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Category Archives: Transhuman News
futurist TRAILER – Video
Posted: May 30, 2013 at 7:41 pm
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UFO LIGHT FRESNO anyone else see this? not space station see description – Video
Posted: May 29, 2013 at 6:44 pm
UFO LIGHT FRESNO anyone else see this? not space station see description
kingufokid ufosarerealfresno robert thorson 9pm 5/25/13 object came from west heading east south. no blinking lights one solid light. sony trv-103 using nigh...
By: UfosAreRealFresno #39;s channel
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UFO LIGHT FRESNO anyone else see this? not space station see description - Video
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Space Oddity – Chris Hadfield – David Bowie – Space Station – Tyrannosaurus Rocks Review – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
Space Oddity - Chris Hadfield - David Bowie - Space Station - Tyrannosaurus Rocks Review
Take your protein pills and put this video on. Rick Majestic of Tyrannosaurus Rocks reviews Commander Chris Hadfield #39;s update of David Bowie #39;s "Space Oddity,...
By: TyrannosaurusRocks1
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Space Oddity - Chris Hadfield - David Bowie - Space Station - Tyrannosaurus Rocks Review - Video
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Overdue supply ship docks with International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
Overdue supply ship docks with International Space Station
The WikiPlays article Overdue supply ship docks with International Space Station is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at
By: 4wikiman
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Overdue supply ship docks with International Space Station - Video
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Multinational trio makes a run to the space station in record time
Posted: at 6:44 pm
A Soyuz capsule carrying three new crew members successfully docked with the International Space Station on Wednesday, welcoming NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and two crewmates from Russia and Italy.
By Miriam Kramer
Three astronauts from Russia, the United States and Italy have become the newest residents of the International Space Station after a record-setting trip.
Five hours and 40 minutes after asuccessful Soyuz rocket launchfrom the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, NASA's Karen Nyberg and Italy's Luca Parmitano docked their Soyuz spacecraft at the orbiting laboratory at 10:10 p.m. ET Tuesday. The new crew will remain on the space station for the next six months.
"I've never felt better in my life," Yurchikhin said just after the Soyuz docked at the station while sailing high above the South Pacific.[See Photos from the Launch and Docking]
Fast track to spaceTuesday's same-day launch and docking was the second express flight to the International Space Station by an astronaut crew.
Unmanned cargo vessels have made this kind of trip several times before, but the one-day missions are a relatively new method of flying for manned Soyuz capsules. Typically, it takes astronauts about two days to reach the space station. The fast-track itinerary calls for the capsule to orbit the Earth only four times, shortening the amount of time the astronauts need to spend in the cramped spaceship.
Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket lift off from Kazakhstan, carrying a U.S.-Italian-Russian crew to the International Space Station.
The first Soyuz crew to fly to the station using this expedited technique were waiting to greet Nyberg, Parmitano and Yurchikhin after the opening of the capsule's hatch. The three newest space station residents will join NASA's Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Pavel Vinogradov to round out the Expedition 36 crew.
"[Your trip was] even faster than Pavel," a Russian mission controller joked with Yurchikhin after docking. The Russian Soyuz commander beat Vinogradov's time to the station by six minutes.
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Multinational trio makes a run to the space station in record time
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Astronaut crew set to take off for space station
Posted: at 6:44 pm
A Soyuz capsule carrying three new crew members successfully docked with the International Space Station on Wednesday, welcoming NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and two crewmates from Russia and Italy.
By Miriam Kramer
Three astronauts from Russia, the United States and Italy have become the newest residents of the International Space Station after a record-setting trip.
Five hours and 40 minutes after asuccessful Soyuz rocket launchfrom the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, NASA's Karen Nyberg and Italy's Luca Parmitano docked their Soyuz spacecraft at the orbiting laboratory at 10:10 p.m. ET Tuesday. The new crew will remain on the space station for the next six months.
"I've never felt better in my life," Yurchikhin said just after the Soyuz docked at the station while sailing high above the South Pacific.[See Photos from the Launch and Docking]
Fast track to spaceTuesday's same-day launch and docking was the second express flight to the International Space Station by an astronaut crew.
Unmanned cargo vessels have made this kind of trip several times before, but the one-day missions are a relatively new method of flying for manned Soyuz capsules. Typically, it takes astronauts about two days to reach the space station. The fast-track itinerary calls for the capsule to orbit the Earth only four times, shortening the amount of time the astronauts need to spend in the cramped spaceship.
Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket lift off from Kazakhstan, carrying a U.S.-Italian-Russian crew to the International Space Station.
The first Soyuz crew to fly to the station using this expedited technique were waiting to greet Nyberg, Parmitano and Yurchikhin after the opening of the capsule's hatch. The three newest space station residents will join NASA's Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Pavel Vinogradov to round out the Expedition 36 crew.
"[Your trip was] even faster than Pavel," a Russian mission controller joked with Yurchikhin after docking. The Russian Soyuz commander beat Vinogradov's time to the station by six minutes.
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Astronaut crew set to take off for space station
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US, Italian and Russian spacefliers begin quick trip to space station
Posted: at 6:44 pm
A Soyuz capsule carrying three new crew members successfully docked with the International Space Station on Wednesday, welcoming NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and two crewmates from Russia and Italy.
By Miriam Kramer
Three astronauts from Russia, the United States and Italy have become the newest residents of the International Space Station after a record-setting trip.
Five hours and 40 minutes after asuccessful Soyuz rocket launchfrom the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, NASA's Karen Nyberg and Italy's Luca Parmitano docked their Soyuz spacecraft at the orbiting laboratory at 10:10 p.m. ET Tuesday. The new crew will remain on the space station for the next six months.
"I've never felt better in my life," Yurchikhin said just after the Soyuz docked at the station while sailing high above the South Pacific.[See Photos from the Launch and Docking]
Fast track to spaceTuesday's same-day launch and docking was the second express flight to the International Space Station by an astronaut crew.
Unmanned cargo vessels have made this kind of trip several times before, but the one-day missions are a relatively new method of flying for manned Soyuz capsules. Typically, it takes astronauts about two days to reach the space station. The fast-track itinerary calls for the capsule to orbit the Earth only four times, shortening the amount of time the astronauts need to spend in the cramped spaceship.
Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket lift off from Kazakhstan, carrying a U.S.-Italian-Russian crew to the International Space Station.
The first Soyuz crew to fly to the station using this expedited technique were waiting to greet Nyberg, Parmitano and Yurchikhin after the opening of the capsule's hatch. The three newest space station residents will join NASA's Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Pavel Vinogradov to round out the Expedition 36 crew.
"[Your trip was] even faster than Pavel," a Russian mission controller joked with Yurchikhin after docking. The Russian Soyuz commander beat Vinogradov's time to the station by six minutes.
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US, Italian and Russian spacefliers begin quick trip to space station
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Multinational trio makes the journey to space station in record time
Posted: at 6:44 pm
A Soyuz capsule carrying three new crew members successfully docked with the International Space Station on Wednesday, welcoming NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and two crewmates from Russia and Italy.
By Miriam Kramer
Three astronauts from Russia, the United States and Italy have become the newest residents of the International Space Station after a record-setting trip.
Five hours and 40 minutes after asuccessful Soyuz rocket launchfrom the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, NASA's Karen Nyberg and Italy's Luca Parmitano docked their Soyuz spacecraft at the orbiting laboratory at 10:10 p.m. ET Tuesday. The new crew will remain on the space station for the next six months.
"I've never felt better in my life," Yurchikhin said just after the Soyuz docked at the station while sailing high above the South Pacific.[See Photos from the Launch and Docking]
Fast track to spaceTuesday's same-day launch and docking was the second express flight to the International Space Station by an astronaut crew.
Unmanned cargo vessels have made this kind of trip several times before, but the one-day missions are a relatively new method of flying for manned Soyuz capsules. Typically, it takes astronauts about two days to reach the space station. The fast-track itinerary calls for the capsule to orbit the Earth only four times, shortening the amount of time the astronauts need to spend in the cramped spaceship.
Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket lift off from Kazakhstan, carrying a U.S.-Italian-Russian crew to the International Space Station.
The first Soyuz crew to fly to the station using this expedited technique were waiting to greet Nyberg, Parmitano and Yurchikhin after the opening of the capsule's hatch. The three newest space station residents will join NASA's Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Pavel Vinogradov to round out the Expedition 36 crew.
"[Your trip was] even faster than Pavel," a Russian mission controller joked with Yurchikhin after docking. The Russian Soyuz commander beat Vinogradov's time to the station by six minutes.
Original post:
Multinational trio makes the journey to space station in record time
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International crew takes short cut to space station
Posted: at 6:44 pm
By Irene Klotz
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A Russian spaceship took a shortcut to the International Space Station on Tuesday, delivering a veteran cosmonaut, a rookie Italian astronaut and an American mother on her second flight to the outpost in less than six hours.
The capsule slipped into its berthing port at 10:10 p.m. EDT about 250 miles above the south Pacific Ocean.
"Everything went very well," NASA mission commentator Kelly Humphries said during a televised broadcast of the docking.
Typically, the journey takes two days, but Russian engineers have developed new flight procedures that tweak the steering maneuvers and expedite the trip.
One other crew capsule and several cargo ships previously have taken the fast route to the station.
The express ride to the station began at 4:31 p.m. EDT when a Russian Soyuz rocket soared off its launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and deposited the crew's capsule into orbit. The spaceship circled around the planet less than four times before catching up to the station, a $100 billion project of 15 nations.
Overseeing operations from aboard the capsule was veteran cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, 54, who will be living aboard the station for the third time. The former commander also flew on NASA's now-retired space shuttle.
He was joined on the Soyuz by first-time astronaut Luca Parmitano, 36, a major in the Italian Air Force. Parmitano, who initially studied political science and international law at the University of Naples, is the first Italian to be assigned to a long-duration mission aboard the station, which is a laboratory for biomedical, materials science and other research.
"This is very momentous," Parmitano said in a preflight NASA interview.
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International crew takes short cut to space station
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Soyuz capsule docks with space station
Posted: at 6:44 pm
MOSCOW (AP) A Soyuz capsule carrying an American, Russian and Italian successfully docked Wednesday with the International Space Station, where the new crew will spend six months conducting a variety of experiments.
The docking took place at 8:10 a.m. (0210 GMT, 10:10 p.m. EDT) less than six hours after the Russian spacecraft lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which Russia leases in Kazakhstan.
Live footage provided by NASA TV showed it soaring into the clear night sky. About four minutes later, the announcer said the Soyuz was traveling at 4,700 miles per hour (about 7,500 kilometers per hour).
The cramped capsule carrying NASA's Karen Nyberg, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and Italy's Luca Parmitano orbited the Earth four times before docking with the space station.
After docking, two hours passed before pressure equalized between the capsule and the station, allowing safe entry.
The three new arrivals were greeted by NASA's Chris Cassidy and Russians Alexander Misurkin and the station's commander Pavel Vinogradov, who have been aboard the space station since late March.
"It was a pretty cool ride," Nyberg said upon arrival.
Cassidy had shaved his head clean to match Parmitano's look and got a thumbs-up from the Italian.
Yurchikhin, 54, is a veteran of three previous spaceflights, while the 36-year-old Parmitano, a former test pilot, is making his first trip into space. Nyberg, 43, spent two weeks in space in 2008 as part of a U.S. space shuttle crew.
Shortly after their arrival, the incoming team spoke via video link with their relatives and officials back in Baikonur. Parmitano's mother wept throughout the chat with her son.
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Soyuz capsule docks with space station
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