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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Genome Québec salue l’excellence des chercheurs – Video
Posted: June 1, 2013 at 9:55 pm
Genome Qubec salue l #39;excellence des chercheurs
Gnome Qubec salue l #39;excellence de chercheurs de qubcois, qui ont nouveau dmontr leur immense talent dans le cadre du concours la gnomique et la sant personnalise. Parmi...
By: UdeMvideo
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Genome Québec salue l'excellence des chercheurs - Video
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Eczema In Babies – Beat Eczema By Avoiding the Main Causes – Video
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Eczema In Babies - Beat Eczema By Avoiding the Main Causes Discover Eczema In Babies Check out the link and find out more information. Eczema causes the uncontrollable urge to itch. By the ti...
By: Theodore House
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Eczema In Babies - Beat Eczema By Avoiding the Main Causes - Video
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Home Remedies For Eczema – Having Eczema: Tips for Dealing with the Embarrassment – Video
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Home Remedies For Eczema - Having Eczema: Tips for Dealing with the Embarrassment Visit Home Remedies For Eczema secret guide ,Check the link below If you suffer from eczema, you may have a constant, unsightly rash...
By: Jewel Cooper
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Home Remedies For Eczema - Having Eczema: Tips for Dealing with the Embarrassment - Video
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Eczema On Face – How to Care for Your Skin and Avoid Eczema Outbreaks – Video
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Eczema On Face - How to Care for Your Skin and Avoid Eczema Outbreaks For more information about eczema on face ,Check the link below Many eczema patients spend months using trial and error to address t...
By: Lara Hebert
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Eczema On Face - How to Care for Your Skin and Avoid Eczema Outbreaks - Video
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Could shedding extra pounds improve psoriasis? [Slide Show] – Video
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Could shedding extra pounds improve psoriasis? [Slide Show]
Could shedding extra pounds improve psoriasis?
By: Vaidehi Vagad
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Could shedding extra pounds improve psoriasis? [Slide Show] - Video
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Anti censorship Leads to Democracy Rally on Streets – Video
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Anti censorship Leads to Democracy Rally on Streets
By: susi alberts
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Anti censorship Leads to Democracy Rally on Streets - Video
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China trying new form of Internet censorship: campaign group
Posted: at 9:54 pm
Beijing:China is experimenting with more subtle methods to censor Internet search results ahead of the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, according to a group that monitors blocked websites in the country.
In the past, a search for keywords in China related to the events of June 4, 1989, came up with an explicit message saying: "According to relevant laws, regulations and policies, search results for (the blocked keyword) cannot be displayed."
But said in the lead up to the anniversary certain searches, such as "June 4 incident", had been intermittently returning a series of "carefully selected results", though it was impossible to click through to the actual webpages.
The organisation said this was an example of "censorship at its worst", with users duped into believing the keyword they were searching for was not a sensitive topic.
Troops killed hundreds of protesters during the pro-democracy protests in Beijing, but said searches for "Tiananmen incident" returned links to an unrelated happening in the square from 1976.
It said the changes were not applied consistently, concluding that the authorities were conducting tests to improve their control systems.
The Internet in China is purged of politically sensitive websites and Beijing closely monitors the hundreds of millions of web users to prevent organised dissent. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are banned.
The system of online censorship is dubbed the "Great Firewall", a term combining the words "Great Wall" and computer "firewall".
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China trying new form of Internet censorship: campaign group
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China trying new form of 'Internet censorship'
Posted: at 9:53 pm
China is experimenting with more subtle methods to censor Internet search results ahead of the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, according to a group that monitors blocked websites in the country.
In the past, a search for keywords in China related to the events of June 4, 1989, came up with an explicit message saying: "According to relevant laws, regulations and policies, search results for (the blocked keyword) can not be displayed."
But said in the lead up to the anniversary certain searches, such as "June 4 incident", had been intermittently returning a series of "carefully selected results", though it was impossible to click through to the actual webpages.
The organisation said this was an example of "censorship at its worst", with users duped into believing the keyword they were searching for was not a sensitive topic.
Troops killed hundreds of protesters during the pro-democracy protests in Beijing, but said searches for "Tiananmen incident" returned links to an unrelated happening in the square from 1976.
It said the changes were not applied consistently, concluding that the authorities were conducting tests to improve their control systems.
The Internet in China is purged of politically sensitive websites and Beijing closely monitors the hundreds of millions of web users to prevent organised dissent. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are banned.
The system of online censorship is dubbed the "Great Firewall", a term combining the words "Great Wall" and computer "firewall".
China is experimenting with more subtle methods to censor Internet search results ahead of the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, according to a group that monitors blocked websites in the country.
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China trying new form of 'Internet censorship'
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Ron Paul: "Conservative" senators tried to boost Obama powers – Video
Posted: at 9:53 pm
Ron Paul: "Conservative" senators tried to boost Obama powers
Sponsor: - Straight Talk from the *real* leader of the opposition...first broadcast 3.11.2013 in audio form independently ...
By: RidleyReport
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Ron Paul: "Conservative" senators tried to boost Obama powers - Video
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Ron Paul Jesse Ventura Full Press Conference – Video
Posted: at 9:53 pm
Ron Paul Jesse Ventura Full Press Conference
Learn to build a profitable website: Learn How to make cash online: Free Silver/Gold Investment Kit: http://www.Ways...
By: WaysToBuySilver
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Ron Paul Jesse Ventura Full Press Conference - Video
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