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Category Archives: Transhuman News
news:International crew blasts off for space station – Video
Posted: June 3, 2013 at 4:45 am
news:International crew blasts off for space station
A veteran Russian cosmonaut, a rookie Italian astronaut and an American mother on her second flight blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on...
By: freshnews1000
The rest is here:
news:International crew blasts off for space station - Video
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KSP 0.2 – Olympus Space Station Pt 2 (Space Telescope) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
KSP 0.2 - Olympus Space Station Pt 2 (Space Telescope)
In this video, I look at some of the new features and parts in KSP 0.2 while also adding the first of many modules to our LKO Space Station. KSP: Mods Used:...
By: Kerbanaut
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KSP 0.2 - Olympus Space Station Pt 2 (Space Telescope) - Video
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Space Station Marinus – Sam Lilly – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Space Station Marinus - Sam Lilly
By: Samuel Lilly
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Space Station Marinus - Sam Lilly - Video
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The Swapper Walkthrough – Part 1 – Return to Space Station Theseus – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
The Swapper Walkthrough - Part 1 - Return to Space Station Theseus
This is a video walkthrough for The Swapper, an indie puzzle platformer that challenges the player to use their mind, and a clone creating, mind swapping dev...
By: gamefrontwalkthrough
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The Swapper Walkthrough - Part 1 - Return to Space Station Theseus - Video
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Soyuz Spacecraft Landing on International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Soyuz Spacecraft Landing on International Space Station
Soyuz Spacecraft Landing on International Space Station. After launching on May 28, 2013 the Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan the Expedition 36/37 Soyuz astronaut...
By: usmc8201
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Soyuz Spacecraft Landing on International Space Station - Video
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Soyuz lifts off with three bound for space station
Posted: at 4:44 am
A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted off Tuesday and thundered into orbit carrying a veteran cosmonaut, NASA's sixth female station resident and a rookie Italian test pilot on a fast-track six-hour flight to the International Space Station.
With Soyuz TMA-09M commander Fyodor Yurchikhin at the controls, flanked by European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano on his left and shuttle veteran Karen Nyberg on his right, the workhorse Russian rocket roared to life at 4:31:24 p.m. EDT (GMT-4; 2:31 a.m. Wednesday local time), lighting up the night sky with a burst of fiery exhaust.
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Quickly climbing away from its launching pad -- the same pad used by Yuri Gagarin at the dawn of the space age -- the Soyuz rocket quickly accelerated as it gulped its load of liquid oxygen and kerosene propellants, arcing away to the east as it climbed into the plane of the space station's orbit.
Live television from inside the cramped Soyuz command module showed all three crew members as they monitored the automated ascent, looking relaxed despite the steadily building acceleration pushing them back into their custom seats.
The rocket's four liquid-fueled strap-on boosters, which operate collectively as the booster's first stage, shut down and fell away as planned about two minutes after launch, followed by the central second stage core booster three minutes after that.
The Soyuz rocket's third stage continued the push to space and eight minutes and 45 seconds after liftoff, the TMA-09M spacecraft was released into its planned preliminary orbit. A few moments later, the craft's two solar panels and navigation antennas deployed as expected.
The space station passed over the launch site just four minutes before liftoff at an elevation of about 77 degress. When the Soyuz was released from its booster, Yurchikhin and company were trailing their target by about 2,550 miles.
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Soyuz lifts off with three bound for space station
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Goddess Light Teleconference: Adjusting Your DNA
Posted: at 4:44 am
Goddess Light Teleconference: Adjusting Your DNA the Wesak 05-19-1913
During this teleconference,the Goddess worked with our DNA to assist in shifting our physical energy. As we align with the higher dimension, there #39;s a greate...
By: Shelly Dressel
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DnA’z Ivan
Posted: at 4:44 am
DnA #39;z Ivan Fanny Wedding Dinner 28-5-2013 #29233; #26159; #27704; #24658;
Wonderful Performance by DnA #39;z Kelvin @ the wedding dinner~ Lolz~
By: DnA #39;z Peter
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DnA'z Ivan
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Basket-Dna: Bls vince 79-85 – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Basket-Dna: Bls vince 79-85
By: Rete8Tube
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Basket-Dna: Bls vince 79-85 - Video
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DNA vs. Rock Me (Mashup) – Little Mix
Posted: at 4:44 am
DNA vs. Rock Me (Mashup) - Little Mix One Direction - earlvin14
Hey Guys! I know its been awhile since I last posted a Mashup, please forgive me, I #39;ve been enjoying my last week of Summer 2013, since Summer #39;s already abou...
By: earlvin14
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DNA vs. Rock Me (Mashup) - Little Mix
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