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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Human Genome PowerPoint Template – Video
Posted: May 31, 2013 at 7:54 pm
Human Genome PowerPoint Template
Human Genome design template for PowerPoint presentations. Get this template at Download creative, pre-made, professional presentation templates...
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Giant genome study finds tiny links between genetics and schooling
Posted: at 7:54 pm
Everyone wants an easy answer to the big questions about geneticsis there a gay gene? Agene for autism? What about for motherhoodor for murder?
In nearly every case, the answer is no; instead, genetic traits are often determined by many small mutations across the genome that interact with the environment and peoples experiences. Finding these genetic differences and interpreting their effects is incredibly difficult. The studies that identify them, called genome-wide association studies, entail searching the entire genome of many individuals for areas that consistently correlate with specific traits.
Casting such a wide net necessitates a large sample size, since hundreds of thousands of genetic markers are being tested. Until recently, the most extensivegenome-wide association study in the social sciences involved about 10,000 individuals. A new study detailed in this week's Science examines the genomes of about 100,000 people across fifteen countries in order to identify genetic markers related to a persons educational accomplishments.
More specifically, the researchers have identified genetic mutations that are associated with two measures of a person's educational attainment: their total number of years of schooling and their likelihood of finishing college. The papers title, GWAS of 126,559 Individuals Identifies Genetic Variants Associated with Educational Attainment, sounds pretty promising.
The real numbers, however, are a little less thrilling. The researchers identified three single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPsgenetic sequences where one nucleotide has been substituted with anotherthat predict these two measures of educational attainment. The SNP associated with an individuals time in school explains a grand total of 0.022 percent of the observed variance in the population. Yes, you read that right: just over two hundredths of a percent, which corresponds to about one month of schooling.
The SNPs related to whether or not a person finished college aren't much larger in their impact; the largest effect corresponds to a 1.8 percentage point increase in the likelihood of finishing college. Across two million SNPs, the researchers could explain, in total, about two percent of the variation in individuals educational attainment.
Since other estimates suggest that about 40 percent of a persons educational attainment is heritable, these effect sizes seem tiny. But in the world of genome-wide association studies, these numbers arent that small. Remember, these are single mutations that are being tested; that may only beone nucleotide out of over 2 billionthat is making a significant and measurable difference in how well-educated a person is.
To put these numbers in perspective, the SNPs with the largest effects on height and BMI account for 0.4 percent and 0.3 percent of the variance in these traits, respectively.
Furthermore, its particularly difficult to identify SNPs that have a measurable effect on behavioral traits compared to physical traits, thanks to the stronger effects of environment and personality. Many genome-wide association studies in social science actually fail to find any SNPs that have significant replicable effects.
Despite the tiny effect sizes, this research is a definite step toward understanding the genetic architecture of complex behavioral traits, specifically those related to education. Of course, as the researchers are careful to note, theres no gene for education. But by identifying small points of interest throughout the genome, researchers are making progress in understanding the complex role that our genes and our environment play in our educational outcomes.
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Giant genome study finds tiny links between genetics and schooling
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What Does Eczema Look Like – A Parents Guide to Eczema – Video
Posted: at 7:54 pm
What Does Eczema Look Like - A Parents Guide to Eczema
Cure Eczema With natural check at What Does Eczema Look Like As a parent, you strive to give your child a happy and healthy life, but...
By: Jeanine Barber
What Does Eczema Look Like - A Parents Guide to Eczema - Video
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New 5p and 10p coins release FOUR times more nickel on the skin than previously expected and could trigger eczema and …
Posted: at 7:54 pm
New cost-cutting coating 'could cause cracked, sore hands and eczema' Cases of nickel allergy have soared in recent years - it now affects one in 10 It was thought coins didn't release enough nickel to trigger allergy But doctors say previous tests were flawed, exposing public to high levels
By Jenny Hope
PUBLISHED: 12:59 EST, 31 May 2013 | UPDATED: 13:01 EST, 31 May 2013
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Your loose change may do more than burn a hole in your pocket.
There are claims it could also give you sore hands because of the nickel in the new 5p and 10p coins.
Doctors have issued an allergy warning over the coins introduced in January last year after tests revealed they release four times more nickel on to the skin than expected.
Handling them regularly could cause the hands to become cracked and sore and also trigger eczema, a study has shown.
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New 5p and 10p coins release FOUR times more nickel on the skin than previously expected and could trigger eczema and ...
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Home Treatment for Psoriasis – Home Remedies Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 7:54 pm
Home Treatment for Psoriasis - Home Remedies Psoriasis
Click to learn more: Home Treatment for Psoriasis - Home Remedies Psoriasis - Medical testing for vitamin D level: psoriasis is also...
By: harraz budiman
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Subscribe Now for Advice
Posted: at 7:54 pm
Subscribe Now for Advice Real Life Stories on Eczema, Psoriasis Rosacea - Dermalex
Subscribe now for advice real life stories on Eczema, Psoriasis Rosacea. Our channel acts as a hub for both real life experiences as well as providing ex...
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Research and Markets: Global Psoriasis Pipeline Capsule – 2013 Report Available now for Review
Posted: at 7:54 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global Psoriasis Pipeline Capsule - 2013" report to their offering.
Fore Pharma's latest report Global Psoriasis Pipeline Capsule - 2013' provides up-to-date information on key Research and Development (R&D) activities in the global psoriasis market. It covers active psoriasis pipeline molecules in clinical trials, preclinical research, and drug discovery.
This report helps executives track competitor pipeline molecules. The pipeline data presented in this report can be used for identifying partners, evaluating opportunities, formulating business development strategies, and executing in-licensing and out-licensing deals.
The scope of the report includes information on psoriasis pipeline molecules by clinical trial stages, company, mechanism of action, and country (The US, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and Rest of the World). Psoriasis pipeline molecules licensing activities are also covered in this report.
Key Features of the Report:
- Psoriasis Pipeline Overview
- Psoriasis Phase 3 Clinical Trial Pipeline
- Psoriasis Phase 2 Clinical Trial Pipeline
- Psoriasis Phase 1 Clinical Trial Pipeline
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self-censorship in Cuba – Video
Posted: at 7:53 pm
self-censorship in Cuba
contemporary art in Cuba generates controversies visit this site ___.
By: yadniel padron aguilera
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Woolwich Muslim Terrorist attack – UK censorship – Video
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Woolwich Muslim Terrorist attack - UK censorship
By: idle no more
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Censorship Laws – Video
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