizes her skin. It cleans the pores gently without any soap. And it relaxes her in a way no medication ever has.

See the article here:
Natural Relief for Eczema Available at Home from Jason International’s Oxygen Bath

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Research and Markets: Chronic Plaque Psoriasis – Pipeline Review, H1 2013

Posted: at 2:43 pm


Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Chronic Plaque Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H1 2013" report to their offering.

Global Markets Direct's 'Chronic Plaque Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H1 2013' provides an overview of the indication's therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis.


- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis.

- A review of the Chronic Plaque Psoriasis products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.

- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.

- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.

- Coverage of the Chronic Plaque Psoriasis pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.

- Key discontinued pipeline projects.

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Research and Markets: Chronic Plaque Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H1 2013

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I’m From the Government (TV Censorship) – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

I #39;m From the Government (TV Censorship)
Wiggity whack, yo.

By: FastlaneProductions1

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I'm From the Government (TV Censorship) - Video

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Bollywood filmmakers speak on censorship – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Bollywood filmmakers speak on censorship
Over the years film censorship in Hindi cinema has undergone many changes. As Bollywood celebrates 100 years of its inception, lets find out what is still ta...

By: worldmail365

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Bollywood filmmakers speak on censorship - Video

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Best Comedic and Inspirational Male – Censorship Makes No Sense! – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Best Comedic and Inspirational Male - Censorship Makes No Sense! - Vlog, comedy, short comedy skits scripts, stand up comedy series, a short comedy play script, short comedy play scripts, stand...

By: BestVideo247

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Best Comedic and Inspirational Male - Censorship Makes No Sense! - Video

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Censorship and Age-restricting – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Censorship and Age-restricting
Thanks for watching! Outro music by: Intro and outro by:

By: SuperAlbunny

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Censorship and Age-restricting - Video

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Cuban blogger Sanchez battles censorship

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Yoani Sanchez won the prize for Best Blog at The Bobs awards in 2008, but she wasn't allowed to collect her trophy. Now, she is on a world tour talking about how to overcome censorship, and stopped by at re:publica.

She has been beaten. She has been taken away by police multiple times. For those who refuse to be silenced, it's just part of life in Cuba. Despite the dangers, Yoani Sanchez speaks her mind. She says she has no choice. She wants to "exorcize demons," and her motivation is the future of her country. She doesn't want to explain to her grandchildren someday that she did nothing to fight oppression. This motivation has landed Sanchez under the government's watchful eye as a dissident, a "liar and foreign mercenary."

In her blog, Generacion Y, Sanchez writes about everyday life in Cuba. She also dissects the Castro clan in her texts, which makes her a thorn in the government's side. Early this year she was finally allowed to leave Cuba after several unsuccessful applications. Now she's set out to a worldwide tour where she talks about her work, about the backlash, how she overcomes censorship in Cuba, and what tricks she uses to distribute her content throughout the world.

Incognito at a hotel for tourists

She has more than 500,000 followers on Twitter - the majority of her followers are not from Cuba, where the internet is not affordable for the average citizen. Private internet connections do not exist, with the exception of hotels and internet cafes that offer networks at a rate of six to $12 per hour (an average monthly salary is $20). Even then the internet speed is comparable to that of a modem from the 1990s.

You have to get creative if you want to get information via the internet. Sanchez has posed as a European tourist, so she could sneak into a hotel with internet access. This plan worked because she is able to speak some German. Prior to her blogging career, she lived in Switzerland for two years.

A crucial tool is mobile technology. Via text message, tweets are sent to a foreign telephone number - there's also a contact in Germany. From there, the tweet finds its way to the internet. The only disadvantage is that two-way interaction is not possible. Sanchez calls this "tweeting in the dark." Those who retweet her work support her efforts.

The power of a USB stick

To work as efficiently as possible, she writes the text for her blog offline, saves it onto a USB stick, passes it along to a trusted person who then posts the contents online.

"If you ever travel to Cuba, bring your old laptop or cell phone with you, and give it to any Cuban on the street. It would change that person's life and help an ordinary citizen breach the red line of censorship," she appealed to the audience.

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Cuban blogger Sanchez battles censorship

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Battling censorship behind bars

Posted: at 2:43 pm

In November 2008, a mail-order book addressed to Lou Johnson arrived at the Hilltop Unit, a state prison for women located in Gatesville, central Texas. Written by investigative journalist Silja Talvi, the book was titledWomen Behind Bars:The Crisis of Women in the U.S. Prison System, and chronicled the past decades sweeping upsurge in female incarceration as told through the stories of prisoners across the country. Talvis interviews cast light on the common threads of trauma and abuse these women shared, the increase in nonviolent drug charges that put them behind bars, and the troubling conditions they found inside.

Johnson, one of the women interviewed for the project, described the harsh and humiliating circumstances she endured at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) facility. Denied adequate medical care, refused meals for minor infractions such as talking in line, and forced to clean pipe chases covered with fecal material without gloves, Johnson summed up her experience as cruel and unusual punishment.

But Johnson was barred from reading her own account in print, as well as from accessing the testimonies of the one hundred other female prisoners interviewed forWomen Behind Bars. By the time her copy arrived at the Hilltop Unit mailroom, the book had already been censored at another TDCJ facility. Johnson received a form explaining that an offending passage on page 38 depicted sex with a minor, therefore the publication as a whole was detrimental to offenders rehabilitation because it would encourage deviant criminal behavior. She attempted to appeal the decision to no avail; having never received the book to review the contents of page 38, she was in no position to present a compelling rebuttal.

Prison walls do not form a barrier separating prison inmates from the protections of the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court found in its 1987Turner v. Safleydecision. While inmates are not entitled to full First Amendment rights, any encroachment on their freedom of speech must be reasonably related to legitimate penological objectives.

While both publishers and prisoners have standing to challenge prison censorship policies that restrict opportunities to send and receive literature, in practice publishers are far better equippedthey are free from the legal restrictions that bind the incarcerated, and can actually access the material in question. But commercial magazines and booksellers rarely act upon notice that the material theyve mailed has been seized or withheld; prison inmates dont represent a sufficiently marketable demographic.

Women Behind Bars, however, was distributed by Prison Legal News (PLN), which, as the only national publication whose majority of contributors and subscribers are state and federal prisoners, is deeply invested in combating prison censorship. Thats our core constituency, says editor Paul Wright. Wright founded the magazine in 1990 while serving out a sentence for first-degree murder in Washington State. As a twenty-one-year-old military policeman, Wright was broke and a week away from completing his service when he tried to rob a cocaine dealer who turned out to have a gun. Wright panicked and shot first, and was sentenced to twenty-five years.

In prison, he worked as a book fetcher at the facilitys law library, and grew interested in prison conditions litigation. With fellow inmate Ed Mead, he began PLN as a ten-page hand-typed newsletter with a readership of just seventy-five aimed at raising political consciousness and informing prisoners of their rights. The censorship was immediate. In 1991, Wright reported on pervasive racism at Washingtons Clallam Bay Corrections Center, and a specific incident in which a group of white guards brutalized a black inmate. Prison authorities redacted the incriminating sections for circulation inside Clallam Bay, and when they found out that PLN had been distributed to subscribers outside of the facility, subjected Wright to three weeks of solitary confinement.

Wright, who was released in 2003 after serving seventeen years of his twenty-five year sentence, says that over the past few decades, censorship practices in prisons and jails have grown startlingly worse. PLNwhich now has 7,000 print subscribers in all fifty states, with reader surveys indicating that each issue is passed around to ten different inmateshas faced blanket censorship in over ten state prisons systems, and countless bans in local jails across the country. The magazine was impelled to establish the Human Rights Defense Center, a legal nonprofit dedicated to protecting subscribers right to read. It also launched a book publishing operation to distribute titles that, despite limited commercial appeal, are vital to incarcerated populations, such asPrisoners Self Help Litigation Manual,Hepatitis and Liver Disease: What You Need to Know, andBeyond Bars: Rejoining Society After Prison. Which brings us back to Texas.

Page 38 ofWomen Behind Bars, it turned out, described the childhood ordeals faced by Tina Thomas, a neurologist and professor in a teaching college who battled drug addiction late in her career:

What is even more remarkable about Thomas is that she had overcome the kind of childhood trauma that might have completely derailed her adult life. It might have been precisely that background that first propelled her to become an overachiever and attain a high level of professional success, but then came back to haunt her just as she had gotten to where she wanted to go. The dark secret of her life was that she had been forced to perform fellatio on her uncle when she was just four years old. Thomas explains that this unresolved trauma became the template for a lifetime of distrust, fear, uncertainty, and a spirit of self-negation.

Battling censorship behind bars

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Asylum Comrades Ron Paul

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Asylum Comrades Ron Paul Jim Rogers - Unsound Minds For Sound Money
Where were their handlers...? Special thanks to kkbose for sending us this link.

By: SchittReport

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Asylum Comrades Ron Paul

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WeeGamers Unboxing Post Human Republic Starter Army for Dropzone Commander – Video

Posted: at 2:42 pm

WeeGamers Unboxing Post Human Republic Starter Army for Dropzone Commander
a quick close dive into the contents of the PHR starter army for Hawk Wargames Dropzone Commander 10mm futuristic wargame.

By: WeeGamersNI

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WeeGamers Unboxing Post Human Republic Starter Army for Dropzone Commander - Video

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