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Barrie Trower (Clip 1 of 14) – Irreparable DNA Damage from Non-Ionising Radiation – Video
Posted: May 14, 2013 at 10:52 pm
Barrie Trower (Clip 1 of 14) - Irreparable DNA Damage from Non-Ionising Radiation
DNA damage caused by microwave radiation is irreparable. It is passed on from mother to daughter, generation after generation... for ever.
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Barrie Trower (Clip 1 of 14) - Irreparable DNA Damage from Non-Ionising Radiation - Video
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DNA bound to HAPE1 strand 1 – Video
Posted: at 10:52 pm
DNA bound to HAPE1 strand 1
Cancer Prevention: How Abasic site bound to the active pocket of Human AP Endonuclease is removed and replaced in DNA repair.
By: MedicalBiosciences
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Jetts Coolum DNA – Video
Posted: at 10:52 pm
Jetts Coolum DNA
This is our entry into a completion that Head Office is running. The clip had to have the Jetts DNA and a coconut in it!! Check it out and have a giggle at o...
By: Jetts Coolum
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Jetts Coolum DNA - Video
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DNA Face Sculptures And More… — BiDiPi #33 – Video
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DNA Face Sculptures And More... -- BiDiPi #33
Your BiDiPi 33: BiDiPi Radio: **** CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR LINKS TO EVERYTHING **** Watch Me On Nerdy Nummies: http:...
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Inovio Pharmaceuticals DNA Vaccine Against Ebola and Marburg Filoviruses Provides Complete Protection in Preclinical …
Posted: at 10:52 pm
BLUE BELL, Pa., May 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE MKT: INO) announced today that in a preclinical study of Inovio's SynCon DNA vaccine against Ebola and Marburg filoviruses, labeled "Category A" bioterrorism agents by the U.S. government, the vaccine induced strong and broad immune responses and demonstrated 100% protection against death following a challenge with multiple variants of the pathogen in two animal models.
There is no approved vaccine or therapy available against these highly virulent pathogens that have killed up to 90% of the people they infected. Because these viruses could potentially be easily transmitted, result in high mortality rates and cause a major public health impact, various agencies are seeking solutions for public health preparedness. A DNA vaccine could offer faster design and manufacturing timelines than traditional vaccine approaches, but particularly important, Inovio's SynCon products offer the potentially preemptive advantage of enabling a design to provide broad protection encompassing multiple families of these so-called filoviruses.
Preclinical data was published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Therapy in a paper, "Induction of Broad Cytotoxic T Cells by Protective DNA Vaccination Against Marburg and Ebola," authored by Inovio researchers and collaborators.
Using Inovio's proprietary SynCon design approach, Inovio researchers developed a polyvalent DNA vaccine consisting of three consensus plasmids to broadly target variant virus strains within three distinct families of Ebola and Marburg viruses. In the first part of this study, following two vaccinations using Inovio's proprietary CELLECTRA electroporation device, 100% of vaccinated guinea pigs were protected from death following a virus challenge. The researchers observed significant increases in neutralizing antibody titers and strong and broad levels of vaccine-induced T-cells, including "killer" T-cells, and subsequently conducted a test in mice using only one vaccination this single dose also fully protected the animals from death following a virus challenge. In addition, unlike the non-vaccinated animals, vaccinated animals were protected from weight loss.
Dr. Joseph Kim, Inovio's President and CEO said, "This study again demonstrates the preventive potency and broad immune response that we consistently see in studies of our DNA portfolio of vaccines. These immune response characteristics are the type considered necessary to achieve protection in humans. These outstanding results support Inovio's active biodefense program, which has garnered multiple grants from the Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and other government agencies focused on public health which value our DNA vaccine approach to treating and preventing disease."
About Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Inovio is revolutionizing vaccines to prevent and treat today's cancers and challenging infectious diseases. Its SynCon vaccines are designed to provide universal protection against known as well as new unmatched strains of pathogens such as influenza. These synthetic vaccines, in combination with Inovio's proprietary electroporation delivery, have been shown in humans to generate best-in-class immune responses with a favorable safety profile. Inovio's clinical programs include phase II studies for cervical dysplasia, leukemia and hepatitis C virus and phase I studies for influenza and HIV. Partners and collaborators include the University of Pennsylvania, Merck, ChronTech, National Cancer Institute, U.S. Military HIV Research Program, NIH, HIV Vaccines Trial Network, University of Southampton, US Dept. of Homeland Security, University of Manitoba and PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative. More information is available at
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to our business, including our plans to develop electroporation-based drug and gene delivery technologies and DNA vaccines and our capital resources. Actual events or results may differ from the expectations set forth herein as a result of a number of factors, including uncertainties inherent in pre-clinical studies, clinical trials and product development programs (including, but not limited to, the fact that pre-clinical and clinical results referenced in this release may not be indicative of results achievable in other trials or for other indications, that the studies or trials may not be successful or achieve the results desired, that pre-clinical studies and clinical trials may not commence or be completed in the time periods anticipated, that results from one study may not necessarily be reflected or supported by the results of other similar studies and that results from an animal study may not be indicative of results achievable in human studies), the availability of funding to support continuing research and studies in an effort to prove safety and efficacy of electroporation technology as a delivery mechanism or develop viable DNA vaccines, the adequacy of our capital resources, the availability or potential availability of alternative therapies or treatments for the conditions targeted by the company or its collaborators, including alternatives that may be more efficacious or cost-effective than any therapy or treatment that the company and its collaborators hope to develop, evaluation of potential opportunities, issues involving product liability, issues involving patents and whether they or licenses to them will provide the company with meaningful protection from others using the covered technologies, whether such proprietary rights are enforceable or defensible or infringe or allegedly infringe on rights of others or can withstand claims of invalidity and whether the company can finance or devote other significant resources that may be necessary to prosecute, protect or defend them, the level of corporate expenditures, assessments of the company's technology by potential corporate or other partners or collaborators, capital market conditions, the impact of government healthcare proposals and other factors set forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012, our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2013, and other regulatory filings from time to time. There can be no assurance that any product in Inovio's pipeline will be successfully developed or manufactured, that final results of clinical studies will be supportive of regulatory approvals required to market licensed products, or that any of the forward-looking information provided herein will be proven accurate.
Investors: Bernie Hertel, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, 858-410-3101, Media: Jeff Richardson, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, 267-440-4211,
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Mysterious Minoans Were European, DNA Finds
Posted: at 10:52 pm
The Minoans, the builders of Europe's first advanced civilization, really were European, new research suggests.
The conclusion, published today (May 14) in the journal Nature Communications, was drawn by comparing DNA from 4,000-year-old Minoan skeletons with genetic material from people living throughout Europe and Africa in the past and today.
"We now know that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European," said study co-author George Stamatoyannopoulos, a human geneticist at the University of Washington. "They were very similar to Neolithic Europeans and very similar to present day-Cretans," residents of the Mediterranean island of Crete.
While that may sound intuitive, the findings challenge a long-held theory that the ancient Minoans came from Egypt.
First European Civilization
The Minoan culture emerged on Crete, which is now part of Greece, and flourished from about 2,700 B.C. to 1,420 B.C. Some believe that a massive eruption from the Volcano Thera on the island of Santorini doomed the Bronze Age civilization, while others argue that invading Mycenaeans toppled the once-great power.
Nowadays, the Minoans may be most famous for the myth of the minotaur, a half-man, half-bull that was fabled to lived within a labyrinth in Crete. [10 Beasts & Dragons: How Reality Made Myth]
When British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans discovered the Minoan palace of Knossos more than 100 years ago, he was dumbstruck by its beauty. He also noticed an eerie similarity between Minoan and Egyptian art, and didn't believe that the culture was homegrown.
"That's why Evans postulated the civilization was imported from Egypt or Libya," Stamatoyannopoulos told LiveScience.
Genetic clues
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Mysterious Minoans really were European, DNA finds
Posted: at 10:52 pm
Public domain
The Greek hero Theseus slays the minotaur in this 6th-century depiction on pottery. Nowadays, the Minoans may be most famous for the myth of the minotaur, a half-man, half-bull that was fabled to have lived within a labyrinth in Crete.
By Tia Ghose LiveScience
The Minoans, the builders of Europe's first advanced civilization, really were European, new research suggests.
The conclusion, published Tuesdayin the journal Nature Communications, was drawn by comparing DNA from 4,000-year-old Minoan skeletons with genetic material from people living throughout Europe and Africa in the past and today.
"We now know that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European," said study co-author George Stamatoyannopoulos, a human geneticist at the University of Washington. "They were very similar to Neolithic Europeans and very similar to present day-Cretans," residents of the Mediterranean island of Crete.
While that may sound intuitive, the findings challenge a long-held theory that the ancient Minoans came from Egypt.
First European civilizationThe Minoan culture emerged on Crete, which is now part of Greece, and flourished from about 2,700 B.C. to 1,420 B.C. Some believe that a massive eruption from the Volcano Theraon the island of Santorini doomed the Bronze Age civilization, while others argue that invading Mycenaeans toppled the once-great power.
Nowadays, the Minoans may be most famous for the myth of the minotaur, a half-man, half-bull that was fabled to have lived within a labyrinth in Crete. [10 Beasts & Dragons: How Reality Made Myth]
When British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans discovered the Minoan palace of Knossos more than 100 years ago, he was dumbstruck by its beauty. He also noticed an eerie similarity between Minoan and Egyptian art, and didn't believe that the culture was homegrown.
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Mysterious Minoans really were European, DNA finds
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DNA evidence may clear Honduran man sentenced to death in Florida
Posted: at 10:52 pm
By Barbara Liston
SANFORD (Reuters) - Lawyers seeking to overturn the murder conviction of a Honduran man who has been on Florida's death row since 2006 presented new DNA and blood stain evidence in a Florida court on Tuesday.
Clemente Aguirre-Jarquin, 33, was convicted in the 2004 murders of his neighbors at a Seminole County trailer park. Cheryl Williams, 47, was stabbed 129 times, and her mother, Carol Bareis, 69, was stabbed twice.
Blood stain expert Barie Goetz testified Tuesday that the killer would have been splattered with blood spurting from 131 stab wounds from a 10-inch knife at close range. Goetz said the blood found on the thigh area of Aguirre's shorts were contact stains and matched Aguirre's claim that he found the bodies and rolled them over to check for a pulse.
"The wearer of those shorts did not inflict the injuries to Cheryl Williams," said Goetz, a Pennsylvania-based forensic consultant. Goetz also testified that Aguirre's bloody shoe prints at the scene indicated careful walking around the bodies.
The Innocence Project, which is dedicated to using DNA testing to exonerate those who are wrongly convicted, and Aguirre's appellate legal team also obtained DNA analysis of some of the 150 blood stains photographed and swabbed at the crime scene but never tested.
The new DNA analysis concluded that eight blood stains at the crime scene matched Samantha Williams, the daughter and granddaughter of the victims, and none matched Aguirre, according to a report by the Innocence Project.
Samantha Williams had a history of mental illness, and during two mental breakdowns after Aguirre's conviction confessed to the killings, according to the report. Witnesses also said Samantha and her mother had a heated argument before the killings, and that Samantha sent her boyfriend to her mother's trailer the next morning, saying she had a "bad feeling" something had happened to her.
Nina Morrison, a lawyer for the Innocence Project, told Reuters that Samantha Williams has been subpoenaed to testify Wednesday.
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Full wheat genome within reach, at little cost
Posted: at 10:51 pm
PARIS - The head of a body set up by the G20 economic powers to help avert food crises urged governments on Tuesday to fund a map of wheat's unusually complex genetic code to help boost crop yields and feed growing world demand.
Five times bigger than the human genome, the mysteries of the world's most widely sown crop could be fully sequenced by late 2016 with financing of just $20 million, said Helene Lucas, coordinator of the Wheat Initiative, which meets in Paris on Wednesday to discuss the plan to counter stagnant wheat yields.
"We have reached a plateau in output, we now have to make a further step to produce more, produce better, by using all the tools available to us," Lucas, a scientist at France's National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), told Reuters.
"If we pool our financing now we can achieve a high-quality sequencing at the end of 2016 that will be available to everyone," she said in an interview, noting that this would mean her international agency's 14 state-funded members putting up a modest $1.4 million each over three years. "That's peanuts."
Flagging growth in harvest yields of wheat has raised concern countries will not be able to achieve the 60-percent rise in output by 2050 that the United Nations says is needed to meet rising demand from a growing population and a shift in appetites toward Western-style bread, cakes and biscuits.
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Full wheat genome within reach, at little cost
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Texas Researchers Sequence Entire Genome Of Scarlet Macaw
Posted: at 10:51 pm
May 14, 2013
Image Caption: Texas A&M researchers have been studying Scarlet macaws for many years. Credit: Tambopata Research Center
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online
In what is being hailed as a groundbreaking advancement in the fields of avian evolution, biology and conservationism, researchers from the Texas A&M University (TAMU) College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences have successfully sequenced the complete genome of a Scarlet macaw.
Dr. Christopher Seabury and Dr. Ian Tizard of the College Station, Texas-based universitys Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center are the first scientists to successfully sequence the complete genome of the South American parrot. The results of their work are detailed in the current edition of the open-access, peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.
According to the researchers, they used a female macaw from the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa known as Neblina. The parrot is believed to have come from Brazil, and was confiscated during a 1995 US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) raid on illegally imported exotic birds. Tizard said he and his colleagues took a blood sample and extracted DNA from Neblina in order to complete the steps required for the sequencing process.
The final analysis showed that there are about one billion DNA bases in the genome, which is about one-third of that found in mammals. Birds have much less DNA than mammals primarily because they do not possess nearly as much repetitive DNA, he explained in a statement. While the final genome is similar to that of the chicken, Tizard said there are significant differences at both the genome and biological level.
Macaws can fly great distances, while chickens cant, he said. In addition, brain development and volume are very different in macaws, which is unsurprising since they are very intelligent birds compared to chickens. Likewise, macaws can live many years, while chickens usually do not, and therefore, our macaw genome sequence may help shed light on the genetic factors that influence longevity and intelligence.
Tizard explained the researchers selected a Scarlet macaw for the sequencing effort because researchers at Texas A&M had been studying the species for several years analyzing macaw diseases, behavior, and genetics at the Tambopata Research Center in Peru. He and his colleagues report that their work will also enhance the research-related possibilities surrounding the Scarlet Macaw.
There are 23 different species of macaws, some of which have become extinct and several others of which are currently endangered, the researchers said. The birds, which are typically found in Central and South America, have been targeted by trappers and negatively affected by deforestation in their natural habitats.
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