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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Understand Your Genome Symposium 2013 – Video
Posted: May 18, 2013 at 2:46 pm
Understand Your Genome Symposium 2013
By: IlluminaInc
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Understand Your Genome Symposium 2013 - Video
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Genome sequence of Tibetan antelope sheds new light on high-altitude adaptation
Posted: at 2:45 pm
May 17, 2013 How can the Tibetan antelope live at elevations of 4,000-5,000m on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau? Investigators rom Qinghai University, BGI, and other institutes now provide evidence of genetic factors that may be associated with the species' adaption to harsh highland environments. The data in this work will also provide implications for studying specific genetic mechanisms and the biology of other ruminant species.
The Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) is a native of the high mountain steppes and semi-desert areas of the Tibetan plateau. Interestingly, it is the only member of the genus Pantholops. Tibetan antelope is a medium sized antelope with the unique adaptations to against the harsh high-altitude climate. For non-native mammals such as humans, they may experience life-threatening acute mountain sickness when visiting high-altitude regions.
In this study, researchers suggest that Tibetan antelopes must have evolved exceptional mechanisms to adapt to this extremely inhospitable habitat. Using next-gen sequencing technology, they have decoded the genome of Tibetan antelope and studied the underlying genetic mechanism of high-altitude adaptations.
Through the comparison between Tibetan antelope and other plain-dwelling mammals, researchers found the Tibetan antelope had the signals of adaptive evolution and gene-family expansion in genes associated with energy metabolism and oxygen transmission, indicating that gene categories involved in energy metabolism appear to have an important role for Tibetan antelope via efficiently providing energy in conditions of low partial pressure of oxygen (PO2).
Further research revealed that both the Tibetan antelope and the highland American pika have signals of positive selection for genes involved in DNA repair and the production of ATPase. Considering the exposure to high levels of ultraviolet radiation, positive selective genes related to DNA repair may be vital to protect the Tibetan antelope from it.
Qingle Cai, Project manager from BGI, said, "The completed genome sequence of the Tibetan antelope provides a more complete blueprint for researchers to study the genetic mechanisms of highland adaptation. This work may also open a new way to understand the adaptation of the low partial pressure of oxygen in human activities."
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BGI Shenzhen.
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Genome sequence of Tibetan antelope sheds new light on high-altitude adaptation
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Cure Your Eczema – Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for Clear Skin
Posted: at 2:45 pm
Cure Your Eczema - Bragg #39;s Apple Cider Vinegar for Clear Skin Belly Fat Burn
Website to get ACV - 2 TABLE spoons for the first week, then a day #39;s rest followed by increase of dosage to 3 TABLE spoons per day (one on m...
By: EczemaSpecialist
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Cure Your Eczema - Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar for Clear Skin
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Bit Players – Bartender "Conjoined Twins with Eczema" – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
Bit Players - Bartender "Conjoined Twins with Eczema"
Bartender -- Performers enter the bar with a problem, given to them by the audience at the top of the game. They sing about their problem to the bartender(s)...
By: BitPlayersNPT
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Bit Players - Bartender "Conjoined Twins with Eczema" - Video
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Chiropractic Kids and Eczema – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
Chiropractic Kids and Eczema
Husain was suffering from severe eczema (skin rashes) and also severe asthma. His Asthma is almost completely resolved with a very occasional episode and his...
By: DemossChiropractic
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My Health Story – How I healed cystic acne, indigestion, eczema, vomiting
Posted: at 2:45 pm
My Health Story - How I healed cystic acne, indigestion, eczema, vomiting disordered eating
Check out the network I #39;m a part of here on Youtube! StyleMeFit: Welcome to 40 Below Fruity. To read my current blog p...
By: 40BelowFruity
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My Health Story - How I healed cystic acne, indigestion, eczema, vomiting
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New Treatment For Psoriasis Skin Disorder Needed – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
New Treatment For Psoriasis Skin Disorder Needed
I am suffering from psoriasis skin disease it hurts bad and itches and i need a new treatment found for this disorder. Please help me and tell me how to fix ...
By: 7Winck
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New Treatment For Psoriasis Skin Disorder Needed - Video
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Psoriasis and Joint pain treated with Homeopathy – Tv9 – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
Psoriasis and Joint pain treated with Homeopathy - Tv9
Psoriasis and Joint pain treated with Homeopathy For more content go to Follow us on facebook at Fol...
By: tv9telugu
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Psoriasis and Joint pain treated with Homeopathy - Tv9 - Video
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La Psoriasis y su tratamiento curativo – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
La Psoriasis y su tratamiento curativo
By: alexis torres
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Tratamientos Para La Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 2:45 pm
Tratamientos Para La Psoriasis
VISITA: Tratamientos Para La Psoriasis Si usted est sufriendo de psoriasis y quiere solucionar su condicin de una manera...
By: Pedro Bermont
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Tratamientos Para La Psoriasis - Video
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