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Space Station Crewmember "Testifies" Before Senate Committee – Video
Posted: May 9, 2013 at 7:51 pm
Space Station Crewmember "Testifies" Before Senate Committee
From the International Space Station, NASA Astronaut Tom Marshburn discussed the aspects of human scientific research taking place in orbit during an in-flight conversation with members of...
By: NASAtelevision
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Space Station Live: Students Help Build Station Trainers – Video
Posted: at 7:51 pm
Space Station Live: Students Help Build Station Trainers
NASA Public Affairs Officer Josh Byerly speaks with students Ben Holloway, Helmut Brenner and Robert Lipham from Cypress Woods High School in Cypress, Texas,...
By: ReelNASA
The rest is here:
Space Station Live: Students Help Build Station Trainers - Video
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Space Rock Hits Space Station – Video
Posted: at 7:51 pm
Space Rock Hits Space Station
Space Rock Hits Space Station this is strange a space rock hits a space stations window.
By: Rayaan EERS
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Space Rock Hits Space Station - Video
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KSP – Making the new Space Station 1 – Video
Posted: at 7:51 pm
KSP - Making the new Space Station 1
Building a new Space Station -- utm_campaign=archive_export utm_source=leax256 utm_medium=youtube.
By: JaxmaelSlen
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International Space Station Crashes Into My School! – Video
Posted: at 7:51 pm
International Space Station Crashes Into My School!
Small project i made after i #39;ve spent about a month (on and off) creating the international space station in Maya.
By: MikeyZeov
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International Space Station Crashes Into My School! - Video
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Ammonia leak on space station
Posted: at 7:51 pm
The International Space Station has a radiator leak in its power system. The outpost's commander calls the situation serious, but not life-threatening.
The six-member crew noticed white flakes of ammonia leaking out of the station. Ammonia runs through multiple radiator loops to cool the station's power system.
Space station Commander Chris Hadfield of Canada tweeted that the problem, while serious, was stabilised. Officials will know more later today.
"Station's power relies on ammonia coolant. A few hours ago, we determined that the ammonia was leaking out of the Station and into space," he said.
NASA said the leak is increasing from one previously leaking loop that can be bypassed if needed.
NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs said engineers are working on rerouting electronics just in case the loop shuts down. The Earth-orbiting station has backup systems.
The space station always has enough emergency escape ships for the crew, but there are no plans to use them.
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Ammonia leak on space station
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Space station leaking coolant
Posted: at 7:51 pm
This image from a NASA space shuttle mission shows the International Space Station in orbit. The space station is the size of a football field and home to six astronauts. (Image was taken on Feb. 10, 2010.)
By Clara Moskowitz
Astronauts on the International Space Station have discovered a leak of ammonia coolant on their orbiting habitat, and NASA is looking into the problem, though it poses no immediate danger to the crew, officials said Thursday.
The space station uses chilled liquid ammonia to cool down the power systems on its eight giant solar array panels. A minor leak of this ammonia was first noticed in 2007, and NASA has been studying the issue ever since. In November 2012 two astronauts took a spacewalk to fix the problem, rewiring some coolant lines and installing a spare radiator due to fears the original radiator was damaged by a micrometeorite impact.
At the time, those measures appeared to fix the problem, but today astronauts on the football field-size space station noticed a steady stream of frozen ammonia flakes leaking from the area of the suspect coolant loop in the Photovoltaic Thermal Control System (PVTCS). [Gallery: Building the International Space Station]
"It is in the same area, but we don't know whether it's the same leak," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries of the Johnson Space Center in Houston told Humphries said the agency was taking the leak seriously because it affects an important system if they loose the ability to cool that particular solar array, it won't be able to generate power for the station. In fact, the leak has worsened to the point that Mission Control expects that particular loop to shut down within the next 24 hours.
However, "the crew is in no danger," Humphries stressed. It's too soon to speculate on a possible spacewalk or other measure to deal with the issue, he added.
Mission Control has been discussing the problem with the astronauts on the station throughout the afternoon.
"What you guys have provided in the way of imagery and video has been just like gold to us on the ground," astronaut Doug Wheelock from Mission Control radioed to space station commander Chris Hadfield, a Canadian Space Agency astronaut. "We are fairly confident that it's coming from the vicinity of the TCS." However, flight controllers noted they were still unable to pinpoint the leak's exact location.
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Space station leaking coolant
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Space Station Leaking Vital Coolant, NASA Says
Posted: at 7:51 pm
Astronauts on the International Space Station have discovered a leak of ammonia coolant on their orbiting habitat, and NASA is looking into the problem, though it poses no immediate danger to the crew, officials said today (May 9).
The space station uses chilled liquid ammonia to cool down the power systems on its eight giant solar array panels. A minor leak of this ammonia was first noticed in 2007, and NASA has been studying the issue ever since. In November 2012 two astronauts took a spacewalk to fix the problem, rewiring some coolant lines and installing a spare radiator due to fears the original radiator was damaged by a micrometeorite impact.
At the time, those measures appeared to fix the problem, but today astronauts on the football field-size space station noticed a steady stream of frozen ammonia flakes leaking from the area of the suspect coolant loop in the Photovoltaic Thermal Control System (PVTCS). [Gallery: Building the International Space Station]
"It is in the same area, but we don't know whether it's the same leak," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries of the Johnson Space Center in Houston told Humphries said the agency was taking the leak seriously because it affects an important system if they loose the ability to cool that particular solar array, it won't be able to generate power for the station. In fact, the leak has worsened to the point that Mission Control expects that particular loop to shut down within the next 24 hours.
However, "the crew is in no danger," Humphries stressed. It's too soon to speculate on a possible spacewalk or other measure to deal with the issue, he added.
Mission Control has been discussing the problem with the astronauts on the station throughout the afternoon.
"What you guys have provided in the way of imagery and video has been just like gold to us on the ground," astronaut Doug Wheelock from Mission Control radioed to space station commander Chris Hadfield, a Canadian Space Agency astronaut. "We are fairly confident that it's coming from the vicinity of the TCS." However, flight contollers noted they were still unable to pinpoint the leak's exact location.
NASA engineers are reviewing plans to potentially move the station's robotic arm over to the area of the port truss, the scaffolding-like backbone of the station (the original leak was traced to the Port 6 truss).
"Tomorrow we'll plan to get the arm in the game to see if we can better pinpoint the location of the leak," Wheelock said.
Hadfield said he and his crewmates had noticed the rate of the leak varied depending on the orientation of the station with the sun, suggesting particular angles allowed the ammonia coolant to leak more quickly.
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Space Station Leaking Vital Coolant, NASA Says
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Genetic Engineering PSA Final – Video
Posted: at 7:50 pm
Genetic Engineering PSA Final
I don #39;t own any of the material, sound, videos, music, etc. This video was made for a school project so there is no other purpose than academic purposes.
By: Melissa Salinas
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Genetic Engineering PSA Final - Video
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Human Genetics Project 2013 Explanation behind Starcraft 2’s Marine – Video
Posted: at 7:50 pm
Human Genetics Project 2013 Explanation behind Starcraft 2 #39;s Marine
This is my project for BIOL1309 These claims are all theory, not actual fact.
By: Randy Vo
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Human Genetics Project 2013 Explanation behind Starcraft 2's Marine - Video
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