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Soyuz rocket blasts off for International Space Station – Video
Posted: May 18, 2013 at 2:47 pm
Soyuz rocket blasts off for International Space Station
to see more videos here: for copyright listed in the video. please no haters please like and subscribe in accident, Am...
By: NewsUpdateToday
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Colbert Advocates Space Station Research – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Colbert Advocates Space Station Research
By: NASAgovVideo
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Space Station Live: Fixing an Ammonia Leak on the Station – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Space Station Live: Fixing an Ammonia Leak on the Station
Brandi Dean interviews SPARTAN flight controller Anthony Vareha. The SPARTAN console in the Mission Control Center is in charge of the station #39;s electrical a...
By: ReelNASA
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STS-131: Discovery Launches to the International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
STS-131: Discovery Launches to the International Space Station
The STS-131 crew will deliver a multi-purpose logistics module filled with science racks and perform three spacewalks at the orbital outpost.
By: NASAgovVideo
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Russian cargo craft uses thrusters to adjust orbit of space station
Posted: at 2:47 pm
MOSCOW, May 17 (UPI) -- A Russian Progress M-19M resupply spacecraft attached to the International Space Station was used to adjust the station's orbit Friday, Russian officials say.
The space freighter's engines were run for slightly more than 15 minutes to raise the ISS's orbit by about 1.6 miles, a spokesman for the Russian space agency Roscosmos said.
The station's orbit is now 259 miles above the Earth, RIA Novosti reported.
Adjustments to the station's orbit are routinely carried out to compensate for the Earth's gravity and to prepare for the successful docking and undocking of spacecraft delivering supplies and new crew to the ISS.
The Progress space freighter that made the orbit adjustment launched from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan April 24 and docked with the space station's Zvezda module on April 26.
In the next mission to the ISS, a Soyuz TMA-09M will launch from Baikonur May 29 to take new crew members to the station: Fyodor Yurchikhin of Russia, Karen Nyberg of the United States and Luca Parmitano of Italy, Roscosmos said.
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Russian cargo craft uses thrusters to adjust orbit of space station
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Filmmaker builds backyard space station in Footscray
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Movie magic: Part-time filmmaker Chris Jacobs with cast on the set of his space station - a backyard garden shed transformed. Photo: Joe Armao
Chris Jacobs has a space station in his backyard. True, it's unlikely to fly anywhere it's a hotchpotch of MDF and flower pots and plastic bin lids and duct tape from Bunnings, and bits of computer junk salvaged from his day job as an IT consultant but at first glance it looks utterly convincing.
Read our full movies coverage here
It looks real enough for the camera, anyway, which is all that matters. Cobbled together in the shed at the back of his rental house in West Footscray (don't tell the landlord), the space station is a key set on the low-budget sci-fi film Jacobs and his friends have been making. Every weekend for three years and counting.
''When will this be over?'' asks his long-suffering girlfriend, Andrea Innocent, not entirely rhetorically.
Not that she can claim she didn't know what she was in for. ''On one of our first dates he invited me back to do some papier mache work on a creature,'' she confesses. Amazingly, she said yes.
Bits of said creatures are scattered around the backyard; they probably won't win any Oscars for special effects, but like the space station they'll do the job. Or so Jacobs hopes.
His movie MK Outlier started as a simple story about a soldier played by the writer-director-producer-cinematographer's mate Warren Otteraa wandering about a deserted Earth, in communication only with a guy on a space station (another friend, David Leeming). Originally, the whole film was going to be made in six weeks. ''But then I thought, 'I wonder if I can do creatures cheap','' says Jacobs. ''I sit here three years later still wondering.''
He realised that in many movies you only ever see glimpses of the frighteners, which got him thinking again. ''If you're only going to see a few frames, what's wrong with papier mache?''' he asked himself.
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Filmmaker builds backyard space station in Footscray
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GCSE Bio Genetic Engineering of Insulin – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
GCSE Bio Genetic Engineering of Insulin
1 minute quick draw revision on genetic engineering of insulin.
By: DrRoseatcrispins
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Monsanto Genetic Engineering Scam – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Monsanto Genetic Engineering Scam
March Against Monsanto Unlicensed footage is used in accordance with Section 107 of US Copyright Law.
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Modded Minecraft S4E16: Sniffling, sneezing, storage, and genetic engineering – Video
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Modded Minecraft S4E16: Sniffling, sneezing, storage, and genetic engineering
Wherein I park my ass in front of the computer long enough to record something for my peeps, we address the problem of our quickly-filling storage by buildin...
By: nightdagger
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Modded Minecraft S4E16: Sniffling, sneezing, storage, and genetic engineering - Video
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Posted: at 2:46 pm
Victor claims he saw Casey kissing a strange man in a car. He wants to make sure his brother Larry is not raising a child he conceived by someone else. What ...
By: TheMauryShowOfficial
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Posted in DNA