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CONFIRMED SOURCE! Bilderberg 2013 Ron Paul’s Largest Donor – Video
Posted: June 6, 2013 at 11:52 am
CONFIRMED SOURCE! Bilderberg 2013 Ron Paul #39;s Largest Donor
In today #39;s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV elaborates on a confirmed source close to Peter Thiel (founder of Paypal) that Ron Paul #39;s largest contributor fo...
By: cgreene34
See the article here:
CONFIRMED SOURCE! Bilderberg 2013 Ron Paul's Largest Donor - Video
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Futurist’s Hand Activated iPhone Speaker: Mengontrol Sistem Audio dengan Gestur
Posted: at 11:51 am
By Edi Maher on 05/06/2013 in News
Kualitas perangkat mobile besutan Apple, khususnya iPhone, menggugah sejumlah pengembang untuk menciptakan aksesori pendukung yang mumpuni, baik dari segi desain maupun fungsi. Karena terkenal sebagai alat pemutar musik unggulan, banyak di antara aksesori tersebut berupa audio dock. Termasuk Futurists Hand Activated iPhone Speaker berikut.
Dari segi desain, speaker ini terlihat mencolok dengan bentuk tubuh yang menyerupai pesawat terbang dan balutan warna merah yang mentereng. Sangat berbeda dari audio dock iPhone pada umumnya. Cara pengoperasiannya pun berbeda. Lupakan rangkaian tombol fisik atau layar sentuh, pengoperasian speaker ini dilakukan dengan gestur tangan. Namun bagi Anda yang lebih menyukai cara konvensional, tersedia pula remote control sebagai alternatif.
Dalam badan speaker berbentuk pesawat ini tersembunyi sensor yang mendeteksi gerakan tangan untuk mengecilkan dan mengencangkan volume. Sensor lain di sisi speaker menerima input untuk menghentikan musik atau melompat ke lagu selanjutnya. Sensor terakhir di bagian hidung membaca perintah untuk menyala-matikan speaker.
Tweeter ganda 5 watt terhubung dengan iPhone melalui koneksi Bluetooth. Subwoofer 10 watt yang menghadap ke bawah menghasilkan suara bass yang siap memanjakan telinga pendengarnya. Sayangnya, gestur tangan tidak berfungsi untuk mengendalikan tingkat bass dan treble. Untuk melakukannya, Anda harus menggunakan remote control.
Untuk mendapatkan speaker dock iPhone dengan kontrol gestur ini, Anda harus merogoh kocek US$200. Informasi pembelian bisa dilihat di sini.
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Futurist’s Hand Activated iPhone Speaker: Mengontrol Sistem Audio dengan Gestur
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International Space Station (ISS) – 2 June 2013 – Video
Posted: June 5, 2013 at 10:52 am
International Space Station (ISS) - 2 June 2013
Here is a short video of the International Space Station passing overhead in the early hours of 2 June 2013.
By: davidjellis
See the rest here:
International Space Station (ISS) - 2 June 2013 - Video
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Cellular Dynamics International Expands MyCell Products Line with Disease Models, Genetic Engineering Patents
Posted: at 10:51 am
MADISON, Wis., June 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Cellular Dynamics International (CDI) today announced that it has expanded its MyCell Products line, offering access to a number of human disease models and licensing key genetic engineering patents from Life Technologies and Sigma-Aldrich. CDI's MyCell Products include custom cell products manufactured using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology to make stem cells or differentiated cells from any individual, including those with diseases of interest to pharmaceutical and academic researchers.
CDI's MyCell Products now offer access to a number of disease models, including cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias, vision disorders, neurological disorders, and muscular dystrophies. In addition, the company is actively working on expanding its disease model offering, currently working on additional disease models for neurodegenerative disorders and drug-induced liver injury (DILI).
Within the MyCell Products line, CDI maintains the iPSC line of each of the disease models, enabling customers to request manufacture of differentiated cells, such as cardiomyocytes, neurons, hepatocytes, and endothelial cells, for their discovery research.
In addition, CDI has licensed Life Technologies' GeneArt Precision TALs (TALENs) and Sigma's CompoZr ZFN technologies, which act like genomic scissors to cut DNA in a precise location. These nuclease technologies facilitate efficient genomic editing by creating double-stranded breaks in DNA at user-specified locations, stimulating the cell's natural repair process and enabling targeted gene insertions, deletions, or modifications. CDI will use the TALENs and ZFN technologies to perform genetic engineering specified by the customer, for example to introduce or correct a specific mutation, thus creating human disease models and isogenic controls.
"This expansion of the MyCell Products line is the next step in our growing disease-in-a-dish portfolio and allows our customers more ready access to diseases of interest from our growing catalog of iPSCs," said Chris Parker, CDI chief commercial officer. "Through the MyCell Products line, researchers can now access human disease models either through creation of iPSC-derived cells directly from a patient, or through inducing a disease state via use of these TALEN or ZFN technologies."
Bob Palay, CDI chief executive officer, said, "CDI's commercial goal has been to provide access to human cells that reproduce human biology, and we see both of these developments as steps toward achieving that goal. We're pleased to license these nuclease technologies from Life Technologies and Sigma-Aldrich, and the combination of these nuclease technologies with CDI's iPSC-derived cells creates a new, powerful tool to better understand and target human disease."
About Cellular Dynamics International, Inc.Cellular Dynamics International, Inc. (CDI) is a leading developer of stem cell technologies for in vitro use in drug discovery, toxicity testing and chemical safety, in vivo and cell-based therapeutic research and stem cell banking. CDI harnesses its unique manufacturing technology to produce differentiated tissue cells in industrial quality, quantity and purity from any individual's stem cell line created from a standard blood draw. CDI was founded in 2004 by Dr. James Thomson, a pioneer in human pluripotent stem cell research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CDI's facilities are located in Madison, Wisconsin. CDI's headquarters are located in Madison, Wisconsin, with a second facility in Novato, California. See
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Cellular Dynamics International Expands MyCell Products Line with Disease Models, Genetic Engineering Patents
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Personalis Announces Participation in the European Society of Human Genetics Conference
Posted: at 10:51 am
Personalis, Inc. today announced that it will be exhibiting at the European Society of Human Genetics Conference in Paris, France beginning Sunday, June 9, 2013. Personalis will launch its Genome Services for Research and Clinical samples, focusing on accuracy in sequencing, analysis, and interpretation of human genomes to the European market.
Personalis Genome Services include our Accuracy and Content Enhanced (ACE) Exome technology. Using additional custom targeted capture, we aim to finish genes in the medical exome and add medically interpretable content outside the exons. This has been shown to benefit work in medical genetics, pediatrics, cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, pharmacogenomics, and other areas of medicine.
Clinical quality genome interpretation also requires accurate and comprehensive databases of genetic variation. Personalis has the largest and most comprehensive manually-curated database in the world linking genetic variation with disease. We have also signed an exclusive license for commercialization of PharmGKB, the premier database linking genetic variation with drug metabolism and adverse events. Personalis also annotates genomes with information from over 30 databases. When combined with Personalis ACE (Accuracy and Content Enhanced) Technology for exome sequencing and powerful variant calling algorithms, researchers and clinicians are able to rapidly obtain the most comprehensive sequence analysis available. Personalis CEO, John West, stated We are pleased to extend this offering to the European community and are committed to expanding our global footprint to enable researchers and clinicians worldwide to take advantage of our products.
About Personalis
Personalis provides researchers and clinicians accurate DNA sequencing and interpretation of human genomes. Our ACE (Accuracy and Content Enhanced) Technology can supplement a standard exome or genome, substantially increasing its medically-relevant coverage and accuracy. Personalis builds on that with innovativealgorithms and proprietary databases for alignment, variant calling, annotation, and analysis. With this combination, we provide genomic data and interpretation of the highest accuracy.
Personalis has an exceptional team of scientific, medical and industry experts. Our R&D team brings directly relevant commercial experience from seven different DNA sequencing companies and scientific & medical expertise from the top universities in the world. This group has been deeply involved in many of the advances of recent years, and has a long track record of peer reviewed publications. We see enormous potential in human genome sequencings next big step: accurate interpretation.
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Personalis Announces Participation in the European Society of Human Genetics Conference
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Minecraft Dino Park part 20 – More DNA! – Video
Posted: at 10:51 am
Minecraft Dino Park part 20 - More DNA!
We find more dna in the new park!
By: TheGhostingReturns
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Minecraft Dino Park part 20 - More DNA! - Video
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The Physics of DNA Awakening and Lightcodes – Video
Posted: at 10:51 am
The Physics of DNA Awakening and Lightcodes
to access group work please visit... Namaste Peter.
By: YourDNAawakening
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The Physics of DNA Awakening and Lightcodes - Video
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Chapter 8, Part III (DNA fingerprints) – Video
Posted: at 10:51 am
Chapter 8, Part III (DNA fingerprints)
Chapter 8, Part III (DNA fingerprints)
By: 4926btrout
The rest is here:
Chapter 8, Part III (DNA fingerprints) - Video
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6/03/13. Corona Virus! Supreme Court OKS Police DNA Swabs! Gov Promoting Monsanto Worldwide! – Video
Posted: at 10:51 am
6/03/13. Corona Virus! Supreme Court OKS Police DNA Swabs! Gov Promoting Monsanto Worldwide!
Should the police be able to collect DNA after an arrest? I can understand why they would for a rape case, but for DUIs and other alleged crime. Court: Police Can Take DNA Swabs From Arrestees...
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6/03/13. Corona Virus! Supreme Court OKS Police DNA Swabs! Gov Promoting Monsanto Worldwide! - Video
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Supreme Court rules DNA tests not unreasonable – Video
Posted: at 10:51 am
Supreme Court rules DNA tests not unreasonable
The Supreme Court rules that taking DNA samples is just reasonable as fingerprinting Buy agorist! Get your metals from Please address love mail to
By: AdamKokesh
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Supreme Court rules DNA tests not unreasonable - Video
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