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Douglas Rodrigo – Nosso Amor Vai Bombar – Tour DNA do Amor – Video
Posted: May 21, 2013 at 10:46 pm
Douglas Rodrigo - Nosso Amor Vai Bombar - Tour DNA do Amor
Tour DNA do Amor Msica: Nosso Amor Vai Bombar Site para downloads das msicas.
By: Douglas Rodrigo SertanejoLive
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Douglas Rodrigo - Nosso Amor Vai Bombar - Tour DNA do Amor - Video
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Douglas Rodrigo – Arrocha da Morena – Tour DNA do Amor – Video
Posted: at 10:46 pm
Douglas Rodrigo - Arrocha da Morena - Tour DNA do Amor
Tour DNA do Amor Msica: Arrocha da Morena Site para downloads das msicas.
By: Douglas Rodrigo SertanejoLive
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Douglas Rodrigo - Arrocha da Morena - Tour DNA do Amor - Video
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Douglas Rodrigo – Vem Pro Seu Nenê – Tour DNA do Amor – Video
Posted: at 10:46 pm
Douglas Rodrigo - Vem Pro Seu Nen - Tour DNA do Amor
Tour DNA do Amor Msica: Vem Pro Seu Nen Site para downloads das msicas.
By: Douglas Rodrigo SertanejoLive
Douglas Rodrigo - Vem Pro Seu Nenê - Tour DNA do Amor - Video
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HTC Droid DNA preview – Video
Posted: at 10:46 pm
HTC Droid DNA preview
Great Videos here.
By: Frankphonetech
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HTC Droid DNA preview - Video
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Douglas Rodrigo – Insanidade – Tour DNA do Amor – Video
Posted: at 10:46 pm
Douglas Rodrigo - Insanidade - Tour DNA do Amor
Tour DNA do Amor Msica: Insanidade Site para downloads das msicas.
By: Douglas Rodrigo SertanejoLive
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Douglas Rodrigo - Insanidade - Tour DNA do Amor - Video
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Staffordshire Police take DNA from children as young as 10
Posted: at 10:46 pm
POLICE in Staffordshire and Cheshire have taken DNA samples from more than 4,000 children in just two years.
Latest figures reveal the swabs were taken from an average of five youngsters some as young as 10 each day during the period.
Police say the samples were taken from victims and witnesses as well as suspects to help prevent or solve crimes.
But campaigners have accused police of wasting their resources on targeting innocent children.
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Valid until: Friday, May 31 2013
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Staffordshire Police take DNA from children as young as 10
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The Sentinel commented Staffordshire and Cheshire Police take DNA from children as young…
Posted: at 10:46 pm
POLICE in Staffordshire and Cheshire have taken DNA samples from more than 4,000 children in just two years.
Latest figures reveal the swabs were taken from an average of five youngsters some as young as 10 each day during the period.
REVELATION: Swabs of DNA have been taken from children as young as 10l.
Police say the samples were taken from victims and witnesses as well as suspects to help prevent or solve crimes.
But campaigners have accused police of wasting their resources on targeting innocent children.
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Our heavyweight cards have FREE UV silk coating, FREE next day delivery & VAT included. Choose from 1000's of pre-designed templates or upload your own artwork. Orders dispatched within 24hrs.
Terms: Visit our site for more products: Business Cards, Compliment Slips, Letterheads, Leaflets, Postcards, Posters & much more. All items are free next day delivery.
Contact: 01858 468192
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The Sentinel commented Staffordshire and Cheshire Police take DNA from children as young...
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Police are taking DNA from children as young as 10
Posted: at 10:46 pm
POLICE in Staffordshire and Cheshire have taken DNA samples from more than 4,000 children in just two years.
Latest figures reveal the swabs were taken from an average of five youngsters some as young as 10 each day during the period.
REVELATION: Swabs of DNA have been taken from children as young as 10l.
Police say the samples were taken from victims and witnesses as well as suspects to help prevent or solve crimes.
But campaigners have accused police of wasting their resources on targeting innocent children.
Print voucher
Our heavyweight cards have FREE UV silk coating, FREE next day delivery & VAT included. Choose from 1000's of pre-designed templates or upload your own artwork. Orders dispatched within 24hrs.
Terms: Visit our site for more products: Business Cards, Compliment Slips, Letterheads, Leaflets, Postcards, Posters & much more. All items are free next day delivery.
Contact: 01858 468192
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Police are taking DNA from children as young as 10
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Future of Me: Your Accessible Genome – Video
Posted: at 10:45 pm
Future of Me: Your Accessible Genome
Advances in gene sequencing technologies plus increased computer capacity for information analysis means we are on the verge of being able to access and unde...
By: TheBridge8
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Future of Me: Your Accessible Genome - Video
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Pathogen genome tracks Irish potato famine back to its roots
Posted: at 10:45 pm
The population of Ireland has yet to rebound from the deaths and migrations caused by the famine of mid-19th-century.
James Mahony/Wikimedia Commons
The great potato famine of the 1840s was a defining event in Irelands recent history. An Gorta Mr the Great Hunger in the Irish language caused millions to starve or emigrate and helped catalyse the countrys bloody war of independence from Great Britain.
Working from 150-year-old dried leaves, two competing teams have now sequenced the genome of the single-celled organism that wreaked havoc on the Irish potato crop. It is the first ancient plant pathogen to have its genome decoded. (In 2011, scientists reported the sequence of the plague-causing bacteria responsible for the Black Death of the 1340s.)
Phytophthora infestans, which causes potato late blight, is an oomycete a type of single-celled organism related to brown algae. Carried by infected potatoes, the disease probably arrived at the port of Antwerp in Belgium in the summer of 1845, before quickly spreading through the Low Countries and much of western Europe.
Irelands dependence on potatoes was the reason the epidemic exacted a far greater toll there than it did on the rest of the continent. Irish peasants working plots owned by absentee British landlords relied on potatoes for most of their calories, says Detlef Weigel, a plant geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tbingen, Germany, who co-led a study published today in the journal eLIFE1. The potato is really an amazing staple crop. If you have a diet of potato and milk, you dont need anything else.
The disappearance of that staple had devastating consequences, including 1 million deaths and still more emigrations. Irelands population of 4.5 million is still less than three-quarters of its pre-famine level. The perception that Britain did little to intervene in the catastrophe helped foment Irish nationalism, eventually resulting in the Irish War of Independence in 1919.
Long before it hit Europe, P. infestans probably circulated in the Toluca Valley in central Mexico, where it infected wild relatives of the potato. Until recently, only a single strain of P. infestans, dubbed US-1, plagued potatoes outside Mexico and South America. So it came as a surprise when, in 2001, scientists suggested that a different strain was responsible for the famine, after analysing a short stretch of P. infestans DNA from herbarium archives2.
Weigels team went to herbaria in Kew Gardens, outside of London, and at Germanys Botanische Staatssammlung in Munich and sequenced DNA preserved from the dried leaves of infected plants dating between 1845 and 1896.
Mitochondrial genomes from the famine strains showed they were more closely related to the US-1 strain than the earlier research suggested, and that the two strains diverged only in the early 1800s. Weigel says the split probably occurred in the United States, before the strain responsible for the famine was imported to Europe. That strain now appears to be extinct, or perhaps restricted to small pockets of the world.
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Pathogen genome tracks Irish potato famine back to its roots
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