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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Fast new, 1-step genetic engineering technology
Posted: May 22, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Public release date: 22-May-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Michael Bernstein 202-872-6042 American Chemical Society
A new, streamlined approach to genetic engineering drastically reduces the time and effort needed to insert new genes into bacteria, the workhorses of biotechnology, scientists are reporting. Published in the journal ACS Synthetic Biology, the method paves the way for more rapid development of designer microbes for drug development, environmental cleanup and other activities.
Keith Shearwin and colleagues explain that placing, or integrating, a piece of the genetic material DNA into a bacterium's genome is critical for making designer bacteria. That DNA can give microbes the ability to churn out ingredients for medication, for instance, or substances that break down oil after a big spill. But current genetic engineering methods are time-consuming and involve many steps. The approaches have other limitations as well. To address those drawbacks, the researchers sought to develop a new, one-step genetic engineering technology, which they named "clonetegration," a reference to clones or copies of genes or DNA fragments.
They describe development and successful laboratory tests of clonetegration in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium bacteria, which are used in biotechnology. The method is quick, efficient and easy to do and can integrate multiple genes at the same time. They predict that clonetegration "will become a valuable technique facilitating genetic engineering with difficult-to-clone sequences and rapid construction of synthetic biological systems."
The authors acknowledge funding from the China Scholarship Council, the National Science Foundation Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, the Human Frontier Science Program, the Australian Research Council and a William H. Elliott Biochemistry Fellowship.
The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.
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Fast new, 1-step genetic engineering technology
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chromosoom DNA en gen – Video
Posted: at 9:50 pm
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Fronczak Baby III – I-Team: Man Hopes DNA Will Locate Lost Family – Video
Posted: at 9:50 pm
Fronczak Baby III - I-Team: Man Hopes DNA Will Locate Lost Family
LAS VEGAS -- A gut-wrenching letter sent by Paul Fronczak to the loving couple that have been his parents for more than 40 years was not well received. Dora ...
By: Matthew Adams
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Fronczak Baby III - I-Team: Man Hopes DNA Will Locate Lost Family - Video
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Source Resonance and Incoming DNA Upgrades – Video
Posted: at 9:49 pm
Source Resonance and Incoming DNA Upgrades
Intel on X flares, Gateways and how YOU can assist in acceleration prior to May 24. Articles and the Ascension eCourse at Blessin...
By: Ascension Integration
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Source Resonance and Incoming DNA Upgrades - Video
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Programa do Ratinho – 17/05/2013 – Exame de DNA – Video
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Programa do Ratinho - 17/05/2013 - Exame de DNA
Programa do Ratinho - 17/05/2013 - Exame de DNA.
By: novocanaloficial2013
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Programa do Ratinho - 17/05/2013 - Exame de DNA - Video
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Atmosphere – Wanessa @DNA TOUR live in BELO HORIOZONTE/MG – Video
Posted: at 9:49 pm
Atmosphere - Wanessa @DNA TOUR live in BELO HORIOZONTE/MG
By: Edmundo Nunes
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Atmosphere - Wanessa @DNA TOUR live in BELO HORIOZONTE/MG - Video
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DNA IC – Video
Posted: at 9:49 pm
just some crap IC I made in like an hour LOL I ended up not adding anything else to it cause this song was just difficult. only upload for le vicky to see XD...
By: HydroDiffusion
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DNA IC - Video
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Entrepreneurial DNA: Joe Abraham at TEDxBend – Video
Posted: at 9:49 pm
Entrepreneurial DNA: Joe Abraham at TEDxBend
Joe is the founder/CEO of, featured in the Wall Street Journal for its breakthrough technology and award-winning accelerator. Entrepreneurship ha...
By: TEDxTalks
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Entrepreneurial DNA: Joe Abraham at TEDxBend - Video
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BMS302 Oral Presentation- Genetic Screening
Posted: at 9:49 pm
BMS302 Oral Presentation- Genetic Screening DNA Sequencing
By: RIPkas1
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BMS302 Oral Presentation- Genetic Screening
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DNA – Little Mix (Guitar) – Video
Posted: at 9:49 pm
DNA - Little Mix (Guitar)
Me playing DNA by Little Mix on guitar 🙂
By: Adriiaana G
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DNA - Little Mix (Guitar) - Video
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