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Space Station Ammonia Leak Seen By Exterior Camera | Video – Video
Posted: May 12, 2013 at 7:49 am
Space Station Ammonia Leak Seen By Exterior Camera | Video
Droplets of liquid are seen floating out the the International Space Station on May 10th, 2013. The leak is emanating from the station #39;s P6 truss.
By: VideoFromSpace
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Space Station Ammonia Leak Seen By Exterior Camera | Video - Video
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Spacewalkers fix space station's coolant leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut helmet camera captures video of NASA engineers Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replacing a pump on International Space Station suspected of leaking ammonia.
By Tariq Malik,
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station on Saturday, perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for theleak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. ET, several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. ET Saturday, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
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Spacewalkers fix space station's coolant leak
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Spacewalking Astronauts Hopeful New Pump Fixes Space Station Leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station today (May 11), perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for the leak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. EDT (1635 GMT), several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk
Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. EDT (1244 GMT) today, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
"It looks really, really clean, surprisingly so," Cassidy said while peering deep inside the box using what looked like a dentist's mirror.
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Spacewalking Astronauts Hopeful New Pump Fixes Space Station Leak
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Spacewalking repairmen replace space station's leaky pump
Posted: at 7:49 am
By Irene Klotz
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A pair of spacewalking astronauts wrapped up a hastily planned repair job on Saturday to replace a suspect coolant pump needed to keep the International Space Station at full power.
NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn put on spacesuits and left the space station's airlock shortly before 9 a.m. EDT to attempt to stem an ammonia coolant leak that cropped up on Thursday.
Over the next four hours, they installed a spare pump, then positioned themselves to check for signs of escaping ammonia ice crystals when the system was turned back on.
"No flakes," Cassidy reported to flight controllers at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Engineers will monitor the system over the next several days and beyond to make sure the pump replacement fixed the problem.
"We certainly have come a long way in identifying a potential source," said NASA mission commentator Rob Navias as the astronauts returned to the station's airlock. The entire spacewalk lasted 5-1/2 hours.
The station crew discovered a steady stream of ammonia flakes flowing away from the far left side of the station's exterior frame on Thursday. Flight controllers spent the next 48 hours diagnosing the problem and coming up with potential solutions.
Engineers believed the leak most likely was coming from in or around a 260-pound (118-kg) pump that pushes ammonia throughout the system. The coolant dissipates heat from electronics in space station's solar-powered electrical system.
The station can be reconfigured to compensate for a system shutdown, but if a second problem should occur, that likely would mean a cutback in power available for the experiments.
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Spacewalking repairmen replace space station's leaky pump
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Astronauts Taking Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Ammonia Leak Today: Watch Live
Posted: at 7:49 am
Two NASA astronauts will venture outside the International Space Station on an emergency spacewalk today (May 11) in an attempt to fix an ammonia leak in the space station's vital cooling system.
NASA's Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn will perform the unprecedented spacewalk. The spacewalk will start at 8:15 a.m. EDT (1115 GMT) with NASA TV coverage beginning at 7 a.m. EDT (1100 GMT). You canwatch the spacewalk here on SPACE.comvia NASA TV.
The six residents of the orbiting laboratory noticedfrozen flakes of ammonialeaking from a station coolant loop on the leftmost side of the space station on Thursday (May 9). Liquid ammonia is a vital coolant for chilling the electronics that produce the outpost's power. [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
"The plan for this EVA [spacewalk] really is to see if we can identify the leak," Mike Suffredini, NASA's International Space Station program manager said during a briefing yesterday. "The plan is to change out the pump on this particular EVA. The most likely sources of the leak is this particular pump."
The space station crew is in no danger, NASA officials said, but the pump responsible for the movement of ammonia through that part of the system was shut off in order to conserve coolant.
Spacewalk repair on tap
For today's spacewalk, Cassidy and Marshburn plan to inspect, and potentially replace, an ammonia coolant pump controller box on the space station's Port 6 truss, a segment of the station's scaffolding-like backbone that is on the far left side. NASA space station engineers suspect the box may be the source of the leak since the ammonia was spotted coming from an area near it on Thursday.
This will not be the first time space station crewmembers have spacewalked to repair an ammonia leak on the space station's cooling sytem.
NASA's Sunita Williams and Japanese spaceflyer Akihiko Hoshide took a spacewalk to correct a leak in a coolant loop on theInternational Space Station's Port 6 truss (its scaffolding-like backbone). The 2012 coolant leak was in the same loop as the current leak, but engineers don't yet know if the two leaks are related.
The station's Port 6 truss is the oldest piece of the space station's backbone and carries two of the outpost's eight wing-like solar arrays. It was launched in November 2000 and originally installed on the station's roof, extending up. In 2007, visiting shuttle astronauts relocated the P6 truss to its final location on the station's far left side.
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Astronauts Taking Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Ammonia Leak Today: Watch Live
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NASA waits to see if space station coolant leak is fixed after spacewalk
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut helmet camera captures video of NASA engineers Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replacing a pump on International Space Station suspected of leaking ammonia.
By Tariq Malik,
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station on Saturday, perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for theleak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. ET, several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. ET Saturday, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
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NASA waits to see if space station coolant leak is fixed after spacewalk
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Spacewalkers hopeful new pump fixes space station coolant leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut helmet camera captures video of NASA engineers Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replacing a pump on International Space Station suspected of leaking ammonia.
By Tariq Malik,
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station on Saturday, perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for theleak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. ET, several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. ET Saturday, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
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Spacewalkers hopeful new pump fixes space station coolant leak
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Spacewalkers hopeful new pump control fixes space station coolant leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut helmet camera captures video of NASA engineers Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replacing a pump on International Space Station suspected of leaking ammonia.
By Tariq Malik,
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station on Saturday, perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for theleak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. ET, several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. ET Saturday, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
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Spacewalkers hopeful new pump control fixes space station coolant leak
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NASA is hopeful that spacewalkers fixed space station's coolant leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut helmet camera captures video of NASA engineers Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replacing a pump on International Space Station suspected of leaking ammonia.
By Tariq Malik,
Two spacewalking astronauts may have fixed an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station on Saturday, perhaps bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn replaced a pump control box thought to be responsible for theleak of ammonia, which cools down the orbiting lab's systems. It looks like this fix did the trick, as no ammonia flakes were seen streaming into space when Mission Control turned on the newly installed gear.
"We're not seeing anything," Cassidy said at around 12:35 p.m. ET, several minutes after the pump was turned on. "No snow." [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
NASA officials stopped short of declaring total victory, however, saying that time will tell if the fix holds.
"It will take some diagnostics, still, over the course of the next several days by the thermal systems specialists to fully determine that we have solved the problem of theammonia leak,"NASA spokesperson Rob Naviassaid during live mission commentary. "But so far, so good."
An emergency spacewalk Cassidy and Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. ET Saturday, beginning what officials described as a six-hour detective's investigation to find and hopefully fix the ammonia leak.
Cassidy, who led the spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of the old ammonia pump control box, one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
Upon removing the box, the spacewalkers still saw no signs of ammonia flakes.
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NASA is hopeful that spacewalkers fixed space station's coolant leak
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Spacewalking Astronauts Hunt for Space Station Ammonia Leak
Posted: at 7:49 am
Two spacewalking astronauts are hunting for an ammonia leak outside the International Space Station today (May 11) in the hopes of bringing the outpost's vital cooling system back up to full strength.
Clad in bulky spacesuits, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn floated outside the space station at 8:44 a.m. EDT (1244 GMT), beginning what officials have described as a six-hour detective's investigation in orbit to find - and hopefully fix - the ammonia coolant leak. The space station uses liquid ammonia as a vital coolant to keep its systems cool. You canwatch the spacewalk live here on SPACE.comvia NASA TV.
Cassidy, who is leading today's spacewalk, reported seeing "no smoking gun" as he and Marshburn began their inspection of an ammonia pump control box suspected to be the source of the leak. Later, they removed the box and repoted no signs of flakes of ammonia ice. Cassidy said he did see a brown spot that "looks like a coffee stain" on some equipment, but it is unclear if it is related. Mission Control asked for photos of the spot. [Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak in Photos]
The ammonia leak was first spotted by space station astronauts on Thursday (May 9), when the crew reported seeing flakes of frozen coolant floating outside. They recorded video of the ammonia leak and sent it down to Mission Control for analysis, leading to today's emergency spacewalk to search for the leak. It is the fastest spacewalk plan of its kind ever devised for a space station crew, mission managers have said.
The primary goal of today's spacewalk is to inspect the suspect ammonia pump control box for any signs of damage or leaks. The box is one of several on the space station's far left segment, known as the Port 6 truss. It is part of the cooling system for the two wing-like solar arrays extending from the Port 6 segment.
While the leak poses no danger to the space station's crew, if it goes unchecked it could impact the amount of power available for daily operations on the orbiting laboratory, mission managers have said.
If Cassidy and Marshburn find definite evidence of the ammonia leak in the pump box, they can replace the box with a spare stored on the truss segment. If no leak is found, they will re-install the original pump control box and return inside the space station, NASA officials have said.
So far, however, the spacewalkers have found no obvious signs of ammonia leaking from the pump control box.
"I can't think of anything to tell you other than nominal," Cassidy said as he described what he was seeing at the pump control box's location.
The two astronauts will also take extra care of their spacesuits while working near the ammonia pump control box. They have brushes and other tools to clean the spacesuits of any toxic ammonia flakes that may stick to them, and can perform a "bake out" to allow any ammonia to evaporate in sunlight, if needed.
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Spacewalking Astronauts Hunt for Space Station Ammonia Leak
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