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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Airdate : May 11, 2013 : Creeping Libertarianism – Video
Posted: May 14, 2013 at 10:49 pm
Airdate : May 11, 2013 : Creeping Libertarianism
" can tell the libertarians are making inroads into conservative thought and these talk show hosts are all rushing to get out in front of it... this re...
By: PatrickRigginsShow
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Airdate : May 11, 2013 : Creeping Libertarianism - Video
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Bilderberg’s Transhumanist Art – Video
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Bilderberg #39;s Transhumanist Art
It #39;s ironic that the gardens at the Grove, site of Bilderberg 2013, feature a transhumanist statue given that Bilderberg is now merging with Eric Schmidt #39;s G...
By: PrisonPlanetLive
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Esoteric Synaptic Events: Transhuman augmentation
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Two bits related to transhumanism that recently came across my email/newsfeed...
New brain implants are being developed that will enhance memory. Of course the CNN article I found this in is quick to point out the similarities between the microchip implants and Gibson's "Johnny Mnemonic," looking into the far (perhaps not too far) future where everyone might carry vast sums of information in their heads and be able to recall it with perfect lucidity. These pieces of cybernetics will be dealing with the hippocampus, the area of the brain where short term memory becomes long term. The developers are still in the testing phase with tests on actual humans happening in the next two years. Right now, it sounds like the first to receive these implants once they are approved will be stroke victims and people dealing with other forms of brain injury.
In a bit of synchronicity, I had received my weekly Keeping Up with the Singularity email from Singularity Weblog. In it was an article by Daniel Faggella that described just why the above mentioned forms of augmentation are not so "far out" as the general public might assume. Faggella points to the fact that wearable computing is already becoming a norm. Face it, we're nearly hardwired into our smartphones as it is. Google Glass is the next apparent step. Plans are already underway to embed computer technology into clothing in any number of ways. Is it that great of an extension to believe that personal computers will become truly...well, personal?
As Faggella goes on to say, the potential next step after that is integration of cybernetics with our own bodies. This is where people tend to get creeped out. We're a long way from cyborgs and the other whangdoodles of anti-transhumanists who warn of things such as total body prosthesis, but we're already talking about giving sight to the blind through implants. Likewise, there are already designs on allowing the entirely handicapped to move once more via messages from their own brains. After that, the technology will become more widely available.
Do we put the brakes on this kind of development? I don't see how we could even if we wanted to. As developers of the atomic bomb will tell you, you can't get the knowledge genie back in the bottle once she's out. Singularity technology is on the way and as Faggella points out, is already here in many many ways. Will there be misapplications of it? Of course. There is with nearly any technology.
That, however, is a weak excuse to throw out all of the obvious benefits.
Follow me on Twitter: @Jntweets
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Esoteric Synaptic Events: Transhuman augmentation
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Let’s Play Crysis 3 : Part 1 – Post Human – Video
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Let #39;s Play Crysis 3 : Part 1 - Post Human
Stealth Gamestyle.
By: DetectiveAMPM
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Let's Play Crysis 3 : Part 1 - Post Human - Video
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Crysis 3 Gameplay HD 1080p (Post Human) #1 – Video
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Crysis 3 Gameplay HD 1080p (Post Human) #1
Ein Crysis 3 Gameplay aus der Kampagne mit maximalen Grafik Einstellungen Mission : Post Human [HD] 1080p Freue mich ber Kommis und Verbesserungsvorschlge 🙂
By: Mrderlinkinparkfan
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Crysis 3 Gameplay HD 1080p (Post Human) #1 - Video
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Ken Dychtwald – Futurist and Speaker on Marketing and the Changing Workforce – Video
Posted: at 10:48 pm
Ken Dychtwald - Futurist and Speaker on Marketing and the Changing Workforce
Over the past 35+ years, Dr. Ken Dychtwald has emerged as North America #39;s foremost visionary and original thinker regarding the lifestyle, marketing, healthc...
By: speakerchannel
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Ken Dychtwald - Futurist and Speaker on Marketing and the Changing Workforce - Video
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Eagles Talent Motivational Speakers Bureau Now Represents John C. Havens, Futurist, Mashable Contributor, Technology …
Posted: at 10:48 pm
South Orange, New Jersey (PRWEB) May 14, 2013
John C. Havens is a futurist keynote speaker, contributing writer for, author of the book Tactical Transparency (published by Wiley), and emerging/social media consultant who has worked with clients including Gillette, HP, P&G, Merck, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart. John is now represented by Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau for keynote speaking engagements.
He has been a thought leader for new/social media since 2005 when he worked at (owned by the New York Times). John was also the EVP for Social Media at Porter Novelli. He has focused his keynote presentations, breakout session workshops, and Q&As on the ROI of Social and Emerging Media.
John is also the founder of the Happathon Project which was inspired by an article he wrote called: The Value of a Happiness Economy. The focus is the realization that data can teach people how to optimize their well-being, help others, and save the world. He is working on a book, schedule to be published in 2014, which will be on the subject of hacking happiness and his Happathon Project.
John has spent a lot of time writing and speaking about the ROI and pitfalls of emerging technology, such as Google Glass, FitBit, and the Internet of Things. He examines how global brands will incorporate these into their marketing and business as well as sharing the realistic challenges of the possible privacy issues.
John examines complicated technological ideas and presents them in a cultural and business context with the goal of providing immediate value. In John's keynote presentation, he explains how technology works, provides statistics and case studies, as well as applicable insights for his audiences.
"I really Research who Im speaking to [whether it's] marketers, digital savvy or not, all levels of the organization, [and, in fact] where are they geographically based," Said John C. Havens.
John is available as a keynote speaker on technology trends for organizations and markets such as corporate, associations, government, and non-profit, as well as colleges and universities. His presentation and studies are based on his research, insights he writes in Mashable articles (the NY Times for technology), as well as consulting.
Some of John's speaking programs include:
1.Turning Emerging Technology into ROI for Marketing and Business. 2. The ROI of Quantified Happiness 3. How Emerging Mobile Technologies Will Transform Culture and Commerce 4. How Virtual Commerce Will Alter Identity 5. How Emerging Mobile Technologies Will Transform Culture 6. Mapping the Future of Consumer Interactions
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Video;Astronauts undertake International Space Station spacewalk May 11th 2013 – Video
Posted: May 13, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Video;Astronauts undertake International Space Station spacewalk May 11th 2013
Spacewalk ISS;No Evidence Ammonia leak May 11th 2013 Watch Live: ISS emergency spacewalk to fix ammonia leak MORE Iss spacewalk may 11th 2013 http://www.yout...
By: samuel ezerzer
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Video;Astronauts undertake International Space Station spacewalk May 11th 2013 - Video
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International News – Spacewalk Planned To Fix Space Station Leak : Nasa – Video
Posted: at 12:56 pm
International News - Spacewalk Planned To Fix Space Station Leak : Nasa
Two astronauts will make a precedent-setting spacewalk Saturday to try to fix an ammonia leak in the International Space Station #39;s power system. Spacewalks are rarely done on such short notice,...
By: rajnews41
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International News - Spacewalk Planned To Fix Space Station Leak : Nasa - Video
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Astronauts Take Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak – Video
Posted: at 12:56 pm
Astronauts Take Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak
Astronauts made repairs after NASA discovered flakes of ammonia leaking out of the cooling system on the International Space Station.
By: NewsyScience
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Astronauts Take Spacewalk to Fix Space Station Leak - Video
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