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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Sudan: Sudan Officially Lifts Pre-Publication Censorship
Posted: May 17, 2013 at 10:43 am
Khartoum The Sudanese authorities have officially began implementing the directives of 1st Vice President Ali Osman Taha to lift direct pre-publication censorship on newspapers.
Taha disclosed his orders on Wednesday which he said were effective immediately but officers from Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) banned newspapers from publishing this portion of the VP's remarks.
The Sudanese National Council for Press and Publications today welcomed the government's decision and noted that they are understanding of the circumstances that prompted the imposition of censorship in the past.
The pro-government body said that Khartoum wanted to prevent the publication of items affecting the country's security and movement of the army in operations and conflict zones which has the potential of weakening the internal front and providing a platform for hostile forces to exploit the press through disseminating disincentives and misinformation that would have a negative impact on public opinion.
"But in spite of all that the Council has always advocated lifting of pre-publication censorship on the press in accordance with the principle of freedom of expression and press freedom within the framework of social responsibility and betting on the ability of the journalism community to strike the required balance between freedom and responsibility" the statement said.
Pre-publication press censorship in Sudan has been on and off over the last few years and allowed NISS agents to direct items that cannot be published in newspapers or even decide what makes it to the front page.
Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir in the past has expressed uneasiness over lifting censorship and warned newspapers not to cross what he described as "red lines".
In an interview last year the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera TV, Bashir said that he will not allow newspapers to publish item deemed insulting to the army and defended closures of some at the hands of the NISS.
"If we look at the two newspapers closed down there were objective reasons for security organs to intervene and shut down these newspapers" Bashir said.
"We are now fighting and we have an army battling. Any [negative] comments on the spirits of the armed forces or attacking the armed forces or endangering national security; no state accepts prejudice to its national security," he added.
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Sudan: Sudan Officially Lifts Pre-Publication Censorship
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Astronaut sings David Bowie’s "Space Oddity" from Space Station – Video
Posted: May 16, 2013 at 3:44 am
Astronaut sings David Bowie #39;s "Space Oddity" from Space Station
Singing astronaut covers Bowie song in space and wows cyberspace. CNN #39;s Jeanne Moos reports on an out-of-this-world song. For more CNN videos, visit our site...
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Astronaut sings David Bowie's "Space Oddity" from Space Station - Video
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Russian capsule touches down in Kazakhstan with space station trio
Posted: at 3:44 am
After five months in space, International Space Station Commander Chris Hadfield has returned to the planet. While manning the ISS he also created the first music video in space, using a rendition of David Bowie's "Space Oddity." NBC's Brian Williams reports.
By Miriam Kramer,
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying a crew of three space travelers successfully touched down on the Central Asian steppes of Kazakhstan on Tuesday, wrapping up a five-month mission to the International Space Station.
Canadianastronaut Chris Hadfield, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko landed in their Soyuz capsule atabout 8:31 a.m. Kazakh time (10:31 p.m. ET Monday).
"It's beautiful," Romanenko radioed right before landing. "It's morning here."[Astronaut Chris Hadfield's 8 Most Amazing Space Moments]
After the landing, all three had smiles on their faces. "That was quite a ride home," Hadfield said.
The trio's return marks the end of the station's Expedition 35, which Hadfield commanded, and the start of Expedition 36. The landing comes just two days after Marshburn and NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy performed an unprecedentedemergency spacewalkto fix a serious ammonia coolant leak on the outside of the station.
The three spacefliers orbited Earth 2,300 times and logged 61 million miles (98 million kilometers) during their 144 days on the station. Romanenko, Hadfield and Marshburn also witnessed the arrival and departure of a few unmanned cargo ships, including SpaceX's Dragon capsule in March.
Hadfield was the first Canadian commander of the space station, and he shared his unique perspective on the planet with everyone back on Earth during his time on the orbiting outpost. The astronaut beamed back a series of videos about life in space, including a music video cover ofDavid Bowie's "Space Oddity,"sung as a goodbye to his space-based home.
Cosmic Log: Space station chief returns home a star
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Russian capsule touches down in Kazakhstan with space station trio
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Little mix DNA fan video – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Little mix DNA fan video
By: pollyanna090201
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Little mix DNA fan video - Video
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Bitti reaches Rajasthan for DNA test – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Bitti reaches Rajasthan for DNA test
By: TheDailyNewsTimes
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Bitti reaches Rajasthan for DNA test - Video
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Free After Effects Cs6 Template – DNA + Cinema 4d Blood Cell Model + Sounds – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Free After Effects Cs6 Template - DNA + Cinema 4d Blood Cell Model + Sounds
Download Template Subscribe for more Password : mimimi Used effects Cinema 4D r14 (Optional) After Effects C...
By: FreeAfterFxWorld
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Free After Effects Cs6 Template - DNA + Cinema 4d Blood Cell Model + Sounds - Video
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Little Mix DNA- Cover By Zoey G – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Little Mix DNA- Cover By Zoey G
I was home. I love this song so much. Thanks for watching.
By: Zoey Geuder
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Little Mix DNA- Cover By Zoey G - Video
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Brianna singing "DNA" – Video
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How DNA is Packaged – Video
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