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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Lifelike Masks Created From DNA – Video
Posted: May 11, 2013 at 1:51 am
Lifelike Masks Created From DNA
Lifelike masks are created by DNA. An artist and PhD student in New York City prints 3D masks from the DNA evidence she finds on the street. Used objects lik...
By: GeoBeatsNews
Here is the original post:
Lifelike Masks Created From DNA - Video
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Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Whole Blood – Video
Posted: at 1:51 am
Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Whole Blood
By: Tao Sun
Excerpt from:
Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Whole Blood - Video
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Angus VNR: Commercial DNA helps with drought decisions – Video
Posted: at 1:51 am
Angus VNR: Commercial DNA helps with drought decisions
Mark Gardiner, of Gardiner Angus Ranch, and Kent Andersen, of Zoetis, explain how commercial cattlemen can use DNA technology as they rebuild their herds. Th...
By: apicreativemedia
Read this article:
Angus VNR: Commercial DNA helps with drought decisions - Video
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Posted: at 1:51 am BN007 Geolodia 2012 a Fumanya (Barcelona)
Recurso educativo del aula virtual de ciencias de la naturaleza (acceso libre y gratuito).Consultar actualizaciones y actividades del...
By: jmtc10
The rest is here: BN007 Geolodia 2012 a Fumanya (Barcelona) - Video
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Sara Villela album DNA de Adorador ( Louvor Quem é ELE?) – Video
Posted: at 1:51 am
Sara Villela album DNA de Adorador ( Louvor Quem ELE?)
Composio: Sara Villela Album DNA de Adorador Local: AD Vila Mara (Sub Sede)
By: robinhovilela
Sara Villela album DNA de Adorador ( Louvor Quem é ELE?) - Video
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Harvard University Discovers Message from God in Our DNA Code! – Video
Posted: at 1:51 am
Harvard University Discovers Message from God in Our DNA Code!
Stay Safe and May God Bless!!
By: OutrDemnDarknes
See the article here:
Harvard University Discovers Message from God in Our DNA Code! - Video
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Cleveland kidnappings: DNA confirms Ariel Castro is father of Amanda Berry’s child – Video
Posted: at 1:51 am
Cleveland kidnappings: DNA confirms Ariel Castro is father of Amanda Berry #39;s child
Reporter Sarah Hashim-Waris with the latest details on the ongoing investigation of the disappearances of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.
By: losangelestimes
Go here to see the original:
Cleveland kidnappings: DNA confirms Ariel Castro is father of Amanda Berry's child - Video
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DNA tests show Castor fathered hostage's child
Posted: at 1:51 am
CLEVELAND, May 10 (UPI) -- DNA results confirm Ariel Castro is the father of the child born to Amanda Berry while she was being held hostage in his home, Ohio authorities said Friday.
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said preliminary tests confirmed Castro's paternity, The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.
DeWine said state lab technicians had worked through the night to produce the results.
Castro's DNA also was compared to samples from other crime scenes around the state, but no matches were found,
Castro is accused of kidnapping, raping and beating three women and holding them captive for a decade.
One of his Castro's adult daughters, Angie Gregg, says her father "is dead to me."
"There will be no visits; there will be no phone calls," she told CNN in an interview Thursday. "He can never be 'daddy' again. I have no sympathy for the man."
"I wonder this whole time, how he could be so good to us, but he took young women, little girls, someone else's babies, away from these families and over the years never felt enough guilt to just give up and let them free," Gregg said.
Castro, a 52-year-old former bus driver, allegedly enticed the women off the street with offers of a ride home, authorities said.
He was held in jail Friday on $8 million bail under a suicide watch after being charged with rape and kidnapping for allegedly abducting Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. Authorities say Castro repeatedly raped the three women during their years-long ordeal.
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DNA tests show Castor fathered hostage's child
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DNA tests show Castro fathered hostage's child
Posted: at 1:51 am
CLEVELAND, May 10 (UPI) -- DNA results confirm Ariel Castro is the father of the child born to Amanda Berry while she was being held hostage in his home, Ohio authorities said Friday.
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said preliminary tests confirmed Castro's paternity, The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.
DeWine said state lab technicians had worked through the night to produce the results.
Castro's DNA also was compared to samples from other crime scenes around the state, but no matches were found,
Castro is accused of kidnapping, raping and beating three women and holding them captive for a decade.
One of his Castro's adult daughters, Angie Gregg, says her father "is dead to me."
"There will be no visits; there will be no phone calls," she told CNN in an interview Thursday. "He can never be 'daddy' again. I have no sympathy for the man."
"I wonder this whole time, how he could be so good to us, but he took young women, little girls, someone else's babies, away from these families and over the years never felt enough guilt to just give up and let them free," Gregg said.
Castro, a 52-year-old former bus driver, allegedly enticed the women off the street with offers of a ride home, authorities said.
He was held in jail Friday on $8 million bail under a suicide watch after being charged with rape and kidnapping for allegedly abducting Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. Authorities say Castro repeatedly raped the three women during their years-long ordeal.
Go here to read the rest:
DNA tests show Castro fathered hostage's child
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DNA Confirms Ariel Castro Is Girl's Dad
Posted: at 1:51 am
May 10, 2013 12:25pm
A DNA analysis of Cleveland kidnapping suspect Ariel Castro confirmed today that he is the father of a 6-year-old girl born in captivity at his home, police said today.
The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation obtained a DNA sample from Castro Thursday and worked overnight analyzing the sample, the Ohio Attorney Generals office said today.
Castros DNA was also compared to other DNA samples in Ohios law enforcement database, but it did not match any other Ohio cases. The sample is still being compared to the national database run by the FBI, according to the AGs statement.
Castro was charged earlier this week with kidnapping and raping three women who disappeared nearly a decade ago in Cleveland.
Castro, 52, faces charges for kidnapping and rape relating to Amanda Berry, 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, Michelle Knight, 32, and the 6-year-old daughter of Berry and Castro.
He also allegedly induced abortions in Knight on at least five occasions by punching her in the stomach, a claim that could result in murder charges for Castro.
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DNA Confirms Ariel Castro Is Girl's Dad
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