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98% of Your DNA is Junk – Video
Posted: May 19, 2013 at 7:47 pm
98% of Your DNA is Junk
New research shows our DNA is absolutely loaded with... NOTHING. 98 percent of our DNA plays no role in our development. But as Trace learns, the findings ma...
By: DNews
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98% of Your DNA is Junk - Video
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Campaign group reveals child suspect DNA figures
Posted: at 7:47 pm
Campaign group reveals child suspect DNA figures
12:10am Monday 20th May 2013 in News
Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform
DORSET Police take DNA samples from an average of seven children every week, figures released today reveal.
Penal reform charity the Howard League have published figures showing that 355 boys and girls aged 17 or under had swabs taken from them in 2011.
Three of the children were aged 10 and 11.
Chief executive of the charity Frances Crook said many of the children were having their DNA taken needlessly.
She said: When public money is tight and police forces are shrinking, it is disappointing to see valuable crime-fighting resources being wasted on taking DNA samples from thousands of innocent children while serious offences go undetected.
Children who get into trouble with the police are usually just up to mischief.
Treating so many like hardened criminals by taking their DNA seems excessive.
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DNA test only if Bitti agrees
Posted: at 7:47 pm
Though court has granted permission for conducting a DNA test to prove the identity of rape case convict Bitti Mohanty, who was arrested here on March 8 on charges of impersonation, forgery and cheating, investigating officers can subject the accused to undergo the examination only with his consent and that of his parent.
The Additional District and Sessions Court here on May 17 allowed the prosecutions plea for conducting the DNA test on Mohanty, who had been working in a public sector bank here under the fake name of Raghav Rajan.
Police officers investigating the case here said they had initiated the procedure for securing the order of the Judicial First Class Magistrate at Payyannur to summon Bitti and his parent for getting their consent for the DNA test.
An officer involved in the probe said the DNA test could not be conducted if they refused to undergo it. The refusal would, however, only favour the prosecution argument, he said, adding no one falsely charged with impersonation would refuse a test that would prove his real identity.
The police sought the DNA test as the arrested person continues to claim that he is Raghav Rajan, and not Bitti Mohanty, though the investigating team had collected evidence from Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Jaipur and Puttaparthi.
Bitti allegedly assumed the fake name after he jumped parole in 2006 while undergoing a 7-year sentence in Rajasthan in the case of rape of a German national.
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DNA test only if Bitti agrees
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Fred Alt: Immunity and stability in the human genome – Video
Posted: at 7:46 pm
Fred Alt: Immunity and stability in the human genome
Frederick Alt, a Professor of Genetics and Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, is one of the Heads of Faculty for Immunology at F1000Prime. Professor Alt t...
By: Facultyof1000
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Fred Alt: Immunity and stability in the human genome - Video
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my eczema introduction – Video
Posted: at 7:46 pm
my eczema introduction
is video is about when my eczema started.
By: hamza ali
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my eczema introduction - Video
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LiveLeakcom – Internet World Censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:45 pm
LiveLeakcom - Internet World Censorship
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Google’s Censorship Data Shows Alarming Results – Video
Posted: at 7:45 pm
Google #39;s Censorship Data Shows Alarming Results
Thanks for watching.
By: Blackberrymzc
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Google's Censorship Data Shows Alarming Results - Video
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Daily English News Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:45 pm
Daily English News Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship
By: EnglishNews79
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Daily English News Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship - Video
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Censorship Sucks – Video
Posted: at 7:45 pm
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Algerian editor accuses government of censorship – Quincy Herald-Whig | Illinois & Missouri News, Sports
Posted: at 7:45 pm
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) - An editor has accused Algeria's government of censorship after it blocked the publication of his two newspapers.
Hicham Aboud, editor of the My Journal and Djaridati newspapers, said that happened after he rejected an order from the Communication Ministry on Saturday night to remove an article from the papers that claimed hospitalized President Abdelaziz Bouteflika had slipped into a coma.
The 76-year-old leader suffered a stroke last month and is being treated in France.
Aboud said, "This is more than an act of censorship, it's a ban on publishing." He said the articles were quoting credible medical sources.
The Communications Ministry said its action prevented a breach of national security.
Officials have repeatedly said that the president is recovering well and will soon return to Algeria.
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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