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DNA ~ Little Mix Cover by Kasha – Video
Posted: May 30, 2013 at 7:44 pm
DNA ~ Little Mix Cover by Kasha
hey guys! Thanks for watching! please comment, like and subscride!! and go subscribe to @loubna Boughlid Amachraa for the karaoke of DNA in this video!!!
By: Kasha Styles
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DNA ~ Little Mix Cover by Kasha - Video
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My DNA Tune – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
My DNA Tune
My DNA Tune as determined by 23 Me and played on a marimba.
By: Lijdare
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My DNA Tune - Video
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Glide Gear DNA 5050 Test Footage – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Glide Gear DNA 5050 Test Footage
This is a test film using the GlideGear DNA 5050. I have been using the product for about 6 hours and the company recommend that you use it for about two wee...
By: James Haslam
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DNA – Fest der Kulturen (Nordhorn) maggio 2013 – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
DNA - Fest der Kulturen (Nordhorn) maggio 2013
Le foto della partecipazione al Festival della cultura che si svolge a Nordhorn (Germania) nel mese di maggio.La citta #39; di Nordhorn e #39; gemellata con Rieti, t...
By: roberto tiberti
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DNA - Fest der Kulturen (Nordhorn) maggio 2013 - Video
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DNA Enrichment Kits aid cancer gene detection.
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Cardiff, UK EKF Diagnostics, the point-of-care diagnostics business, has announced the launch of EKF Molecular Diagnostics PointMan DNA Enrichment kits at ASCO 2013, 31st May 4th June, Chicago. The global launch will comprise three kits for enriching mutations in BRAF, KRAS and EGFR T790M genes associated with skin melanoma, colorectal and lung cancers. PointMan kits offer highly-specific and ultra-sensitive enrichment of mutant genes in a background of wild-type (normal) genes that is unmatched by existing technologies.
The launch of the new PointMan kits on Stand 19117 is the first new product introduction since EKFs acquisition of 360 Genomics Limited and the establishment of EKF Molecular Diagnostics in March 2013. EKF Molecular was set up to offer innovative products with the potential to change current DNA extraction and detection practices, in order to best support the fast growing companion diagnostics market.
PointMan, is a real-time PCR technology that provides reliable and extremely sensitive detection for cancer mutations. It is highly efficient in amplifying the target sequence of interest, whilst suppressing amplification of the wild-type. The resulting sample is effectively enriched for the mutation, thereby having the potential to offer industry leading sensitivity in a wide variety of sample types.
PointMan DNA enrichment kits can also be used to enrich all mutant sequences within the gene of interest using a single set of reagents, unlike competing technology that requires a separate reagent set for each mutation within a gene sequence. These kits offer fast, efficient and cost effective enrichment of mutant gene sequences for researchers in the pharmaceutical industry developing anti-cancer therapies. At ASCO, EKF Molecular Diagnostics will also premiere its pipeline of PointMan enrichment kits currently in development for other cancer-related mutations.
The three PointMan kits initially being launched for the Research Use Only market, with planned diagnostic registration in Europe in 2014, are: PointMan BRAF DNA Enrichment Kit The BRAF gene has proven utility in the treatment of melanoma, as well as colorectal cancer. PointMan KRAS DNA Enrichment Kit The KRAS gene has proven utility in the treatment of colorectal cancer. PointMan EGFR T790M DNA Enrichment Kit T790M mutation in EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) has been associated with about 50% of patients who develop resistance to EGFR targeted therapies in non-small cell lung cancer.
Andrew Webb, Chief Executive Officer of EKF Molecular, said: The launch of these three kits, which are the first in a line of further expected PointMan product launches, comes ahead of schedule and represents step one in our operational development plan for the newly established EKF Molecular Diagnostics.
For more information please visit
About EKF Diagnostics EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc specialises in the development, production and worldwide distribution of point-of-care blood analysers for use in the detection and management of diabetes, anaemia, lactate and kidney related diseases. Its new Molecular division focuses on molecular and companion diagnostics.
Point-of-care diagnostics: EKF Diagnostics expertise covers the entire in vitro diagnostics chain, from fermentation and enzyme production, to liquid reagent manufacture, design and building of world-class diagnostic devices, and distribution of rapid test kits for infectious diseases and pregnancy. The EKF analyser range is used widely in GP surgeries, pharmacies, blood banks, sports clinics, hospitals and laboratories for glucose, lactate, haemoglobin, haematocrit and HbA1c measurement.
Companion Diagnostics: In March 2013 EKF set up a new division to focus on molecular and companion diagnostics - EKF Molecular Diagnostics develops technologies for cancer gene detection. Through its acquisition of UK-based 360 Genomics and by offering innovative products with the potential to change current DNA extraction and detection practices, EKF is addressing the fast growing companion diagnostics market.
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DNA Enrichment Kits aid cancer gene detection.
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13 – Genome Sequencing in Tumors – Interview with Dr. Allan Balmain – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
13 - Genome Sequencing in Tumors - Interview with Dr. Allan Balmain
For additional information visit Dr. Allan Balmain, Professor at UCSF, studies the step-wise fashion in which cancer develops. By looking...
By: CancerQuest Education Program
13 - Genome Sequencing in Tumors - Interview with Dr. Allan Balmain - Video
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Genome offers clues to amphibian-killing fungus
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Javascript is currently disabled in your web browser. For full site functionality, it is necessary to enable Javascript. In order to enable it, please see these instructions. 12 hours ago by Krishna Ramanujan Harlequin frogs, such as this species (Atelopus glyphus), are highly susceptible to Bd, and many populations have become extinct. Credit: K.R. Zamudio
A fungus that has decimated amphibians globally is much older than previously thought, but may have recently spread through the global wildlife trade to new locations where amphibians have no immunity, reports a new study.
Previous research had suggested that a group of related strains of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) responsible for the current global pandemic, called the Global Panzootic Lineage (GPL), resulted from a recent lethal hybridization.
But now, an international team of researchers, including Cornell ecologist Kelly Zamudio, one of the project's principal investigators (PI), has sequenced the genomes of 29 strains of the Bd fungus worldwide.
The results are published in the May 6 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The findings reveal that the GPL existed long before the current pandemic, possibly descending from an ancestor that originated 26,000 years ago.
"We found a lot more genetic variation than people knew about," said Zamudio, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, of the sequenced Bd genomes. "It could lead us to a better understanding of what makes it kill. Once we know the genetic makeup of a pathogen, maybe we can understand what makes it such a powerful killer."
The fungus infects some 350 amphibian species by attacking and degrading their skin, often causing death. Amphibians began dying off at alarming rates in the 1980s, particularly in Australia and South America, and researchers identified Bd as the culprit in 1998.
In the study, a sample from Brazil showed the earliest known divergence from that common ancestor.
"Early on in the history [of Bd], the Brazil isolate took a different evolutionary path," said Zamudio.
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Genome offers clues to amphibian-killing fungus
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Aveeno VS eczema part 1-2 – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Aveeno VS eczema part 1-2
I #39;m keeping track of how this Aveeno lotion works for my eczema.
By: Shuaib Abdullah
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Aveeno VS eczema part 1-2 - Video
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Eczema In Children – 5 Natural Ways to Fight Off Eczema – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Eczema In Children - 5 Natural Ways to Fight Off Eczema Learn More About Eczema In Children If you suffer from eczema, you want and need to seek relief. You may opt for expensive over-the-...
By: Beryl Mccall
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Eczema On Hands – Beat Eczema for Good: Is It Possible? – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Eczema On Hands - Beat Eczema for Good: Is It Possible?
Check here for more information about Eczema On Hands If you were recently diagnosed as having eczema, you likely have many questions. One of the most common questions...
By: Joan Donvan
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Eczema On Hands - Beat Eczema for Good: Is It Possible? - Video
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