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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Muse – Futurism (8 Bit) – Video
Posted: June 7, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Muse - Futurism (8 Bit)
Simulated 8-bit version of Futurism by Muse, another one of my favourites. Following in Florio003 #39;s footsteps. Enjoy, Chyptune 2013.
By: Chyptune
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Futurist War – 3 – Video
Posted: at 5:52 pm
Futurist War - 3
Song by " Final Fantasy XIII "Game . Enjoy it !
By: TheHakechi300
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Jack Uldrich – Futurist and Speaker on Technology and Trends – Video
Posted: at 5:52 pm
Jack Uldrich - Futurist and Speaker on Technology and Trends
Jack Uldrich is a renowned global futurist and the author of eleven books. Jack is the founder of and chief of unlearing officer of The School of Unlearning ...
By: speakerchannel
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The Armchair Futurist – Video
Posted: at 5:52 pm
The Armchair Futurist
The Armchair Futurist is here. First edition premieres tomorrow at 7 pm , in "celebration" of a very special event starting tomorrow in the UK. Please check ...
By: BrilliantDisguisePro
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Futurist Jim Carroll to Speak on What World Class Innovators Do
Posted: at 5:52 pm
SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Jim Carroll, author and futurist, will be a featured speaker at Atlantic Design & Manufacturing at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia this month, speaking on What Do World Class Innovators Do That Others Don't Do? Event producer UBM Canon is striving to provide more opportunities for education and inspiration from thought leaders on the expo hall floor at its trade events. The company brings in Carroll and a host of other speakers and panels with topics relevant and important to the rapidly changing design and manufacturing industry. A panel on women in medtech and engineering to discuss the current controversies surrounding women in positions of responsibility in industry, a talk on Aligned Partnerships in design and development by Scott Jost, and a showcase of winners of the Medical Design Excellence Awards are just some of the other special free presentations at the event aimed at providing educational and networking opportunities for all who attend.
Co-located with Atlantic Design & Manufacturing, June 18-20, 2013, is MD&M (Medical Design & Manufacturing) East, now celebrating its 30th year. Other shows expanding the reach of this large manufacturing event are EastPack, ATX (Automation Technology Expo) East, PLASTEC East, and Pharmapack, the latter on June 18-19 only.
About UBM Canon UBM Canon is the leading producer of face-to-face trade events and media brands that support the flow of information, commerce, and innovation in the world's $3 trillion advanced, technology-based manufacturing sector, including the pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology, packaging, design engineering, process technology, automated assembly, electronics, quality control, plastics processing, aerospace, and sustainability segments.
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The Aurora Borealis and the International Space Station from Nebraska – Video
Posted: June 6, 2013 at 11:56 am
The Aurora Borealis and the International Space Station from Nebraska
I #39;m out at the dark site with camera and tripod intending to get the Milky Way. After the initial set up I start the timelapse and step back to marvel. A qui...
By: MeanwhileInNebraska
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NASA video of UFO flying by Space Station ISS – Ufo Sightings 2013 Real Ufo Sightings – Video
Posted: at 11:56 am
NASA video of UFO flying by Space Station ISS - Ufo Sightings 2013 Real Ufo Sightings
Real UFO sightings video Please subscribe to our channel Share in Social Media ufo sightings this week ufo sightings 2013 ufo documentary 2013 ufos caught on...
By: UFOandAliensTV
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NASA video of UFO flying by Space Station ISS - Ufo Sightings 2013 Real Ufo Sightings - Video
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Damaged spacecraft manages to docks with space station – Video
Posted: at 11:56 am
Damaged spacecraft manages to docks with space station
to see more videos here: for copyright listed in the video. please no haters please like and subscribe in accident,...
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A 3-D Printer Is Blasting Off to the International Space Station
Posted: at 11:56 am
By BA McKenna - June 6, 2013 | Tickers: DDD, SSYS, XONE | 0 Comments
BA is a member of The Motley Fool Blog Network -- entries represent the personal opinion of the blogger and are not formally edited.
If you already think 3-D printing sounds like an out-of-this-world technology, you'll beliterallyright in October 2014. That's when spacecraft companySpaceX with a 3-D printer in tow -- launches on a cargo mission to the International Space Station for NASA.
Earlier this year, Made in Space,a California-based private company, was awarded a Phase 3 Small Business Innovation Research contract with NASA's Marshall Flight Center to provide a 3-D printer for the 2014 mission. The project is the "3D Printing in Zero G Experiment," according to a Space.comarticle.
Why should investors care? Primarily, because the fact that NASA is hot for 3-D printing is a huge positive for the industry. Additionally, three public companies are partners with Made in Space: 3D Systems(NYSE: DDD),Stratasys(NASDAQ: SSYS), andAutodesk. And there's always the possibility of an IPO or buyout down the road...or up the stratosphere.
3D Printing in Zero G Experiment
The goal of this mission is to demonstrate the feasibility of using 3-D printing technology to produce spare parts and tools in zero gravity.
Made in Space will use its findings to develop a 3-D printing production lab -- the Additive Manufacturing Facility -- for NASA. The equipment for this facility is expected to be launched to the ISS in 2016.
Use of 3-D printers at the ISS is just the start. The ultimate goals are to use this technology on space missions and when humans colonize other planets, such as Mars, which some including SpaceX founder and Chairman Elon Musk -- believe will be within 20 years.
This fact illustrates the potential for 3-D printing to make life in space easier and less costly: "More than 30% of the spare parts currently aboard the International Space Station can be manufactured by Made in Space's machine," the article quotes company co-founder Jason Dunn as saying.
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Europe launches record cargo for space station
Posted: at 11:56 am
A record 6.6 tonnes of cargo were hurtling towards the International Space Station after being blasted into orbit by a European rocket from French Guiana.
The space freighter with food, water, oxygen, science experiments and special treats for the ISS astronauts was launched on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's spaceport in Kourou as planned at 6:52:11 pm (21:52:11 GMT).
The robot craft dubbed Albert Einstein separated from its launcher an hour after liftoff, somewhere over New Zealand, and entered orbit at an altitude of 260 kilometres (160 miles).
Just over half an hour later, it deployed four energy-generating solar panels to start its autonomous navigation, guided by starlight, to the space station.
"This is it. Everything is fine, we have the power, we have the antennas, everything we need to go to the ISS," European Space Agency director general Jean-Jacques Dordain announced at the control centre in Kourou.
The unmanned vessel is set to dock with the ISS on June 15 at an altitude of about 400 kilometres (250 miles) above the planet -- at a speed of some 28,000 kilometres (18,000 miles) per hour.
At nearly 20.2 tonnes, ESA's fourth and penultimate cargo delivery to the ISS is the heaviest spacecraft ever lifted by an Ariane rocket.
It also marked the 55th consecutive succesful launch by an Ariane 5, according to the Astrium space company which builds the lifeline craft.
The robot space freighter is the size of a double-decker bus -- 10 metres (33 feet) long and 4.5 metres (15 feet) in diameter.
It boasts the largest assortment of goods yet brought to the ISS by an Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) -- a total of 1,400 individual items that include clothes, tools and enough food for several months.
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Europe launches record cargo for space station
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