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Category Archives: Transhuman News

New England Biolabs Releases the NEBNext Microbiome DNA Enrichment Kit

Posted: May 8, 2013 at 2:45 pm

IPSWICH, Mass., May 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- New England Biolabs (NEB) announces the release of the NEBNext Microbiome DNA Enrichment Kit, which uses a novel method to separate microbial DNA fromhost DNA, thereby reducing the high cost of sequencing microbiome DNA to a more practical level.

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Microbiome samples are commonly dominated by host DNA (up to 99%). This complicates the genetic analyses of these samples, particularly total microbiome DNA sequencing studies. Since only a small percentage of sequencing reads pertain to the microbes of interest, obtaining sufficient sequence coverage of the microbiome DNA can become cost-prohibitive or even technically infeasible.

The NEBNext Microbiome DNA Enrichment Kit utilizes the MBD2-Fc protein, which binds to CpG-methylated DNA (including human genomic DNA) with very high specificity. The MDB2-Fc protein is attached to Protein A-coated magnetic beads, enabling quick and easy removal of the contaminating host DNA in about 30 minutes. The microbial DNA-enriched sample is then ready to be processed for multiple downstream applications, including next generation sequencing, qPCR and endpoint PCR.

"Although microbiome whole genome sequencing provides more information than other methods, such as 16S analysis, this method has proven difficult for many samples, due to the presence of contaminating host genomic DNA," says Fiona Stewart, Product Marketing Manager, Next Generation Sequencing at NEB. "The NEBNext Microbiome DNA Enrichment Kit makes it possible to substantially enrich samples for non-host, microbial DNA, while retaining microbial diversity, thereby improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of downstream analyses."

For more information, visit

About New England BiolabsEstablished in the mid 1970's, New England Biolabs, Inc. is the industry leader in the discovery and production of enzymes for molecular biology applications and now offers the largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. NEB continues to expand its product offerings into areas related to PCR, gene expression, library preparation for next generation sequencing, cellular analysis, epigenetics and RNA analysis. Additionally, NEB is focused on strengthening alliances that enable new technologies to reach key market sectors. New England Biolabs is a privately held company, headquartered in Ipswich, MA, and has extensive worldwide distribution through a network of exclusive distributors, agents and seven subsidiaries located in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore and the UK. For more information about New England Biolabs

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New England Biolabs Releases the NEBNext Microbiome DNA Enrichment Kit

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Applied DNA Sciences Expands Base for Signature DNA Marking of Electronics: Forty-Two Companies Rally to DNA Mark

Posted: at 2:45 pm

STONY BROOK, NY--(Marketwired - May 7, 2013) - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (OTCBB: APDN), (Twitter: @APDN), a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology and product authentication solutions today issued its latest progress update to its program for SigNature DNA-marking of electronics supplied to the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).APDN lists forty-two electronics companies that are either under contract, have entered into contract negotiation, or have requested and received a SigNature DNA quotation.The companies include Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs), and as designated by DLA, Qualified Manufacturers (QML), including both qualified independent and authorized distributors.

DLA announced in late January that it would subsidize costs for companies implementing SigNature DNA marks.Once the reimbursement policy was instituted, and initial DNA-marking customers trained and certified, APDN began incremental DNA shipments in March.

APDN noted that both the number and rate of contract signings have increased since the reimbursement policy was announced.The accelerated sales cycle is a sign of additional momentum in the DNA-compliant electronics vertical.Other developments include the recruitment of a second company providing third party SigNature DNA marking services and increased efficiency in the certification times for onboarding customers.

APDN stated that 10 companies have now signed contracts to provide SigNature DNA marking on parts provided to DLA, while 9 more have contracts under negotiation, and 23 possess requested quotations for DNA.(APDN noted that the negotiation process does not guarantee or automatically lead to a signed agreement.) These suppliers also support U.S. Department of Defense prime contractors and other military/aerospace companies.Many are looking to expand their SigNature DNA-marking capabilities beyond DLA and offer the forensically secured supply-chain platform to their existing and new OEM and Contract Manufacturer (CM) customers.

Manufacturers using the SigNature DNA platform will use an Authentication Mark, forensically verifying originality of a component anywhere along the supply chain.Distributors are assigned a SigNature DNA Provenance Mark, verifying the immediate source of the part.The Provenance Mark assures the identity of the distributor and verifies that the distributor possesses original component manufacturer traceability or test method paperwork using the widely accepted anti-counterfeiting standard SAE AS6081.

The company notes that SigNature DNA is approved only for companies certified by DLA as trusted sources.As such, the APDN platform is closely linked to DLA quality programs, and is one piece in the effort to prevent counterfeit parts from entering the supply chain.Certifications of the DNA-compliance include the Qualified Manufacturers List (QML), the Qualified Products List (QPL), and the Qualified Testing Suppliers List (QTSL.)In order to qualify for QTSL, companies are required by DLA to implement SigNature DNA marking on designated parts.

Some members of the electronics industry resisted the requirement for DNA marking due to concerns over increased costs or process impact. Early adopters are seeing a rapid return on their investment, with increasing sales to DLA. APDN views the contract increment as evidence of increasing industry acceptance.

Dr. James A. Hayward, CEO and President of Applied DNA Sciences, stated, "I believe that our company's significant commitment of resources to aid the military electronics program is bearing fruit.Our road map for implementation began with the independent distributors, and continues systematically through authorized distributors, OCMs and the prime contractors. We are seeing steady progress in all categories."

Janice Meraglia, APDN Vice President for Military and Government Programs, stated, "We are now strongly branded in the electronics industry, and that brand is recognized and bringing more companies to us.We believe there is a large potential for this technology to transition to other high reliability supply, beyond defense, such as medical and automotive equipment."

About Applied DNA Sciences

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Applied DNA Sciences Expands Base for Signature DNA Marking of Electronics: Forty-Two Companies Rally to DNA Mark

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Miracle of the genome! – Video

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Miracle of the genome!

By: Sweetitly

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Miracle of the genome! - Video

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Salutations, Genome – Video

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Salutations, Genome
5/1/13 Tonic Room, Chicago.

By: Carmel O #39;Farrell

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Salutations, Genome - Video

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Privacy protections: The genome hacker

Posted: at 2:45 pm

Yaniv Erlich


Late at night, a video camera captures a man striding up to the locked door of the information-technology department of a major Israeli bank. At this hour, access can be granted only by a fingerprint reader but instead of using the machine, the man pushes a button on the intercom to ring the receptionist's phone. As it rings, he holds his mobile phone up to the intercom and presses the number 8. The sound of the keypad tone is enough to unlock the door. As he opens it, the man looks back to the camera with a shrug: that was easy.

Yaniv Erlich the star of this 2006 video considers this one of his favourite hacks. Technically a penetration exercise conducted to expose the bank's vulnerabilities, it was one of several projects that Erlich worked on during a two-year stint with a security firm based near Tel Aviv. Since then, the 33-year-old computational biologist has been bringing his hacker ethos to biology. Now at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he is using genome data in new ways, and in the process exposing vulnerabilities in databases that hold sensitive information on thousands of individuals around the world.

In a study published in January1, Erlich's lab showed that it is possible to discover the identities of people who participate in genetic research studies by cross-referencing their data with publicly available information. Previous studies had shown that people listed in anonymous genetic data stores could be unmasked by matching their data to a sample of their DNA. But Erlich showed that all it requires is an Internet connection.

Erlich's work has exposed a pressing ethical quandary. As researchers increasingly combine patient data with other types of information everything from social-media posts to entries on genealogy websites protecting anonymity becomes next to impossible. Studying these linked data has its benefits, but it may also reveal genetic and medical information that researchers had promised to keep private and that, if made public, might hurt people's employability, insurability or even personal relationships.

Such revelations may make the scientific community uncomfortable and undermine the public's trust in medical research. But Erlich and his colleagues see their work as a way to alert the world about flawed systems, keep researchers honest and ultimately strengthen science. In March, for instance, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, claimed that the genome sequence that it had published for the HeLa cell line would not reveal anything about Henrietta Lacks the source of the cells or her descendants. Erlich issued a tart response: Nice lie EMBL! he tweeted. The sequence was later pulled from public databases, and the EMBL admitted that it would indeed be possible to glean information about the Lacks family from it, even though much of the HeLa genetic data had already been published as part of other studies.

Most scientists would not go anywhere close to these questions, out of a sense of what it might mean for the field, or for them personally, says David Page, director of the Whitehead Institute, who has advised Erlich about his research. But this is not about publicity-seeking this is about fearlessness, and a kind of interest in how all the parts of the Universe fit together that mark all of Yaniv's work.

Erlich was inspired to teach himself programming as a child in Israel after seeing the 1983 film WarGames, in which a teenager accidentally hacks into government computer systems and nearly launches global thermonuclear war. Erlich thought that he would study maths and physics at university, but after a friend told him that there was a lot of maths in biology, he decided to major in computational neuroscience. In 2006, following his graduation, Erlich moved to the United States to earn his PhD in genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York.

Under his adviser, molecular biologist Greg Hannon, Erlich devised what he called DNA Sudoku: a sequencing method that could be used on tens of thousands of specimens analysed simultaneously. It allowed scientists to use computational techniques to find a gene carrying a rare mutation from this mixed batch of DNA and assign it to the right specimen2. Erlich is now using the technique to find disease-causing mutations in young Ashkenazi Jews to inform their decisions about potential marriage partners.

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Privacy protections: The genome hacker

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Allergy Eczema Problems
This educational video is an ADVERTISEMENT for Dr. Chris Cormier, D.C. and not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more informati...

By: nervehealthinstitute

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Getting rid of eczema naturally – Video

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Getting rid of eczema naturally
I love natural health and was dead set against my daughter using hydrocortisones on a prolonged basis. I went into research mode and made crucial changes to ...

By: Crystal Timberlake

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coconut oil for eczema | coconut oil weight loss | coconut oil for skin | skin | hair | diet – Video

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coconut oil for eczema | coconut oil weight loss | coconut oil for skin | skin | hair | diet - Coconut Oil:Natures Answer for Weight Loss, Healthy Hair and Skin, and More! 7 Notable Health Benefits of Coconut Oil I...

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coconut oil for eczema | coconut oil weight loss | coconut oil for skin | skin | hair | diet - Video

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Anti itchBalm – The organic Itch, Rash, Eczema Skin Treatment – Video

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Anti itchBalm - The organic Itch, Rash, Eczema Skin Treatment
anti itchbalm is made from 100% pure certified organic ingredients and natural vitamin E oil for both adults and babies alike. An amazing natural product to ...

By: USorganic

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Anti itchBalm - The organic Itch, Rash, Eczema Skin Treatment - Video

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Skin Rash / Eczema – NHI – Video

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Skin Rash / Eczema - NHI
This educational video is an ADVERTISEMENT for Dr. Chris Cormier, D.C. and not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. For more information visit Dr. Cormier #39;s website...

By: nervehealthinstitute

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