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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Los Angeles news New Laser Treatment Approved for Psoriasis – Video
Posted: May 22, 2013 at 9:48 pm
Los Angeles news New Laser Treatment Approved for Psoriasis
About 7.5 million Americans suffer from the skin condition psoriasis. Now a new laser treatment option has been approved. NBC Bay Area-aposs Marianne Favro h...
By: trs20zzz
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Unnecessary Censorship Pt. 2 | Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – Video
Posted: at 9:48 pm
Unnecessary Censorship Pt. 2 | Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Think of a dirty word when you hear the censor beep!
By: Minecraft Xbox 360 + Black Ops 2!
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Jon Stewart and Maziar Bahari on Censorship in Iran – Video
Posted: at 9:48 pm
Jon Stewart and Maziar Bahari on Censorship in Iran
On May 8, 2013, world-famous political satirist Jon Stewart of The Daily Show held a discussion about censorship and power in Iran, followed by a lively Q A, at an event hosted by the International...
By: IntlCampforHRinIran #39;s channel
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The Fallacy Of Censorship: Why I Oppose Blocking ProAna, Thinspiration Tags On Social Media Sites – Video
Posted: at 9:48 pm
The Fallacy Of Censorship: Why I Oppose Blocking ProAna, Thinspiration Tags On Social Media Sites
The ProAna Movement remains an issue fraught with a great degree of controversy. Extensive, virulent opposition and widespread censorship efforts have steadi...
By: Eating Disorder Awareness, Animal Rights Patient Advocacy
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The Fallacy Of Censorship: Why I Oppose Blocking ProAna, Thinspiration Tags On Social Media Sites - Video
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Mr Mondialisation – Mondialiénation (Fight Against Censorship) – Video
Posted: at 9:48 pm
Mr Mondialisation - Mondialination (Fight Against Censorship)
Suite la censure flagrante d #39;une des anciennes vidos de Mr. Mondialisation sur diffrents comptes, des Anonymous francophones ont lanc l #39;opration #Fight Against Censorship Le but...
By: Ta Ny
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Mr Mondialisation - Mondialiénation (Fight Against Censorship) - Video
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Laurie Halse Anderson Talks to ABFFE on Censorship – Video
Posted: at 9:48 pm
Laurie Halse Anderson Talks to ABFFE on Censorship
Laurie Halse Anderson talks to the American Booksellsers Foundation for Free Expression on censorship at the Winter Institute 8 in Kansas City, Missouri.
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Laurie Halse Anderson Talks to ABFFE on Censorship - Video
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Thoughts on Zoltan Istvan’s "The Transhumanist Wager" – A Review – Video
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Thoughts on Zoltan Istvan #39;s "The Transhumanist Wager" - A Review
Zoltan Istvan #39;s new novel "The Transhumanist Wager" has been compared to Ayn Rand #39;s "Atlas Shrugged". But to what extent are the books alike, and in what res...
By: G. Stolyarov II
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Thoughts on Zoltan Istvan's "The Transhumanist Wager" - A Review - Video
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Unbreakable Feat. Simonne Cooper Main Room (Futurism
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Unbreakable Feat. Simonne Cooper Main Room (Futurism Protoxic Remix)
Buy this release online:,u~10047360,p1~mp3/xe/details.html Distributed by Artist: Unbreakable...
By: Feiyrcom
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Unbreakable Feat. Simonne Cooper Main Room (Futurism
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Leonardo Da Vinci; Old World Futurist – Video
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Leonardo Da Vinci; Old World Futurist
This man was a great inventor and genius. A real renaissance man.Literally!
By: Wagneben000
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Leonardo Da Vinci; Old World Futurist - Video
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Face Time: Ford Futurist Sheryl Connelly
Posted: at 9:47 pm
By Katie Abdilla | Published 05/21/13 6:09pm
Since graduating from MSU in 1989, MSU alumna Sheryl Connelly has worn many hats. With experience in everything from sales to law, Connelly currently serves as the futurist for Ford Motor Co., predicting trends to help the company adapt to future changes in society.
Despite her business focus, Connelly is a self-proclaimed right-brainer, and most recently, was the first woman to make Fast Companys Top 100 Most Creative People in Business list for 2013. John Viera, Ford Motor Co.s global director of sustainability and environmental matters, said Connellys creative edge brings a new perspective to the office.
Im an engineer by nature, and Sheryl and I complement each other really well, Viera said. Left-brained people have a tendency to want to get to the answer right away, and what Sheryl does is takes a creative stand and opens up the blinds for us.
The State News spoke with Connelly on Monday, discussing her career and her time at MSU.
The State News: What was your overall experience at MSU like?
Sheryl Connelly: I have nothing but the fondest memories of my time at Michigan State. Like any college experience, when you get the opportunity to go away, its the time to find yourself. Its not just about the educational journey, its a journey of self-discovery and figuring out who you are away from your friends and family unit.
TSN: Although you focused on business while at MSU, you also were interested in art. What made you pick one over the other?
SC: I was really torn about whether I wanted to study art or business, but in the context of the 80s, it had its recession, and (business) seemed like the safest bet. I remember still today, it was exciting, the subtle reaction when people found out you were in the business college. At times it caught people by surprise, to see young women pursuing that kind of discipline.
TSN: What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
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Face Time: Ford Futurist Sheryl Connelly
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