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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Cris Hadfield Guitar was made for the International Space Station become famous! – Video
Posted: May 23, 2013 at 10:58 pm
Cris Hadfield Guitar was made for the International Space Station become famous!
For his grand finale,Cris Hadfield released the music video in the hours before he was scheduled to return to Earth. Like many of his posts, the video has gone viral, attracting more than 1...
By: peoplestandupca
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Cris Hadfield Guitar was made for the International Space Station become famous! - Video
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Space Station 24/7 – Video
Posted: at 10:58 pm
Space Station 24/7
Did you know that there are people living and working in space aboard the space station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? And that there are pe...
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The Space Station Chronicles – Video
Posted: at 10:58 pm
The Space Station Chronicles
As early as the nineteenth century, writers and artists and scientists around the world began to publish their visions of a crewed outpost in space. Learn ab...
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NASA Now: International Space Station Payload Operations – Video
Posted: at 10:58 pm
NASA Now: International Space Station Payload Operations
In this episode of NASA Now, you????ll hear Katie Presson of the Payload Operations Integration team at NASA #39;s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., discuss investigations being...
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SimCity #5 with Chrisandthemike: Space Station Under Construction – Video
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SimCity #5 with Chrisandthemike: Space Station Under Construction
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Space Station Live: May 21, 2013 – Video
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Space Station Live: May 21, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for May 21, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
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International Space Station Research Racks – Video
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International Space Station Research Racks
The International Space Station has a variety of multidisciplinary laboratory facilities and equipment available for scientists to use. This video highlights...
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National Geographic: Big, Bigger, Biggest, Space Station (S2 E6) – Video
Posted: at 10:58 pm
National Geographic: Big, Bigger, Biggest, Space Station (S2 E6)
Big Bigger Biggest Documentary. This episode reveals the technological inventions that made the construction of the International Space Station possible.
By: ReturnTvShows
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Space station power system restored to full operations
Posted: at 10:58 pm
Convinced an emergency spacewalk fixed the problem, engineers have restored complete functionality to the International Space Station power system that sprung a coolant leak May 9, NASA officials said Wednesday.
NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn on a May 11 spacewalk. Credit: NASA Astronauts spotted leaking ammonia flakes streaming from the vicinity of a pump May 9 and radioed mission control to report the sighting. Engineers on the ground confirmed the leak through telemetry data and shut down one of the space station's eight power cooling loops while ordering astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn to prepare for a spacewalk to locate and resolve the issue.
During a May 11 spacewalk, Cassidy and Marshburn replaced the suspected culprit - an ammonia pump located at the end of the space station's port-side truss. The spacewalkers observed no obvious signs of a leak when mission control powered up the fresh pump.
Ground controllers reconfigured the space station's primary system in the wake of the leak, isolating one of the lab's eight electricity channels crippled by a cooling failure and spreading the outpost's power load across the other seven solar arrays as officials planned a repair.
Mike Suffredini, NASA's space station program manager, said Wednesday the spacewalk fixed the serious leak that appeared May 9.
"A couple of weeks ago, we changed out a pump on the port outboard solar array cooling system, and that seemed to be the source of the big leak that we saw," Suffredini told reporters. "So we today finished transitioning all the [power] loads back on to that particular solar array, and everything is in a nominal fashion as we proceed forward."
The restored cooling system, which services the space station's 2B power channel, ensures the outpost's laboratories and residents continue working on scientific research at a feverish pace easily eclipsing NASA's self-imposed objective of 35 hours of hands-on experiment work per week.
The 2B channel draws power from one of two 115-foot-long wings of the space station's P6 truss lying on the far left end of the space station's structural backbone. The leaky coolant loop dissipates heat from the electronics on the power truss.
The bulk of the space station's electricity comes from four sets of solar arrays mounted on both ends of the 450-ton outpost's 357-foot-long truss. The P6 solar panels, launched on a space shuttle mission in 2000, are the oldest of the four U.S.-built power truss segments.
Suffredini it will take up to a year to determine whether the 2B power channel's coolant system is still leaking at all. Engineers first noticed a minor leak in the same coolant loop in 2007, prompting a spacewalk in 2011 to refill the system with ammonia coolant. After the leak rate increased - likely due to the development of another leak elsewhere in the system - another spacewalk in November 2012 attempted to isolate the location of the slow leak with a bypass of a suspect radiator.
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Space station power system restored to full operations
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Astronaut Packs Crafts for Creative Space Station Trip
Posted: at 10:58 pm
An American astronaut is about to get seriously crafty in space.
When NASA's Karen Nyberg, the European Space Agency's Luca Parmitano and Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin officially launch on board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station on May 28, the American astronaut will bring a few key creative items with her.
"I actually enjoy sewing and quilting and I am bringing some fabric with me and thread and I'm hoping to create something," Nyberg said. "I don't know yet what it will be but that's part of creativity is that it comes with the feeling of the day so I have the supplies in my hands to create if I get the opportunity and the creative notion to do so." [Women in Space: A Gallery of Firsts (Photos)]
Although the six-month-stint will be Nyberg's longest in space, it is not her first time visiting the International Space Station.
"I'm looking forward to the most this time actually living there," Nyberg told "I visited space station in 2008 on the space shuttle Discovery, and it was a very, very quick trip, only 14 days and honestly, I don't really remember a lot of it because it just flew on by so fast."
Nyberg, 43, is planning on sharing her experiences on board the station with the world using social media, although she has only be using Twitter (where she posts from the account @AstroKarenN) for a little over a month. She is also on Pintrest with the handle: knyberg.
Nyberg follows in a line of female astronauts who have spent time on board the International Space Station.
"The females that have lived on space station before me are incredible people and have given me a lot of advice on living there and also dealing with having a child at home while living there," Nyberg said. "So it's just fantastic to follow in their footsteps."
The Minnesota native admits that she will miss a few things about life back on Earth aside from her family.
"I also will definitely miss coffee in the morning out of a cup," Nyberg said. "It's just not quite the same when you drink your coffee from a bag."
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