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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Little Mix- DNA (Mixers Magnets Miami) 06.01.13 – Video
Posted: June 3, 2013 at 4:44 am
Little Mix- DNA (Mixers Magnets Miami) 06.01.13
Mixers Magnets event at Dolphin Mall in Miami, FL Please credit any gifs made Twitter: Tumblr:
By: ela112299
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Little Mix- DNA (Mixers Magnets Miami) 06.01.13 - Video
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Let’s Play Minecraft Hermitcraft FTB Ep. 33 – Bee DNA! – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Let #39;s Play Minecraft Hermitcraft FTB Ep. 33 - Bee DNA!
Check out More FTB Episodes Here: Welcome Back for another episode of Let #39;s Play Min...
By: kingdaddydmac
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Let's Play Minecraft Hermitcraft FTB Ep. 33 - Bee DNA! - Video
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New method of mass-producing high-quality DNA molecules
Posted: at 4:44 am
June 2, 2013 A new method of manufacturing short, single-stranded DNA molecules can solve many of the problems associated with current production methods. The new method, which is described in the scientific periodical Nature Methods, can be of value to both DNA nanotechnology and the development of drugs consisting of DNA fragments.
The novel technique for manufacturing short, single-stranded DNA molecules -- or oligonucleotides -- has been developed by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and Harvard University. Such DNA fragments constitute a basic tool for researchers and play a key part in many fields of science. Many of the recent advances in genetic and molecular biological research and development, such as the ability to quickly scan an organism's genome, would not have been possible without oligonucleotides.
The new method is versatile and able to solve problems that currently restrict the production of DNA fragments.
"We've used enzymatic production methods to create a system that not only improves the quality of the manufactured oligonucleotides but that also makes it possible to scale up production using bacteria in order to produce large amounts of DNA copies cheaply," says co-developer Bjrn Hgberg at the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center, part of the Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.
The process of bioproduction, whereby bacteria are used to copy DNA sequences, enables the manufacture of large amounts of DNA copies at a low cost. Unlike current methods of synthesising oligonucleotides, where the number of errors increases with the length of the sequence, this new method according to the developers also works well for long oligonucleotides of several hundred nitrogenous bases.
The DNA molecules are first formed as a long string of single-stranded DNA in which the sequence of interest is repeated several times. The long strand forms tiny regions called hairpins, where the strand folds back on itself. These hairpins can then be cut up by enzymes, which serve as a molecular-biological pair of scissors that cuts the DNA at selected sites. Several different oligonucleotides can thus be produced at the same time in a perfectly balanced combination, which is important if they are to be crystallised or used therapeutically.
"Oligonucleotide-based drugs are already available, and it's very possible that our method could be used to produce purer and cheaper versions of these drugs," says Dr Bjrn Hgberg.
The project was financed by grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish governmental agency for innovation systems (Vinnova) and Carl Bennet AB.
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New method of mass-producing high-quality DNA molecules
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'Enormous' effects as court weighs DNA sampling
Posted: at 4:44 am
Jewel Samad / AFP - Getty Images file
The Supreme Court is weighing whether police have the right to take a DNA sample immediately after an arrest.
By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News
The Supreme Court is about to decide what one justice says may be its most important criminal procedure case in decades whether the police have the right to take a DNA sample after they make an arrest.
The question before the justices is whether taking DNA, often with the quick swab of a cheek, is the latter-day equivalent of fingerprinting or violates the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches.
This is whats at stake, Justice Samuel Alito said during an oral argument Feb. 26. Lots of murders, lots of rapes that can be that can be solved using this new technology that involves a very minimal intrusion on personal privacy.
The case arises from the arrest of a 26-year-old Maryland man, Alonzo King, in 2009 on a charge of second-degree assault. The police took a swab of DNA from his cheek, ran it through a database and matched it to an unsolved rape from six years earlier.
King was convicted of rape and sentenced to life in prison. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for the 2009 assault. The Maryland Court of Appeals later reversed the rape conviction on the grounds that the DNA sample was an unreasonable search.
The question before the court has vast implications: 28 states and the federal government take DNA swabs from people under arrest before they can be judged innocent or guilty. In Maryland alone, DNA samples during arrests have led to 75 prosecutions and 42 convictions since 2009, Katherine Winfree, the states chief deputy attorney general, told the justices.
Maryland law restricts DNA swabbing to people arrested for certain violent crimes. But Chief Justice John Roberts, worried about the reach of similar laws, wondered during the oral argument why they couldnt be applied to simple traffic stops.
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'Enormous' effects as court weighs DNA sampling
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DNA sampling during arrests?
Posted: at 4:44 am
Jewel Samad / AFP - Getty Images file
The Supreme Court is weighing whether police have the right to take a DNA sample immediately after an arrest.
By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News
The Supreme Court is about to decide what one justice says may be its most important criminal procedure case in decades whether the police have the right to take a DNA sample after they make an arrest.
The question before the justices is whether taking DNA, often with the quick swab of a cheek, is the latter-day equivalent of fingerprinting or violates the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches.
This is whats at stake, Justice Samuel Alito said during an oral argument Feb. 26. Lots of murders, lots of rapes that can be that can be solved using this new technology that involves a very minimal intrusion on personal privacy.
The case arises from the arrest of a 26-year-old Maryland man, Alonzo King, in 2009 on a charge of second-degree assault. The police took a swab of DNA from his cheek, ran it through a database and matched it to an unsolved rape from six years earlier.
King was convicted of rape and sentenced to life in prison. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for the 2009 assault. The Maryland Court of Appeals later reversed the rape conviction on the grounds that the DNA sample was an unreasonable search.
The question before the court has vast implications: 28 states and the federal government take DNA swabs from people under arrest before they can be judged innocent or guilty. In Maryland alone, DNA samples during arrests have led to 75 prosecutions and 42 convictions since 2009, Katherine Winfree, the states chief deputy attorney general, told the justices.
Maryland law restricts DNA swabbing to people arrested for certain violent crimes. But Chief Justice John Roberts, worried about the reach of similar laws, wondered during the oral argument why they couldnt be applied to simple traffic stops.
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DNA sampling during arrests?
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Genome Canada to stress practical results
Posted: at 4:43 am
Canadas premier agency for funding research into genomics which deals with the analysis and functioning of entire DNA sequences in humans and other organisms is expected to announce a $30-million program Monday that dovetails with the federal governments emphasis on science that delivers concrete benefits.
Genome Canada is opening its purse strings to boost industry investment in science and speed the flow of ideas from university labs to practical applications. Research groups will be able to access up to $6-million per project, provided they have an outside partner or user of the resulting research, which can include companies, foundations or other branches of government.
According to the guidelines of the new program, collaborators will be required to contribute $2 to every $1 provided by Genome Canada. In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Pierre Meulien, Genome Canadas president and CEO, said the kind of science the program will fund will be driven very much by a real need from the user, and the user will have to put skin in the game.
The Harper government has called for more targeted or applied science to address a long-standing gap in Canadas private-sector investment in research and development. But other initiatives in this direction, including a recent announcement that the National Research Council will be restructured to better support Canadian industry, have been criticized by those who say the flow of federal research dollars has shifted too far from basic science.
Dr. Meulien said a balanced approach to science funding is necessary for Canada's long-term success, but he added that the fruits of basic research can be more effectively applied for socioeconomic gain. This is our attempt to pull some of the amazing knowledge and tool development weve been investing in for the last decade or more and get it out of academia and into use.
In addition to the new partnership program, Genome Canada will announce $29-million in support for five genomics facilities across the country that it has been funding for some time.
Among them is the British Columbia Cancer Centre, which sequenced the SARS virus genome in 2003, and the Centre for Applied Genomics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, which in 2010 published genetic variants associated with autism. Such work demonstrates how Canada has leap-frogged ahead in its international standing in the field since Genome Canada was established, said Steven Scherer, director of the Toronto centre.
Established in 2000, Genome Canada is the federal government's primary conduit for funding research in genomics. It has distributed more than $900-million in grants during its first decade of operation on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis with other funding sources. In the aftermath of the U.S.-led Human Genome Project, this has significantly boosted Canada's presence in genomics, allowing it to do some catching up in a fast-moving and crucial area of science.
Dr. Meulien said the new partnership program would help develop Canadas genomics expertise in areas beyond the health sector, including natural-resource-based industries such as forestry, energy and mining. I believe that marriage can give rise to amazing innovation and productivity gains for Canada, he said.
Soheil Asgarpour, president of Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, which promotes fossil-fuel-related research and development, said that genomics was one of the areas where his industry was looking to develop breakthrough technologies.
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Genome Canada to stress practical results
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What did the human genome project tell us about humanity? – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
What did the human genome project tell us about humanity?
Joe Negen.
By: 204048iscool
What did the human genome project tell us about humanity? - Video
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Genome hints at markers for higher-producing, better-tasting chocolate
Posted: at 4:43 am
Public release date: 2-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Ruth Francis 44-203-192-2737 BioMed Central
The freshly sequenced genome of the most commonly cultivated cacao plant in the world is revealed in the open access journal Genome Biology this week. Researchers have utilised high quality DNA sequences to demonstrate the usefulness and quality of the sequence to identify genetic markers that can lead to higher yielding cocoa plants that still produce better tasting cocoa.
There are many varieties of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao L.), but the green podded Costa Rican Matina or Amelonado variety is the most popular because of its high yield and pleasant flavor. In Ecuador, a red podded high yielding variety, CCN 51, is blended with a green podded, better tasting but lower yielding variety. But the adulteration reduces the overall quality of the chocolate, so cacao growers are keen to improve the quality of cacao beans exported from Ecuador.
Juan C Motamayor from Mars Incorporated, and colleagues sequenced the genome of the Matina cacao variety, then used genetic analyses and comparisons with other varieties, to highlight a gene involved in pod colour variation. Zooming further in on the gene sequence, they then identified a single DNA letter change that affected levels of the gene's expression, and so the colour of the pod.
Cacao plant breeders trying to produce a delicious high-yield strain through cross breeding have met with limited success. So the genetic marker could, in theory, be used to screen young seedlings, and highlight desirable plants long before they reach maturity. This would avoid the expense and labour of growing up potential duds, ultimately improving the quality of cacao plants and the chocolate made from them.
Although the genome sequence of the Criollo cacao variety was reported two years ago, it's genetically quite distinct and so a poor representative of the cacao types cultivated worldwide.
Since the publication of the genome sequence, researchers have been working to identify genetic markers that can produce more productive cocoa plants for farmers while still providing consumers with high quality and superior taste. The genome sequence research is a part of an overall effort to use traditional breeding techniques to develop planting materials that farmers can use to be more productive.
Cacao trees are grown throughout the humid tropics in more than 50 countries, and cacao beans, harvested from the plants' pods, are used to produce chocolate as well as in the confectionary and cosmetic industries. Cacao production is essential to the livelihoods of around 45 million people worldwide, and to the happiness and well-being of millions and millions more.
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Genome hints at markers for higher-producing, better-tasting chocolate
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Eczema Treatment – The Benefits of Treating Eczema with Home Remedies – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
Eczema Treatment - The Benefits of Treating Eczema with Home Remedies Eczema Treatment - Treating Eczema with Home Remedies If you suffer from eczema, you want itch relief and you want it now. You may b...
By: Nicholas Ross
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Eczema Treatment - The Benefits of Treating Eczema with Home Remedies - Video
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Chris Corsano live [part2/4] at Forward in Time (15 jaar Ultra Eczema), LLS38, Antwerpen, 2012-12-08 – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
Chris Corsano live [part2/4] at Forward in Time (15 jaar Ultra Eczema), LLS38, Antwerpen, 2012-12-08
Second part of Chris Corsano #39;s solo set at the Dennis Tyfus expo #39;Forward in time (15 jaar Ultra Eczema) #39; in LLS387 (Antwerp, Belgium) on Saturday, December ...
By: Candle Mambo
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