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Ron Paul: It’s Going to Get Much, Much Worse – Video
Posted: June 10, 2013 at 2:42 pm
Ron Paul: It #39;s Going to Get Much, Much Worse
For a full description comments visit: Dr. Ron Paul has long been a lead...
By: ChrisMartensondotcom
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Ron Paul: "It's Going to Get Much, Much Worse"
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Dr. Ron Paul has long been a leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, civil liberty, and non-interventionist foreign policies.
His last term in the U.S. House of Representatives ended earlier this year, so we caught up with the former Congressman to get his latest perspective on how successfully our national leadership is dealing with Americas economic challenges.
In Dr. Pauls assessment, Washington is too committed to deficit spending and the debt-based economy both operationally and philosophically to expect it to embrace a more fiscally-responsible model without a forcing crisis (which he believes is coming):
[T]hey believe it like a religion that spending is good no matter what the spending is on. And that the deficits don't matter; deficits are not a burden. And even though we have this national debt and we have a foreign debt, they don't consider that so bad, as long as people will spend money. And if the people won't spend any money, the government has this moral obligation to do it.
I don't expect anything else because they are reflecting what I consider prevailing attitudes. And the prevailing attitudes for the last 50 or 60 years, especially since the 1930s, has been spending and deficits and printing money is the way to go.
But where I am encouraged is outside of Washington. You get a better perspective from people like you who talk about this and get people to look at their investments. I think this is beneficial, because a lot of people are realizing this whole system is deeply flawed, and they are looking elsewhere. And that is why I talk a lot about free markets, and property rights, and Austrian economics, and getting rid of the Fed. All these things are now up for grabs. A lot of people, especially the young people, are looking at this. So, for this reason, I am a bit encouraged by what might come out of this.
But I think we are going to go through the ringer. I think it's going to get much, much worse. It is bad enough already, but there is no way that we can step back.
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Alleged NSA whistleblower: A Ron Paul supporter?
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Edward Snowden, the man who claims to be the source of a series of recent high-profile national security leaks, may also be a fan of former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.
According to FEC records, a man named Edward Snowden made two separate contributions, of $250 each, to Paul's 2012 presidential campaign, once in March and once in May.
The first contribution is attributed to an Edward Snowden in Columbia, Md., who is listed as an employee of Dell. According to the Guardian, the paper to which Snowden first brought his information, and which has subsequently been working with him, Dell is among the companies for which Snowden has worked as a contractor in recent years. It has also been reported that Snowden's family lives in Ellicott City, Md., which is next to Columbia, Md.
The second donation, about two months later, comes out of Waipahu, Hawaii. Snowden was working at an NSA office in Hawaii until May. According to the NSA's website, it has offices in Honolulu, which is about 14 miles from Waihapu.
The Guardian quotes Snowden as saying he voted for a third party candidate in 2008, though he did not identify the party or the candidate. Paul, a staunch libertarian who has vigilantly pursued issues surrounding civil liberties, ran for the Republican Party presidential nomination in 2008 and 2012.
CBS News has not been in touch with Snowden, and cannot confirm definitively that he made these donations. Other people named Edward Snowden are listed as having made political contributions, according to the FEC filings, but none of those profiles appear to match that of the Guardian source.
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Alleged NSA whistleblower: A Ron Paul supporter?
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Libertarianism’s Achilles’ heel
Posted: at 2:42 pm
In politics, we often skip past the simple questions. This is why inquiries about the fundamentals can sometimes catch everyone short.
Michael Lind, the independent-minded scholar, posed one such question last week about libertarianism that I hope will shake up the political world. Its important because many in the new generation of conservative politicians declare libertarianism as their core political philosophy.
E.J. Dionne Jr.
Writes about politics in a twice-a-week column and on the PostPartisan blog.
Its true that since nearly all Americans favor limits on government, most of us have found libertarians to be helpful allies at one point or another. Libertarians have the virtue, in principle at least, of a very clear creed: They believe in the smallest government possible, longing for what the late philosopher Robert Nozick, in his classic book Anarchy, State, and Utopia, called the night-watchman state. Anything government does beyond protecting people from violence or theft and enforcing contracts is seen as illegitimate.
If you start there, taking a stand on the issues of the day is easy. All efforts to cut back on government functions public schools, Medicare, environmental regulation, food stamps should be supported. Anything that increases government activity (Obamacare, for example) should be opposed.
In his bracing 1970s libertarian manifesto For a New Liberty, the economist Murray Rothbard promised a nation that would be characterized by individual liberty, a peaceful foreign policy, minimal government and a free-market economy.
Rothbards book concludes with boldness: Liberty has never been fully tried in the modern world; libertarians now propose to fulfill the American dream and the world dream of liberty and prosperity for all mankind.
This is where Linds question comes in. Note that Rothbard freely acknowledges that liberty has never been fully tried, at least by the libertarians exacting definition. In an essay in Salon, Lind asks:
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Libertarianism’s Achilles’ heel
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Dionne: Libertarianism’s Achilles’ Heel
Posted: at 2:42 pm
WASHINGTON In politics, we often skip past the simple questions. This is why inquiries about the fundamentals can sometimes catch everyone short.
Michael Lind, the independent-minded scholar, posed one such question last week about libertarianism that I hope will shake up the political world. Ill get to his query in a moment. Its important because many in the new generation of conservative politicians declare libertarianism as their core political philosophy.
Libertarians have the virtue, in principle at least, of a very clear creed: They believe in the smallest government possible, longing for what the late philosopher Robert Nozick, in his classic book Anarchy, State and Utopia, called "the night-watchman state." Anything government does beyond protecting people from violence or theft and enforcing contracts is seen as illegitimate.
If you start there, taking a stand on the issues of the day is easy. All efforts to cut back on government functions public schools, Medicare, environmental regulation, food stamps should be supported. Anything that increases government activity (Obamacare, for example) should be opposed.
In his bracing 1970s libertarian manifesto For a New Liberty, the economist Murray Rothbard promised a nation that would be characterized by "individual liberty, a peaceful foreign policy, minimal government and a free-market economy."
Rothbards book concludes with boldness: "Liberty has never been fully tried in the modern world; libertarians now propose to fulfill the American dream and the world dream of liberty and prosperity for all mankind."
This is where Linds question comes in. Note that Rothbard freely acknowledges that "liberty has never been fully tried," at least by the libertarians exacting definition. In an essay in Salon, Lind asks:
"If libertarians are correct in claiming that they understand how best to organize a modern society, how is it that not a single country in the world in the early 21st century is organized along libertarian lines?"
In other words, "Why are there no libertarian countries?"
The ideas of the center-left based on welfare states conjoined with market economies have been deployed all over the democratic world, most extensively in the social democratic Scandinavian countries. We also had deadly experiments with communism, aka Marxism-Leninism.
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Dionne: Libertarianism’s Achilles’ Heel
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Libertarianism is in vogue. Again.
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Looking for the hot new(ish) thing in American politics? Try libertarianism.
Yes, that long-dismissed political philosophy that eschews government intervention in favor of individual liberty is again coming into vogue, particularly among young voters.
Chris Cillizza
Chris Cillizza is founder and editor of The Fix, a leading blog on state and national politics. He is the author of The Gospel According to the Fix: An Insiders Guide to a Less than Holy World of Politics and an MSNBC contributor and political analyst. He also regularly appears on NBC and NPRs The Diane Rehm Show. He joined The Post in 2005 and was named one of the top 50 journalists by Washingtonian in 2009.
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Libertarianism is in vogue. Again.
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Illuminati Transhumanist Agenda EXPOSED Introduction – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Illuminati Transhumanist Agenda EXPOSED Introduction
By: TheVigilantChristian
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International Space Station Crossing Ireland (HD) – Video
Posted: June 9, 2013 at 3:45 am
International Space Station Crossing Ireland (HD)
The International Space Station (ISS) crossing Ireland on a clear June night. Clear footage of the station moving through the night sky at 17000 miles per h...
By: William Finnegan
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Lorenzo creating space station on Sketch Club livestream – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Lorenzo creating space station on Sketch Club livestream
here #39;s the final sketch:
By: sketchclubtv
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KSP – Space Station Core in Orbit – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
KSP - Space Station Core in Orbit
FINALLY. Sorry for the screeching at the 10x After many casualities, here is the first successful orbit of my first modular Kerbal space station core : the "...
By: SebbyTheFreak
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