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Sanó su Psoriasis con el GanoCafé 3 en 1 – Video
Posted: May 18, 2013 at 2:45 pm
San su Psoriasis con el GanoCaf 3 en 1
By: alexis torres
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Sanó su Psoriasis con el GanoCafé 3 en 1 - Video
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Musical Improv Workshop – Steve Baker sings the most politically incorrect song of all time – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Musical Improv Workshop - Steve Baker sings the most politically incorrect song of all time
Laura and Rick Hall led an amazing musical improv workshop for Finest City Improv. One of the very last scenes took place a funeral home. Ifah was an old wom...
By: finestcityimprov
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Musical Improv Workshop - Steve Baker sings the most politically incorrect song of all time - Video
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Politically Incorrect – Rolling Dices – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Politically Incorrect - Rolling Dices
Rolling Dices from Politically Incorrect. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Politically Incor...
By: PoliticallytIncorrec
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Politically Incorrect - Rolling Dices - Video
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Posted: at 2:44 pm
By: KafkaWinstonWorld
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Internet World Censorship – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Internet World Censorship
This a re-working of an old vid - things have got worse since it was first posted.
By: Spud4X
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Internet World Censorship - Video
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Drunk Censorship – Preston
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Drunk Censorship - Preston Steve #39;s Daily Rush
Steve may have to start looking for a new line of work... Preston and Steve on 93.3 WMMR
By: PrestonSteveWMMR
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Drunk Censorship - Preston
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Censorship of all news from Fukushima – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Censorship of all news from Fukushima
Japan has lost the battle in containing the radiation in the crippled Fukushima GE Nuclear Power reactors. There was 100% melt down in 3 of the 4 units. It i...
By: Paul Kangas
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Censorship of all news from Fukushima - Video
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Satans War On Humanity: Will Smith, Transhumanism
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Satans War On Humanity: Will Smith, Transhumanism Youtube Censorship
Ministry Website: Podcasts: Facebook Page:
By: Nephtali1981
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Satans War On Humanity: Will Smith, Transhumanism
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Iran's Asghar Farhadi and China's Jia Zhangke talk cinema and censorship in Cannes
Posted: at 2:44 pm
CANNES, France - Two directors from countries with tough film censorship brought bold and probing movies to the Cannes Film Festival on Friday one exploring China's social problems, the other delving into the mysteries of the human heart.
Jia Zhangke's "A Touch of Sin" depicts facets of fast-changing China the government prefers to avoid: corruption, greed, violent crime and the growing gap between economic winners and losers.
"The Past," by Academy Award-winning Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, is an unsparing tale of domestic upheaval, set in and around Paris and made with a largely French cast.
Both films are competing for Cannes' top prize, the Palme d'Or and both have been cleared for release in their homelands, where filmmakers often fall foul of restrictions.
Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has approved "The Past" for screening, and "A Touch of Sin" is due to open in China in the fall.
The two directors are pleased their films will be seen at home, but they gave very different descriptions of working in settings where official censorship is an everyday reality.
"I'm someone who is deeply attached to my creative freedom, and I always do my utmost to ensure I don't indulge in any form of self-censorship," said Jia, who has explored China's rapid transformation throughout his career from early underground films such as "Unknown Pleasures" to documentaries to the Venice Film Festival prize-winning 2006 feature "Still Life."
Farhadi, though, said the effect of censorship was more insidious.
"One can try to free oneself of the past, but the past doesn't let you do that," he said both a theme of "The Past" and an observation of his own situation.
"There are two kinds of censorship," he told reporters. "You have official censorship which works in a certain way. But there is also self-censorship. You impose it on your innermost self."
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Iran's Asghar Farhadi and China's Jia Zhangke talk cinema and censorship in Cannes
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 5-13-2013 ~ What No One Wants To Hear About Benghazi – Video
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Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 5-13-2013 ~ What No One Wants To Hear About Benghazi
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. Twitter: Facebook:
By: RonPaulCC2012
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