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100K Pathogen Genome Project maps first genomes at UC Davis
Posted: May 21, 2013 at 10:45 pm
Striking a blow at foodborne diseases, the 100K Pathogen Genome Project at UC Davis Tuesday announced that it has sequenced the genomes of its first 10 infectious microorganisms, including strains of Salmonella and Listeria.
"We are creating a free, online encyclopedia or reference database of genomes so that during a foodborne disease outbreak, scientists and public health professionals can quickly identify the responsible microorganism and track its source in the food supply using automated information-handling methods," said Professor Bart Weimer, director of the 100K Genome Project and co-director of BGI@UC Davis, the Sacramento facility where the sequencing is carried out.
Weimer estimates that the availability of this genomic information will cut in half the time necessary to diagnose and treat foodborne illnesses, and will enable scientists to make discoveries that can be used to develop new methods for controlling disease-causing microorganisms in the food chain.
The project is dedicated to sequencing the genomes of 100,000 bacteria and viruses that cause serious foodborne illnesses in people around the world.
In the United States alone, foodborne diseases annually sicken 48 million people and kill 3,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The initial 10 genome sequences mark the first in a series that the
"This initial release validates the entire process, from start to finish, of acquiring the bacterium, producing the genome sequence, and making automated public releases," Weimer said.
A genome is the complete collection of an organism's hereditary information.
Weimer said that the 100K Genome Project currently is sequencing a second set of 1,500 microbial genomes, with an anticipated release in the fall of 2013.
The 100K Genome Project was launched in March 2012 as a collaborative effort between UC Davis, Agilent Technologies, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Since then, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Agriculture, and National Institutes of Health, as well as seven corporate partners, have joined the worldwide effort. For more information visit
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100K Pathogen Genome Project maps first genomes at UC Davis
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100K Pathogen Genome Project maps first genomes
Posted: at 10:45 pm
DAVIS Striking a blow at foodborne diseases, the 100K Pathogen Genome Project at the University of California, Davis, today announced that it has sequenced the genomes of its first 10 infectious microorganisms, including strains of Salmonella and Listeria.
We are creating a free, online encyclopedia or reference database of genomes so that during a foodborne disease outbreak, scientists and public health professionals can quickly identify the responsible microorganism and track its source in the food supply using automated information-handling methods, said professor Bart Weimer, director of the 100K Genome Project and co-director of BGI@UC Davis, the Sacramento facility where the sequencing is carried out.
Weimer estimates that the availability of this genomic information will cut in half the time necessary to diagnose and treat foodborne illnesses, and will enable scientists to make discoveries that can be used to develop new methods for controlling disease-causing microorganisms in the food chain.
The project is dedicated to sequencing the genomes of 100,000 bacteria and viruses that cause serious foodborne illnesses in people around the world.
In the United States alone, foodborne diseases annually sicken 48 million people and kill 3,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The initial 10 genome sequences mark the first in a series that the project will enter into a publicly available database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the National Institutes of Health.
This initial release validates the entire process, from start to finish, of acquiring the bacterium, producing the genome sequence, and making automated public releases, Weimer said.
A genome is the complete collection of an organisms hereditary information.
Weimer said that the 100K Genome Project currently is sequencing a second set of 1,500 microbial genomes, with an anticipated release in the fall of 2013.
The 100K Genome Project was launched in March 2012 as a collaborative effort between UC Davis, Agilent Technologies, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Since then, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Agriculture, and National Institutes of Health, as well as seven corporate partners, have joined the worldwide effort. For more information visit
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100K Pathogen Genome Project maps first genomes
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Personal Genome Diagnostics And Blueprint Medicines Form Collaboration to Identify Novel Kinase Targets
Posted: at 10:45 pm
BALTIMORE, May 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Personal Genome Diagnostics Inc. (PGDx), today announced that it will use its proprietary methodologies and expertise in genomic analysis of defined cancer subtypes to identify novel kinase targets in collaboration with Blueprint Medicines. PGDx is an innovator in conducting patient-specific analyses aimed at identifying genomic alterations in tumors, and Blueprint Medicines is an expert in developing highly selective kinase inhibitors for a genetically defined patient population.
"This collaboration brings together two companies that are at the forefront of applying advanced genomics to improve cancer therapy," said Antony Newton, chief commercial officer of PGDx. "Blueprint is a leader in identifying novel targets and developing highly selective kinase inhibitors for specific genomically-defined patient populations, and PGDx has unique capabilities to identify kinase and other tumor-specific alterations."
PGDx leverages the deep expertise of its scientific founders, who are internationally recognized leaders in cancer genomics at Johns Hopkins University, and its proprietary technologies to provide advanced genome-mapping services and analyses to oncology researchers, drug developers and clinicians. The founders of PGDx were the first to analyze the entire set of kinase genes in tumors, the "kinome", and have identified alterations in a variety of protein and lipid kinases, including the discovery of alterations in PIK3CA, one of the most frequently mutated genes in human cancer. PGDx has also been a pioneer in enabling scientists and clinicians to comprehensively analyze entire exomes and genomes to identify novel cancer alterations.
"We are assessing a series of cancer subtypes that have not been examined before and look forward to working with PGDx to identify new and important aberrations," commented Dr. Christoph Lengauer, chief scientific officer of Blueprint Medicines. "Our goal of identifying key genomic drivers of cancer and leveraging these insights to develop the next generation of highly selective and tailored kinase inhibitors aligns well with PGDx's focus."
Blueprint Medicines is building a pipeline of next-generation kinase inhibitors against specific genetic abnormalities. Using their significant expertise in cancer genomics and biology, Blueprint has built a proprietary genomics platform to rapidly identify novel targets and potential combination therapies. Blueprint is able to rapidly execute on newly-identified targets using their broad and exquisitely selective chemical library of novel kinase inhibitor compounds.
As part of the collaboration, PGDx will employ a number of technologies including cancer exome analysis to capture and selectively analyze tumor sequences. These approaches, when combined with other patented PGDx technologies and computational methods, enable comprehensive analysis and unbiased detection of novel cancer-related mutations.
About Personal Genome Diagnostics
Personal Genome Diagnostics (PGDx) provides advanced genome-mapping services and analyses to oncology researchers, clinicians and patients. The company was founded in 2010 by international leaders in cancer genetics at Johns Hopkins University. PGDx conducts patient-specific analyses aimed at identifying the unique genomic alterations in tumors and linking them to the underlying biology. PGDx employs cancer exome analysis, which enables comprehensive and reliable genome-wide identification of cancer-related mutations. The company's proprietary methods for genome sequencing and analysis are complemented by its deep expertise in cancer genomics. PGDx's CLIA-certified facility provides personalized cancer genome analyses to patients and their physicians. For more information, visit
About Blueprint Medicines
Blueprint Medicines is a patient-driven company building a pipeline of exquisitely selective and tailored next-generation kinase drugs against genetic abnormalities. Using the molecular blueprint of genetically-defined patient populations and a proprietary genomics platform, Blueprint is rapidly identifying novel targets and combinations. Blueprint deploys a chemical library of novel compounds that covers a majority of the human kinome, as highly selective starting points for drug development programs as well as tool compounds. Blueprint Medicines was founded by a proven team, including the developers of Gleevec, and is backed by leading venture firms, Third Rock Ventures and Fidelity Biosciences. For more information, please visit the company's website at
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Personal Genome Diagnostics And Blueprint Medicines Form Collaboration to Identify Novel Kinase Targets
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Eczema/ Dry Skin Regimen ! A SOLUTION! – Video
Posted: at 10:45 pm
Eczema/ Dry Skin Regimen ! A SOLUTION!
NOTE: There are parts in the video where my lips and audio don #39;t match... I #39;m sorry about that, I know its annoying, but hopefully what I am actually saying ...
By: poeticlipss #39;s channel
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Eczema and the Shea Butter Connection, Part 2 – Video
Posted: at 10:45 pm
Eczema and the Shea Butter Connection, Part 2
This is the second of two educational videos on the benefits of unrefined, raw shea butter for the natural treatment of eczema in children and adults of all ...
By: SheaScentSations
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Eczema Causes Frequently Asked Questions – Eczema Causes FAQ – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Eczema Causes Frequently Asked Questions - Eczema Causes FAQ Eczema Natural Remedies can be difficult to treat, but it is possible to seek permanent relief. New research shows that all-natural tre...
By: DS Stiles
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Peer-Reviewed Article Shows CLn® BodyWash an Effective Solution for Children with Eczema
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Dallas-based TopMDTM Skin Care today announced results of its first peer-reviewed journal article testing the efficacy of their flagship product, CLn BodyWash for easing symptoms of eczema. The clinical study results appear in the May/June 2013 issue of Pediatric Dermatology.
The article, A Novel Sodium Hypochlorite Cleanser Shows Clinical Response and Excellent Acceptability in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis, reports impressive findings seen after consistent use of the product by 18 pediatric patients with eczema.
Eczema is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition marked by red, itchy rashes affecting millions of Americans, including a disproportionate number of children, and can have a significant impact on quality of life.
Im extremely pleased that study participants saw such a marked improvement, said Dr. Caitriona Ryan, who was the lead author of the study. There are few effective non-antibiotic, non-steroidal treatment options for families dealing with eczema, and this product gives them an alternative to the commonly prescribed bleach bath, filling an important gap in the market.
CLn BodyWash is a gentle, non-drying wash designed to cleanse skin prone to eczema, acne, infection and folliculitis. Texas cardiologist Dr. Azam Anwar created the product after his own experience with cellulitis. After realizing there were few effective treatments, he teamed up with friend and renowned dermatopathologist, Dr. Clay Cockerell. Their over-the-counter skincare solution, CLn BodyWash, has the benefits of a bleach bath, but the convenience and portability of a gel cleanser.
About the Clinical Study
Ryan, a dermatology resident at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, tracked 18 children ages 2 to 11 years with moderate to severe eczema over the past 18 months. Patients were instructed to wash with CLn BodyWash three days per week for the 12-week feasibility study while maintaining their prescribed topical and systemic treatments. Treatment response was measured using an Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) score and the percentage of body surface area (BSA) affected by eczema.
Dr. Ryan and her colleagues found a statistically significant reduction in the IGA score throughout the study, and the mean reduction in BSA affected from baseline to final measure in all patients was 14.8 percent.
Parents of children who participated in the study were enthusiastic about the success of CLn BodyWash in treating atopic dermatitis. Based on a questionnaire fielded at the conclusion of the study, when asked if they would recommend the product to friends or family (1 being no way; 10 being definitely), the mean response was 9.25 -- further validating excellent acceptability and tolerability to the sodium hypochlorite-based body wash.
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Peer-Reviewed Article Shows CLn® BodyWash an Effective Solution for Children with Eczema
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What is Psoriasis Explained – Video
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Los Angeles news Treating Psoriasis with Laser – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Los Angeles news Treating Psoriasis with Laser
A new treatment called XTRAC for Psoriasis uses laser instead of creams and medication.
By: trs20zzz
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Posted: at 10:44 pm - gurison de la psoriasis : Le psoriasis est une maladie auto-immune de la peau d #39;origine mal connue, en partie gntique. Cette affection dermatologique touche 1 3 %...
By: Gueriderme
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