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373. Homeschooling, War, and Banking | Ron Paul – Video
Posted: May 29, 2013 at 6:41 pm
373. Homeschooling, War, and Banking | Ron Paul
Ron Paul talks to Lew Rockwell about what we all need to know. Ron Paul #39;s Institute for Peace and Prosperity: Ron Paul #39;s LewRock...
By: Lew Rockwell
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Ron Paul Launching New Website After United Nations Dismisses His Domain
Posted: at 6:41 pm
Former Rep. Ron Paul, (R-Texas), speaks at George Washington University on March 4, 2013, in Washington, DC.
Over the weekend, Ron Paul lost attempts to claim two namesake domains, and, both of which belong to a group of ardent, Panama-based fans of the twelve-term Texas congressman. Case documents show Paul was also found guilty of "reverse domain name hijacking" because he ignored an offer by the owners to give him for free.
Instead, Paul took his complaint to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a United Nations agency, which dismissed his suits.
But Paul appears undeterred at his losses, with spokeswoman Megan Stiles telling Whispers "While the ruling is disappointing, Dr. Paul is excited to launch his new personal website on another domain in the coming weeks." She declined to share what that domain would be.
Since retiring from Congress in January 2012, Paul has been ever more in need of his own website, having launched a non-interventionist think tank in April and become increasingly more active in Campaign for Liberty, a 501(c)4 group he founded in 2008 to maintain the grass-roots support built up during his presidential campaign that year.
Over on, supporters remain incredulous that Paul, who has long been critical of the United Nations, would go through a U.N. agency to take websites from his supporters.
"I have been a major fan of Ron Paul since 2007 but for the first time this has me asking 'Who is the real Ron Paul?'" wrote one commenter. Tim Martin, an owner of, wrote that "we're expecting to wake up any minute now and find out that this was all a big misunderstanding."
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Crysis 3 – Introduction – Post Human Warrior Difficulty – Video
Posted: at 6:41 pm
Crysis 3 - Introduction - Post Human Warrior Difficulty
By: Andr Lopes
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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Deliver Keynote at Wolters Kluwer's Customer Advisory Board Event
Posted: at 6:41 pm
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) May 29, 2013
Following upon the success of his well-received speech at United Healthcare's Valued Customer Forum on May 8th in Minneapolis, popular keynote speaker, healthcare futurist, and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver a keynote session at Wolters Kluwer's annual Customer Advisory Board meeting in Chicago on June 7, 2013. The title of Uldrich's presentation is "Why Future Trends in Healthcare Will Demand Unlearning."
The presentation, which is based on Uldrichs two most recent books: "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" and "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future" as well as his popular article, "Top Ten Trends in Healthcare," will begin by discussing how continued advances in information technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, genomics, regenerative medicine, social networking and "Big Data" will radically transform healthcare in the decade ahead. (A video of Mr. Uldrich discussing future trends can be viewed here.)
Uldrich will then focus on why these trends will demand unlearning and discuss why participants must embrace the concept of unlearning in order to achieve future success. Uldrich, who has been hailed as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer, will conclude by reviewing specific habits, customs, beliefs and ideas that healthcare professionals canand mustunlearn. Throughout his talks, he will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning sticks with his audiences.
In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of healthcare associations and hospitals, including the Alcetel-Lucent/Verizon Forum on Wireless Healthcare, United Healthcare, IASIS Healthcare, Methodist Hospital (Houston, TX), Allina Hospitals, The Healthcare Trustees of New York, The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Care Providers of Minnesota, St. Jude Medical, Fairview Hospitals, University Hospitals & Health System of Ohio, and healthcare associations in Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. He has also addressed a number of major, non-health-care-related corporations on the topic of unlearning including PepsiCo, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, Guardian Life Insurance and General Electric. Uldrich also frequently addresses Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and Chamber of Commerce events throughout the country.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.
Uldrich is a renowned global healthcare futurist, best-selling author; editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning websites, and He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Executive Speakers Bureau and Convention Connection.
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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Deliver Keynote at Wolters Kluwer's Customer Advisory Board Event
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An Interview With Ford's Futurist Sheryl Connelly
Posted: at 6:41 pm
Sheryl Connelly is the head of Ford's Global Trends and Futuring Division, where she separates trend from fad and helps the automaker determine what global changes will influence the market in years to come.
Join us to learn Sheryl's insights on how demographics, technology, the environment, and other global issues have shaped today's market, what these trends could mean for our future, and how one company is responding.
A full transcript follows the video.
Worried about Ford? If you're concerned that Ford's turnaround has run its course, relax -- there's good reason to think that the Blue Oval still has big growth opportunities ahead. We've outlined those opportunities in detail, in the Fool's premium Ford research service. If you're looking for some freshly updated guidance to Ford's prospects in coming years, you've come to the right place -- click hereto get started now.
Brendan: Hi, folks, I'm Brendan Byrnes and I'm joined today by Sheryl Connelly. Sheryl's the head of Ford's Global Trends and Futuring Division. First of all, thanks so much for your time.
Sheryl: My pleasure.
Brendan: It sounds like a very interesting job. Could you, first, just very quickly describe your job and what, exactly, you do for Ford?
Sheryl: Sure. Informally, I'm often referred to as Ford's "In-House Futurist," which is a bit of a misnomer, because I am the person that spends most of their time reminding people that no one can predict the future.
What I try to do is help give input to strategic discussions. What are the assumptions that are built into our plans? What happens if the assumptions that we have are wrong?
To challenge those things, I look at trends -- global trends -- through the lens of social, technological, economic, environmental, and political arenas, because while we'll never be able to predict the future, we know those are the five things that will shape the landscape.
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Space Station Live: May 23, 2013 – Video
Posted: May 28, 2013 at 7:44 am
Space Station Live: May 23, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for May 23, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: Reel NASA
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Next Space Station Mission Previewed for Media – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Next Space Station Mission Previewed for Media
A media event at the Johnson Space Center included a NASA Social to highlight scientific research aboard the International Space Station and a press briefing covering mission priorities and...
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Space Station 13: High Speed Doctoring – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Space Station 13: High Speed Doctoring
This needs background music.
By: Flamytygwa
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Space Station Live: Astronaut Mario Runco on Earth Photography – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Space Station Live: Astronaut Mario Runco on Earth Photography
Veteran astronaut Mario Runco joins NASA Public Affairs Officer Kelly Humphries in International Space Station Flight Control Room to discuss astronaut photo...
By: Reel NASA
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Taikonauts reach Chinese space station – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Taikonauts reach Chinese space station
to see more videos here: for copyright listed in the video. please no haters please like and subscribe in accident, American, case, country, crisis,...
By: OnlineArabNews
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