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topless beach censorship tue 2 april 2013 George Godley Tenerife Canary islands Spain 00367 – Video
Posted: June 4, 2013 at 9:04 am
topless beach censorship tue 2 april 2013 George Godley Tenerife Canary islands Spain 00367
By: georgegodley
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topless beach censorship tue 2 april 2013 George Godley Tenerife Canary islands Spain 00367 - Video
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Ron Paul’s America #30 ~ Benghazi
Posted: at 9:02 am
Ron Paul #39;s America #30 ~ Benghazi Federal Spending
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 Ron Paul #39;Constitutiona...
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul's America #30 ~ Benghazi
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Ron Paul: "Iraq Collapse Shows The Bankruptcy Of Interventionism"
Posted: at 9:02 am
Submitted by Congressman Ron Paul via The Free Foundation blog,
May was Iraqs deadliest month in nearly five years, with more than 1,000 dead both civilians and security personnel -- in a rash of bombings, shootings and other violence. As we read each day of new horrors in Iraq, it becomes more obvious that the US invasion delivered none of the promised peace or stability that proponents of the attack promised.
Millions live in constant fear, refugees do not return home, and the economy is destroyed. The Christian community, some 1.2 million persons before 2003, has been nearly wiped off the Iraqi map. Other minorities have likewise disappeared. Making matters worse, US support for the Syrian rebels next door has drawn the Shiite-led Iraqi government into the spreading regional unrest and breathed new life into extremist elements.
The invasion of Iraq opened the door to Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which did not exist beforehand, while simultaneously strengthening the hand of Iran in the region. Were the experts who planned for and advocated the US attack really this incompetent?
Ryan Crocker, who was US Ambassador to Iraq from 2007-2009, still speaks of the Iraqi surge as a great reconciliation between Sunni and Shiite in Iraq. He wrote recently that [t]hough the United States has withdrawn its troops from Iraq, it retains significant leverage there. Iraqi forces were equipped and trained by Americans, and the countrys leaders need and expect our help. He seems alarmingly out of touch with reality.
It is clear now that the surge and the Iraqi Awakening were just myths promoted by those desperate to put a positive spin on the US invasion, which the late General William Odom once called, the greatest strategic disaster in American history." Aircraft were loaded with $100 dollar bills to pay each side to temporarily stop killing US troops and each other, but the payoff provided a mere temporary break. Shouldnt the measure of success of a particular policy be whether it actually produces sustained positive results?
Now we see radical fighters who once shot at US troops in Iraq have spilled into Syria, where they ironically find their cause supported by the US government! Some of these fighters are even greeted by visiting US senators.
The US intervention in Iraq has created ever more problems. That is clear. The foreign policy experts who urged the US attack on Iraq now claim that the disaster they created can only be solved with more interventionism! Imagine a medical doctor noting that a particular medication is killing his patient, but to combat the side effect he orders an increase in dosage of the same medicine. Like this doctor, the US foreign policy establishment is guilty of malpractice. And, I might add, this is just what the Fed does with monetary policy.
From Iraq to Libya to Mali to Syria to Afghanistan, US interventions have an unbroken record of making matters far worse. Yet regardless of the disasters produced, for the interventionists a more aggressive US foreign policy is the only policy they offer.
We must learn the appropriate lessons from the disaster of Iraq. We cannot continue to invade countries, install puppet governments, build new nations, create centrally-planned economies, engage in social engineering, and force democracy at the barrel of a gun. The rest of the world is tired of US interventionism and the US taxpayer is tired of footing the bill for US interventionism. It is up to all of us to make it very clear to the foreign policy establishment and the powers that be that we have had enough and will no longer tolerate empire-building. We should be more confident in ourselves and stop acting like an insecure bully.
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Ron Paul: "Iraq Collapse Shows The Bankruptcy Of Interventionism"
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TIYANAK – "Transhuman" [Trapstep] – Video
Posted: at 9:02 am
TIYANAK - "Transhuman" [Trapstep]
Tiyanak writes trapstep music. Let me know what you think in the comments or @TiyanakOfficial.
By: TiyanakOfficial
Go here to see the original:
TIYANAK - "Transhuman" [Trapstep] - Video
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Transhuman Transformation – Video
Posted: at 9:02 am
Transhuman Transformation
Machines and electricity survive a nuclear holocaust. I wanted to show how powerful music is as a narrator that leads a movie viewer #39;s emotions.
By: buzz crow
Read the original here:
Transhuman Transformation - Video
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Crysis 3 PC Playthrough Part 2: Post Human (1080p Gameplay) – Video
Posted: at 9:01 am
Crysis 3 PC Playthrough Part 2: Post Human (1080p Gameplay)
So here #39;s part 2 for everyone with more action instead of boring tutorials. Show your support for me by liking the video enough to break the like button! Comment so that I can continue to improve...
By: WithNickGaming
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Crysis 3 PC Playthrough Part 2: Post Human (1080p Gameplay) - Video
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Sexual Futurist: Where does Facebook draw the line on hate speech? – Video
Posted: at 9:01 am
Sexual Futurist: Where does Facebook draw the line on hate speech?
An example of the people who need caution: A.G..
By: AussieGriffin
Here is the original post:
Sexual Futurist: Where does Facebook draw the line on hate speech? - Video
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Brielle Dawson riding FUTURIST 588 EvA80 Intro) Eventing Equestriad Australia CNC ODE 2013 – Video
Posted: at 9:01 am
Brielle Dawson riding FUTURIST 588 EvA80 Intro) Eventing Equestriad Australia CNC ODE 2013
By: ooshar369
Brielle Dawson riding FUTURIST 588 EvA80 Intro) Eventing Equestriad Australia CNC ODE 2013 - Video
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[ISS] Launch of Manned Soyuz TMA-09M Heading to International Space Station (HD) – Video
Posted: June 3, 2013 at 4:45 am
[ISS] Launch of Manned Soyuz TMA-09M Heading to International Space Station (HD)
A manned Soyuz TMA-09M Spacecraft successfully reached orbit today after launching on a Soyuz-FG rocket from Baikonur at 20:31 UTC on May 28th 2013. The Soyu...
By: SpaceVidsNet
[ISS] Launch of Manned Soyuz TMA-09M Heading to International Space Station (HD) - Video
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Raw: Soyuz Heads to International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:45 am
Raw: Soyuz Heads to International Space Station
The Soyuz capsule carrying an American, Russian and Italian blasts off for the International Space Station. (May 28)
By: AssociatedPress
See original here:
Raw: Soyuz Heads to International Space Station - Video
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