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Category Archives: Transhuman News

More severe psoriasis explains the higher costs of care for men

Posted: May 16, 2013 at 3:43 am

Public release date: 15-May-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Marcus Schmitt Egenolf 46-090-785-2875 Umea University

Men often suffer from more severe cases of psoriasis than women, which may explain why the cost of care for men is higher. This is the conclusion of researchers at Sweden's Ume University in a new study.

It is known that psoriasis affects about as many women as men. However, it has been shown, both in Sweden and internationally, that men receive more frequent and more expensive care for their disease, compared to women.

"We find these differences unsettling, which is why we performed this study," says the senior author of the study, Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf, chief physician at the Dermatology & STI clinic of Norrland's University Hospital and associate professor at Ume University. "While the study cannot rule out that women receiving psoriasis care are discriminated against, it does indicate that gender variations in care consumption are mainly caused by a greater severity of illness in men. It is important to incorporate the issue of the differences in the degree of severity into the debate about gender inequality in medical care."

In the study, which has been published in the open access journal PLOS One, data from 2,294 Swedish patients with moderate to severe psoriasis was analysed. The study focused on the degree of severity of the illness in women and men, and at what stage of the symptoms biologics were administered. Biologics are a relatively new treatment and, being more costly than traditional treatment methods, are therefore often used when other treatments prove ineffective.

Data on patients' disease were obtained from the National Psoriasis registry PsoReg, which include, among other things, records of treatment with biologics.

The study shows that men had more severe symptoms than women, according to the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PASI, which is an established tool to evaluate the treatment effect on the skin.

The men had a significantly higher PASI score at the first contact with a dermatologist. When treatment with biologics was initiated, the average PASI score was 12.3 in men compared with 9.8 in women. Age, disease severity and joint involvement were factors that played a significant role in the decision to use biologics, while sex itself did not appear to have any significance.

"According to the results of the study", says Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf, "men with psoriasis have more severe symptoms than women, which in turn could explain why they receive more rigorous treatment at an earlier stage of the disease."

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More severe psoriasis explains the higher costs of care for men

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Censorship documentary – Video

Posted: at 3:42 am

Censorship documentary

By: valerie rojas

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Censorship documentary - Video

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Latest World News Just My Opinion_ Prostitute mentality of Hollywood censorship – Video

Posted: at 3:42 am

Latest World News Just My Opinion_ Prostitute mentality of Hollywood censorship

By: TheDailyNewsTimes

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Latest World News Just My Opinion_ Prostitute mentality of Hollywood censorship - Video

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Bumbling ASIC heralds new internet censorship era

Posted: at 3:42 am

ASIC has been revealed as the agency behind the blocking of a Melbourne education website, using a hitherto-unused internet censorship power.

An inept regulator exercising a hitherto-unused internet censorship power has been revealed as the source of the accidental blocking of a Melbourne education website.

IT industry news site Delimiter has revealed that Australian Securities and Investments Commissionwas behind the blocking of the Melbourne Free University website and more than 1000 other sites in early April when it sought to block a website suspected of engaging in fraud, using a power under s.313 of the Telecommunications Act.

The reason for the blocking of the site in April has remained a mystery, but Delimiters Renai LeMay pursued the issue and eventually unearthed from Broadband Minister Stephen Conroys office the fact that a broad power under the Telecommunications Act had been used.

Under s.313, a carrier or carriage service provider must:

give officers and authorities of the Commonwealth and of the States and Territories such help as is reasonably necessary for the following purposes: enforcing the criminal law and laws imposing pecuniary penalties; assisting the enforcement of the criminal laws in force in a foreign country; protecting the public revenue; safeguarding national security.

ASIC in effect used this power to censor the internet, in the course of which over 1000 sites unconnected to the target site were blocked, including Melbourne Free University, which was told nothing by authorities or its ISP about why.

ASIC is one of Australias most inept regulators, with a string of courtroom defeats marking its efforts to enforce corporate law. Despite its record of bumbling, last year ASIC used the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Securitys inquiry into data retention to demand an expansion of its power to intercept internet and phone communications.

ASICs use of the s.313 power opens the possibility of a de facto internet filter scheme with less oversight than the filter originally proposed by Stephen Conroy in the governments first term. As LeMay correctly notes, a filter comprised of individual requests from a variety of regulators asserting they are enforcing criminal laws or safeguarding national security is harder to monitor or hold to account. As Melbourne Free University discovered, it is also very difficult for businesses and organisations accidentally blocked to discover who has blocked them or why.

In Tuesdays budget, the government announced its abandonment of the internet filter scheme would enable a saving of several million dollars. It has been replaced with a voluntary filter scheme limited to sites identified by Interpol. That filter is a minimal one compared with both to the original Conroy proposal, which would have targeted a broader range of allegedly illegal content under Australian laws, and the one available via s.313, which is driven purely by the internal interpretations by regulators of what is enforcing criminal law or safeguarding national security.

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Bumbling ASIC heralds new internet censorship era

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As China's social media takes off, Beijing's censorship campaign heats up

Posted: at 3:42 am

Chinese government censors are silencing influential opponents by shutting down their social media accounts on the pretext of a campaign against online rumors, victims of the practice say.

The authorities believe that liberal ideology will undermine their rule, says Murong Xuecun, a famous author and outspoken critic of censorship whose accounts on four Twitter-like platforms disappeared suddenly last Sunday evening. The space on Chinas Internet for public opinion is being narrowed.

Social media sites such as Sina Weibo, which has 300 million users, have become forums for unprecedented freewheeling discussion and news-sharing. Despite being subject to careful censorship, they have expanded the range for self-expression beyond recognition throughout the past five years.

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Particularly striking has been the role of a few well-regarded intellectuals who have drawn millions of followers with often-barbed comments on current affairs that are seldom sympathetic to the Communist Party or the government.

They appear to be among the first to be affected by a campaign by the State Internet Information Office, launched two weeks ago, targeting those who create and spread rumors online, said the state-run news agency Xinhua.


Though Xinhua made reference to bloggers spreading rumors about bird flu, other observers see a darker purpose behind the campaign.

The government fears that more and more opinion leaders are gaining recognition by ordinary people and they represent an alternative authority to the government, argues Zhang Xuezhong, a lawyer whose own Sina Weibo account was mysteriously closed on Monday.

Such opinion leaders are a focus of the official crackdown on rumors.

As China's social media takes off, Beijing's censorship campaign heats up

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Ron Paul Supporters, NH – Video

Posted: at 3:42 am

Ron Paul Supporters, NH

By: TheDailyNewsTimes

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Ron Paul Supporters, NH - Video

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BroStoMP Scav 2013 Item #59: Ron Paul’s Drag Race – Video

Posted: at 3:42 am

BroStoMP Scav 2013 Item #59: Ron Paul #39;s Drag Race
Libertarian gentlewo/men, start your engines! The trailer for Logo #39;s next big show: Ron Paul #39;s Drag Race. It #39;s the gold standard of drag! [7 points]

By: Macpiercescav

Originally posted here:
BroStoMP Scav 2013 Item #59: Ron Paul's Drag Race - Video

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Dana Rohrabacher's Sporadic Bong Hit Libertarianism Doesn't Extend To Marriage Equality

Posted: at 3:42 am

Dana Rohrabacher--Orange County's senior, career politician--is engaging in a Twitter dialogue about marriage equality with Brian O'Leary Bennett, a conservative Republican, public relations expert and gay activist who once served as chief of staff for Congressman Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove).

Bennett launched the discussion by applauding Rohrabacher--whose stances often abruptly shift between Phyllis-Schlafly-cold-war-conservatism and bong-hit-libertarianism--for opposing federal government intervention into state and local stances on medical marijuana distribution.

The former Southern California Edison spokesman then asked the congressman to "B consistent" and "B fair" when it comes to supporting gay marriage.

But Rohrabacher, who has always been barely one bus stop ahead of his own scandalous past, declined to accept the comparison.

The Costa Mesa Republican, who first ran for Congress in 1988 on a now laughable term limits platform, claims he backs civil union contracts only for gay and lesbian couples.

Here's the Twitter exchange:

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Dana Rohrabacher's Sporadic Bong Hit Libertarianism Doesn't Extend To Marriage Equality

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Space Station Live: Preparing for the Ride Home on a Soyuz Spacecraft – Video

Posted: May 14, 2013 at 10:53 pm

Space Station Live: Preparing for the Ride Home on a Soyuz Spacecraft
NASA Public Affairs Officer Kelly Humphries interviews astronaut Shannon Walker who served as an Expedition 24/25 flight engineer in 2010. She talks about preparations station crew members...

By: ReelNASA

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Space Station Live: Preparing for the Ride Home on a Soyuz Spacecraft - Video

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Space Station Astronauts Home

Posted: at 10:53 pm

May 14, 2013: Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), left, Russian Flight Engineer Roman Romanenko of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), center, and NASA Flight Engineer Tom Marshburn sit in chairs outside the Soyuz Capsule just minutes after they landed in a remote area outside the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan.NASA/AP

This image provided by NASA shows astronaut Chris Hadfield recording the first music video from space.AP

MOSCOW A Soyuz space capsule carrying a three-man crew returning from a five-month mission to the International Space Station landed safely Tuesday on the steppes of Kazakhstan.

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, American Thomas Marshburn, and Russian Roman Romanenko landed as planned southeast of the town of Dzhezkazgan at 8:31 a.m. local time Tuesday.

Live footage on NASA TV showed the Soyuz TMA-07M capsule slowly descending by parachute onto the sun-drenched steppes under clear skies. Russian search and rescue helicopters hovered over the landing site for a quick recovery effort.

Rescue teams moved quickly to help the crew in their bulky spacesuits exit through the narrow hatch of the capsule. They were then put into reclining chairs to start adjusting to Earth's gravity after 146 days in space.

The three astronauts smiled as they chatted with space agency officials and doctors who were checking their condition. Hadfield, who served as the space station's commander, gave a thumbs-up sign. They then made quick phone calls to family members and friends.

NASA spokesman Josh Byerly said by telephone from the landing site that the three returning astronauts were doing very well.

Hadfield, 53, an engineer and former test pilot from Milton, Ontario, was Canada's first professional astronaut to live aboard the space station and became the first Canadian in charge of a spacecraft. He relinquished command of the space station on Sunday.

"It's just been an extremely fulfilling and amazing experience end to end," Hadfield told Mission Control on Monday. "From this Canadian to all the rest of them, I offer an enormous debt of thanks." He was referring to all those in the Canadian Space Agency who helped make his flight possible.

Continued here:
Space Station Astronauts Home

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