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DNA cover little mix – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
DNA cover little mix
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: michelle dominguez
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DNA cover little mix - Video
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Menu do DVD da Wanessa – DNA Tour – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Menu do DVD da Wanessa - DNA Tour
Go here to see the original:
Menu do DVD da Wanessa - DNA Tour - Video
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DNA samples of child found in river sent to crime lab
Posted: at 2:46 pm
CHICAGO (Sun-Times Media Wire) -
DNA samples from a body found in the Des Plaines River have been sent to the Illinois State Police Crime Lab to determine whether it is that of a west suburban boy allegedly beaten to death by his mother and her boyfriend.
The body of a "young male" was pulled from the river near 31st Street and First Avenue in North Riverside on Wednesday. The body, which was partially decomposed, "bears strong similarities" to missing Maywood toddler Bryeon Hunter, Sheriff Tom Dart said.
The Cook County Medical Examiner's office had not identified the child as of late Thursday afternoon, and sources said the delay was because of the battered condition of the body.
Authorities took DNA samples from Bryeon Hunter's mother, Lakeshia Baker; and his grandmother, Maywood police Chief Tim Curry said. Those samples, along with DNA from the child found in the river, were sent to the crime lab on Thursday.
The body was found about 3 1/2 miles south of where Baker and her boyfriend, Michael Scott, were believed to have dumped the body, Curry said.
Baker, 22, and Scott, 21, are charged with the death. Both were indicted on first-degree murder charges in a Maywood courthouse Wednesday morning. Both are being held in the Cook County Jail, Scott on a $750,000 bond and Baker without bond.
Prosecutors said Baker initially told police her child had been kidnapped, prompting an Amber alert, but she later admitted to police that on April 15, Scott covered the child's mouth with his hand and held him down while she beat him with a belt.
A Wednesday autopsy was inconclusive, and the medical examiner's office said the cause and manner of death are still pending.
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DNA samples of child found in river sent to crime lab
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Delano Coombs shooting can be solved with DNA match, police say
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Toronto police say they now have a description and DNA of the suspect involved in the murder of Brampton resident Delano Coombs.
Coombs, 27, was found shot in a laneway at 4020 Dundas Street West on May 10, 2012. Police say he died of his injuries a short time later.
After talking to witnesses and further investigation, police say they are now looking for a black male, around 20 years old, five feet ten inches tall with a slim build. The suspect is believed to have had his hair braided with it slightly long at the back.
Homicide Det. Tam Bui said police have obtained a DNA profile from a sweatshirt that the suspect wore, however, the DNA profile has no match on the National DNA Databank.
"I consider evidence like this...kind of like a time bomb...something that's sitting in their lap waiting to go off because whether it's 10 months from now or 10 years from now, one day we might develop a DNA profile and at that time we are going come knocking on your door," Bui said. "We only have to be lucky once but you have to be lucky every single day for the rest of your life."
A Toronto based urban entertainment and promotions company called STG Entertainment is believed to have some connection with the offender, Bui added. Police say they are not aware what type of relationship the offender had with the company.
Bui said Coombs had no relationship with the business.
Coombs's sister spoke to the media, asking whoever was responsible for her brother's death to come forward.
"My brother was very loved. He was a brother, an uncle, a son, a nephew, cousin...I would like whoever did this to turn themselves in," she said. "Our family, we're getting by daily but it's very hard."
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Delano Coombs shooting can be solved with DNA match, police say
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DNA expert: Blood in Christopher Harris' truck matched Rick Gee
Posted: at 2:46 pm
A DNA analyst with the Illinois State Police told a Peoria County jury Friday that blood samples from several pieces of evidence contained human DNA but in some cases couldn't be identified.
William Frank who heads the Springfield DNA lab, said swabs of blood taken from the inside of Christopher Harris pickup truck contained DNA from Rick Gee, and a blood stain located on the right K-Swiss shoe that had DNA from Dillen Constant.
But that's not completely inconsistent with Harris' statement that he came upon Dillen in the midst of killing his family and had to kill him when the boy charged at him. He has admitted to being in the house and seeing the other members of the family lying dead.
Frank could not isolate enough DNA from the tire iron or the left K-Swiss shoe that was found, along with the right one, in the cow pasture near a bridge in rural Armington.
The scientist did say that blood samples found on the family's laptop were matched to Ruth Gee.
A former girlfriend of Christopher Harris told a Peoria County jury that he wanted sex daily and if she refused, he would "throw a little temper tantrum."
Kristy Moore of Clinton told the jury while Harris was never violent with her, he would get "pissy." She would eventually consent and things would return to normal.
The sordid details appear to part of an effort byprosecutorsto bolster their belief that Harris, 34, was looking for sex the night before he was accused of killing Rick and Ruth Gee, along with three of their children: Justina Constant, 16; Dillen Constant, 14, and Austin Gee, 11, as well as severely injuring 3-year-old Tabitha Gee.
To that end, prosecutors called antoher former girlfriend from McLean and a Lawndale woman whom Harris mistakenly visited at 11:35 p.m. "looking to party."
Here is the original post:
DNA expert: Blood in Christopher Harris' truck matched Rick Gee
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Coping with cold and aging: the genome of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Coping with cold and aging: the genome of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
Antoine Danchin speaking at the 20th anniversary of Swiss-Prot in Fortaleza, Brazil. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
By: Eric Jain
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Coping with cold and aging: the genome of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis - Video
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Genome BC Geneskool comes to Kamloops – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Genome BC Geneskool comes to Kamloops
It #39;s all part of making science fun and relevant, said Genome BC communications and education vice-president Sally Greenwood. "We make sure to explain the sc...
By: KamloopsThisWeek
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Genome BC Geneskool comes to Kamloops - Video
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Dr. Bart Weimer – The 100K Genome Project and Food Safety – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Dr. Bart Weimer - The 100K Genome Project and Food Safety
The 100K Genome Project and Food Safety - Dr. Bart Weimer, Professor -- School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, from the 2013 NIAA Me...
By: John Blue
Continued here:
Dr. Bart Weimer - The 100K Genome Project and Food Safety - Video
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