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Mod-02 Lec-02 Central Dogma: Basics of DNA, RNA, Proteins – Video
Posted: June 7, 2013 at 5:56 pm
Mod-02 Lec-02 Central Dogma: Basics of DNA, RNA, Proteins
Proteomics: Principles and Techniques by Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iit...
By: nptelhrd
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Mod-02 Lec-02 Central Dogma: Basics of DNA, RNA, Proteins - Video
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Little Mix Discuss ‘DNA’
Posted: at 5:56 pm
Little Mix Discuss #39;DNA #39; New Music
Little Mix set a chart record previously held by the Spice Girls: "DNA," Little Mix #39;s debut album, starts at No. 4 on the Billboard 200 chart, marking the hi...
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One Direction
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One Direction Little Mix - Rock My DNA (Remix)
Download Link: Follow The Boys On The Links Down Below! Zayn Malik Facebook : Zayn Malik Twitter...
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NZ eyeing DNA technology
Posted: at 5:56 pm
Positive tests on a DNA analyser that gives crime scene results in just an hour has prompted ESR scientists to consider its use in New Zealand.
DNA extraction and analysis would be carried out at the crime scene, rather than having to be done in a laboratory, using the prototype developed by NEC.
That could speed up police investigations by getting faster identification of those involved in crimes, Environmental Science and Research (ESR) forensic development manager Bjorn Sutherland said.
It would maintain the same level of quality and accuracy of the older tests, he said.
A trial as part of ESR's future crime-scene research project, tested 25 mouth swab samples and other sample types. ESR is the sole forensic science provider to the New Zealand Police and manager of the DNA Profile Databank.
The results were encouraging and Sutherland said ESR would consider the potential for future use of the device in New Zealand.
Five NEC technical staff came to New Zealand to trial the device at ESR's Mount Albert DNA analysis facility in Auckland.
"The first phase of testing is to ensure the rapid DNA device produces results that are the same as those we'd get in our lab," Sutherland said.
"Early results are promising, but much more research and testing is needed before we can use the device on crime scene samples such as bloodstains."
ESR would discuss with NEC future opportunities to test the device.
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"Marketing DNA Test" Makes Sales and Marketing Easier, Less Frustrating
Posted: at 5:56 pm
CHICAGO, June 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --"Stop doing what you hate," says Perry Marshall. He is creator of the Marketing DNA Test, a free tool at "Individuals persuade very differently. Marketers, sales people, and managers are jamming square pegs into round holes. If your job doesn't harness your natural selling style, move on to one that does!"
As author of the world's best selling book on Internet advertising, The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords, Marshall has experience to back up his statement. "I've consulted in over 300 industries and thousands of companies. Most marketing teams have the right people doing the wrong jobs. Most entrepreneurs are trying to excel at too many things."
The result, he says, is wasted sales calls, lousy marketing materials, poor communication and overworked staff. "The Marketing DNA Test was born out of my own painful discoveries of building teams: Five musicians does not a band make. Especially when four are bass players!"
He says most people hire people too much like themselves. The result is teams with overlap in some areas and gaping holes in others. "You've got three guys editing videos but nobody knows how to write a script. The gal who should be writing it is knocking on doors making cold calls instead and she's miserable. I created this test to stop the insanity."
People use various skill sets to sell:
Each of those skills is very different from the others. The Marketing DNA Test assesses eight different modes of persuasion: Alchemist (creative), Producer (systematic), Live, Recorded, Images, Words, Empathy and Analytics. It specifies the unique combination possessed by each individual.
Each DNA test report is unique to "1 in a million." It shows individuals and managers how to harness their greatest strengths. Brad Richdale, the legendary writer, director, producer and direct marketer said, "You will be stunned how scary accurate it is."
The test is free at
About Perry Marshall
Perry Marshall's Chicago company, Perry S. Marshall & Associates, consults both online and brick-and-mortar companies on generating sales leads, web traffic, and maximizing advertising results. At $2000 per hour he's one of the world's most expensive and sought-after marketing consultants. His top coaching groups have waiting lists, and many clients have engaged his services continuously for 10 years and more.
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"Marketing DNA Test" Makes Sales and Marketing Easier, Less Frustrating
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DNA 'Fog' Marks Criminals Invisibly for Later ID
Posted: at 5:56 pm
For years banks have rigged bags of money with exploding dye packs, which show the cash was stolen and mark the thief. Now DNA can do the same job -- without the suspect being aware of it.
This isn't using the criminal's own DNA to track him or her -- it's engineered, artificial gene sequences that act like bar codes. They can be applied to goods or people to uniquely identify them, and be made to glow under certain kinds of light or be read by swabbing them and reading the sequence chemically.
DNA marking is already being used on objects for tracking by law enforcement agencies in the United States and the U.K.
The latest version of the technology comes from Stony Brook, N.Y.-based Applied DNA Sciences. It's called "DNA Fog." The device fills a room with smoke to confuse an intruder. The smoke isn't just to make it hard for the person to see; it also contains droplets loaded with DNA. If the person escapes, they are still covered with it, and it's invisible.
The DNA stays on the skin for about two weeks and is hard to wash out of clothing. And even if the burglar ditches her clothes in a dumpster, she'd have to lose the shoes, too.
"It's amazing how many people will dump their clothes but not their shoes," said Mitchell Warren Miller, director of digital strategy at Applied DNA. The "tag" of DNA lasts about two weeks.
Should that person get arrested, police would swab them and read the sample using a chemical process called polymerase chain reaction. PCR amplifies the genetic material, essentially making it easier to spot, and is simple and cheap enough that it can be done by amateurs. If the sequence from Applied DNA shows up, then it's a good bet they were in the vicinity when the DNA Fog device went off.
The DNA sequence can be altered, so any business that has it can have it's own unique code -- like tagging an intruder with the name and address.
It's an adaptation of a system Applied DNA uses to track goods, by marking them with DNA that glows when exposed to certain kinds of light, except in this case the DNA marks a person invisibly.
In the U.K., Selectamark Security Systems' makes several devices to get a DNA tag onto someone. One is a "defense spray" like pepper spray, which is geared to security guards and police who might want to identify someone who attacked them at close range. Another is a grease and gel that mark door handles or goods.
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DNA Microarray 2013 Market Report: A Focus on Sales Growth
Posted: at 5:56 pm
DUBLIN, June 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "DNA Microarray 2013: A Focus on Sales Growth" report to their offering.
(Logo: )
DNA Microarray 2013 presents the findings of a global market study of DNA Microarray, involving the participation of 201 buyers and end-users in this field. With a focus on market development, sales growth and commercial opportunities, the study profiled current and evolving areas of this market, as outlined below. Its findings provide valuable product and market information, and decision-making support to suppliers in the DNA Microarray field.
From the early use of miniaturised microarrays for the analysis of gene expression in the mid 1990s, this technique has established markets that are expected to reach $3 billion by 2015. However, these are also changing as new applications are developed and new competitive strategies, such as PCR, grow. This report, based on an analysis of current and evolving developments in the DNA microarray field, has been produced to assist marketing and sales in this field, and the identification of new opportunities. It is the outcome of an extensive global study involving more than 200 experienced DNA microarray buyers and end-users. It's findings provide a focus on sales growth to developers and vendors in the microarray field, and the changes that are driving these developments.
Key Topics Covered:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Study Participants
Chapter 3 DNA Microarray Methods
Chapter 4 DNA Microarray Applications
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DNA Microarray 2013 Market Report: A Focus on Sales Growth
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Who Was Your Doggy? Ground-breaking DNA Test now Discovers Every Breed in Deceased Dogs
Posted: at 5:56 pm
DNA My Dog launches a new Breed Determination Test for Deceased Dogs
TORONTO, June 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - DNA testing for breed determination in dogs has flourished over the past few years. For the owners of "mystery mutts," the opportunity to discover every breed that exists in their dogs has opened new windows into the health and personality of mixed-breed dogs. For those who have lost their canine companions, this advance often did not come soon enough. Until now.
In response to the growing demand to learn the breeds of dogs after they have died, DNA My Dog, in partnership with the Paleo DNA Laboratory at Lakehead University, has launched the first Dog Breed DNA tests available for deceased dogs.
This test extracts DNA from old toys, food bowls, blankets or other objects with which the dog has had oral contact and which are still in the owner's possession. This scientific advance allows people to learn more about the dog they loved long after he or she is gone.
Benefits of Dog DNA testing
Learning the precise breed mix of their dogs lets owners be more proactive with the dog's health and welfare. Even those who have already lost beloved dogs can use this information to great advantage when they make their next choice. No pet can be replaced. But the personality traits of specific breeds go a long way in helping people make the very important decision as to which dog will make an ideal companion in the years ahead.
About DNA My Dog
DNA My Dog is a Canine DNA testing company who began breed testing as part of an overall canine rescue fundraising initiative. To date they have raised over $100,000 for Canine Rescues and Shelters across North America and continue to work with animal welfare organizations internationally. A leader in Canine DNA testing, DNA My Dog offers a simple and affordable at-home cheek swab test that will determine very breed in a mixed breed dog, by percentage.
DNA My Dog's test provides owners of mystery mutts the opportunity to be more proactive about the health concerns and training of their dog. Equally as important it also helps many answer the common question: "What kind of dog is that"?
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Who Was Your Doggy? Ground-breaking DNA Test now Discovers Every Breed in Deceased Dogs
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Applied DNA Sciences to Display at Techtextil 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany
Posted: at 5:56 pm
STONY BROOK, NY--(Marketwired - Jun 7, 2013) - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (OTCBB: APDN), (Twitter: @APDN), a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology, anti-theft and product authentication solutions, today announced that it will display at a Sample Booth sponsored by U.S. Department of Commerce's Office of Textiles and Apparel at the biennial Techtextil International Trade Show for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens in Frankfurt, Germany.The show is set for June 11-13.
Techtextil 2013 is the leading exhibition for technical textiles and nonwovens in Germany. It brings trend-setting prototypes and market-ready products together under one roof. Nearly 25,000 visitors from 96 countries toured Techtextil 2011 which hosted 1,226 exhibitors from 50 countries.APDN will present its technology to some of the most important companies in the textile and apparel industry.
Companies interested in a live demo of APDN's anti-counterfeiting technology for textiles are invited to contact APDN at the conference, or to call Tom Gladtke, Director of Sales, Textiles and Apparel, at: 973-699-6939 or
APDN's SigNature DNA T product can be incorporated at any point in the textile supply chain as a means to link a genuine product to its original source of manufacture. Our botanical DNA markers can easily be applied to raw cotton fiber, thread, yarn, woven labels or to the finished garment. SigNature DNA is robust, and it can be formulated to be resistant to wash out treatments. Instant field detection for the presence of SigNature DNA markers is simple, using a handheld device. Botanical DNA marked textile and apparel products are fully authenticated by our scientific team in our laboratories to ensure that they are truly genuine.
About Applied DNA Sciences
APDN is a provider of botanical-DNA based security and authentication solutions that can help protect products, brands and intellectual property of companies, governments and consumers from theft, counterfeiting, fraud and diversion. SigNature DNA and smartDNA, our principal anti-counterfeiting and product authentication solutions that essentially cannot be copied, provide a forensic chain of evidence and can be used to prosecute perpetrators.
The statements made by APDN may be forward-looking in nature.Forward-looking statements describe APDN's future plans, projections, strategies and expectations, and are based on assumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of APDN. Actual results could differ materially from those projected due to our short operating history, limited financial resources, limited market acceptance, market competition and various other factors detailed from time to time in APDN's SEC reports and filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed on December 20, 2012 and our subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.APDN undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
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Space Genome 1st event Interview – Video
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Space Genome 1st event Interview
By: DMV StylishSociety
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