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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Posted: May 28, 2013 at 7:41 am
Futurism No Nation Feat. Michelle Labelle No Tonight (Danny Better Remix)
Buy this release online:,u~10046277,p1~mp3/xe/details.html Distributed by Artist: Futurism ...
By: Feiyr - Digital Music Distribution
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The Future of Music and the Concert Business: Futurist Gerd Leonhard Keynote at Dansk Live 2013 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
The Future of Music and the Concert Business: Futurist Gerd Leonhard Keynote at Dansk Live 2013
Thanks for your interest in my work! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO of
By: Gerd Leonhard
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InterKerbinational Space Station – Video
Posted: May 26, 2013 at 7:44 pm
InterKerbinational Space Station
Ausmonauts, Kerbal Space Program, Space Station,
By: Doull Teg
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InterKerbinational Space Station - Video
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How to See the International Space Station (ISS) – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
How to See the International Space Station (ISS)
Did you know that the International Space Station (ISS) is one of the brightest objects in the night sky? You just need to know where, and when to look. Univ...
By: Fraser Cain
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How to See the International Space Station (ISS) - Video
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KSP: 50-Kerbal Deep Space Station Expedition’s 1st mission – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
KSP: 50-Kerbal Deep Space Station Expedition #39;s 1st mission
Kerbal Space Program station Expedition #39;s maiden voyage to Mun and Minmus to land on both and return to LKO without refueling or discarding any parts, as a t...
By: MM1E
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KSP: 50-Kerbal Deep Space Station Expedition's 1st mission - Video
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Astronaut packs crafts for space station trip
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Karen Nyberg / @AstroKarenN / NASA
NASA's Karen Nyberg sits in the Soyuz spacecraft that is scheduled to launch her and two other astronauts to the International Space Station on May 28. Image released on May 17, 2013.
By Miriam Kramer,
An American astronaut is about to get seriously crafty in space.
When NASA's Karen Nyberg, the European Space Agency's Luca Parmitano and Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin officially launch on board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station on Tuesday, the American astronaut will bring a few key creative items with her.
"I actually enjoy sewing and quilting and I am bringing some fabric with me and thread and I'm hoping to create something," Nyberg said. "I don't know yet what it will be but that's part of creativity is that it comes with the feeling of the day so I have the supplies in my hands to create if I get the opportunity and the creative notion to do so." [Women in Space: A Gallery of Firsts (Photos)]
Although the six-month-stint will be Nyberg's longest in space, it is not her first time visiting the International Space Station.
"I'm looking forward to the most this time actually living there," Nyberg told "I visited space station in 2008 on the space shuttle Discovery, and it was a very, very quick trip, only 14 days and honestly, I don't really remember a lot of it because it just flew on by so fast."
Nyberg, 43, is planning on sharing her experiences on board the station with the world using social media, although she has only be using Twitter (where she posts from the account @AstroKarenN) for a little over a month. She is also on Pinterest with the handle: knyberg.
Nyberg follows in a line of female astronauts who have spent time on board the International Space Station.
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Astronaut packs crafts for space station trip
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In bed with Lucy and Dolly, Act One 1998, D.Fried (on genetic engineering and cloning) – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
In bed with Lucy and Dolly, Act One 1998, D.Fried (on genetic engineering and cloning)
( see transcript below ) Cast of characters: Lucy (the early hominid "Mother"), to Us ( Eve the "Myth" ), and to Dolly-the-Sheep (what Fried ironically refer...
By: netarchy01
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In bed with Lucy and Dolly, Act One 1998, D.Fried (on genetic engineering and cloning) - Video
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Gilera Dna Racing mit 0-100 in 5 Sekunden – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Gilera Dna Racing mit 0-100 in 5 Sekunden
By: RaceAndFunTV
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Gilera Dna Racing mit 0-100 in 5 Sekunden - Video
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Gilera Dna Racing mit 140 km_h durch den Wald – Stage 6 R_T Modular – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Gilera Dna Racing mit 140 km_h durch den Wald - Stage 6 R_T Modular
By: RaceAndFunTV
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Gilera Dna Racing mit 140 km_h durch den Wald - Stage 6 R_T Modular - Video
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Posted: at 7:43 pm 0317 Ontogenia del sistema nervioso
Recurso educativo en el aula virtual de ciencias de la naturaleza (acceso libre y gratuito).Consultar actualizaciones y actividades d...
By: jmtc10
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