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Ron Paul: Edward Snowden a Hero
Posted: June 11, 2013 at 3:47 pm
Former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, shown here at George Washington University on March 4, 2013, is now praising Edward Snowden for exposing NSA activities.
Ron Paul, a lion of the libertarian movement, is roaring again. He is praising Edward Snowden, the admitted leaker of information about a vast U.S. government surveillance program that is generating headlines around the world.
"We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and [investigative reporter] Glenn Greenwald, who see injustice being carried out by their own government and speak out, despite the risk," Paul said in remarks posted on, the website of an advocacy group that Paul leads.
[READ: What's a Scandal and What Is Not]
"They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret."
Others express a harshly negative view of Snowden, the central figure in the ongoing leaks case who has been condemned for jeopardizing national security.
But Paul said, "The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing."
"The Fourth Amendment is clear," added Paul, a former U.S. representative from Texas. "We should be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, and all warrants must have probable cause. Today the government operates largely in secret, while seeking to know everything about our private lives without probable cause and without a warrant."
Paul inspired an intensely loyal following as a Republican presidential candidate in 2012 because of his libertarian views that emphasized curbing the power of the federal government. Paul has retired from Congress but says he will remain active in commenting on major issues.
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Ron Paul: Edward Snowden a Hero
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Bow Only Challenge Ep.1 – Post Human Difficulty – Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary – Video
Posted: at 3:47 pm
Bow Only Challenge Ep.1 - Post Human Difficulty - Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary
I"m back showing off my fancy new microphone and facecam! 😀 It was about time!I wanted to drop at least one video ASAP,so I don"t lose subs,cus that"s hurtin my eye,so I hope you enjoy it!...
By: EMRGameFreak
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Bow Only Challenge Ep.1 - Post Human Difficulty - Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary - Video
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Time to experiment with retro-futurism neck-ties (With Image)
Posted: at 3:46 pm
New Delhi, June 11 (IANS) Subtle but stylish, neck-ties play quite a role in portraying a person's characteristics and personality. Satya Paul has launched a new collection of the accessory called retro-futurism for "fashionable" men.
Satya Paul, one of the pioneers in men's accessories, has launched a limited edition of ties in a variety of designs including paisley, striped, spotted and checked.
"For the recent collection the designs are inspired from retro-futurism which is a blend of old retro styles popular in the 1960's with futuristic technology. The collection explores the astriction between the past and future," Rajiv Grover, chief executive office, Satya Paul told IANS.
"We have also experimented with floral motifs and digital gradients that have been quiet successful in the past," he added.
The fabric used for the collection is pure silk with multicolour hues and colour blocks. It features a wide range of prints inspired from the retro drama of the 1960's like lazer beams, polka dots, cassettes and music.
The collection is meant for all the "fashionable" men.
"Our main clientele is the well-travelled business executive, who isn't afraid to try new textures and colours. The contemporary prints and look of the collection prompts a younger generation to sport these ties in order to express an innovative style statement," said Grover.
The collection is available in all Satya Paul stores with a price range starting from Rs.995 and going up to Rs.2,495.
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Time to experiment with retro-futurism neck-ties (With Image)
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Time to experiment with retro-futurism neck-ties
Posted: at 3:46 pm
New Delhi, June 11 (IANS) Subtle but stylish, neck-ties play quite a role in portraying a person's characteristics and personality. Satya Paul has launched a new collection of the accessory called retro-futurism for "fashionable" men.
Satya Paul, one of the pioneers in men's accessories, has launched a limited edition of ties in a variety of designs including paisley, striped, spotted and checked.
"For the recent collection the designs are inspired from retro-futurism which is a blend of old retro styles popular in the 1960's with futuristic technology. The collection explores the astriction between the past and future," Rajiv Grover, chief executive office, Satya Paul told IANS.
"We have also experimented with floral motifs and digital gradients that have been quiet successful in the past," he added.
The fabric used for the collection is pure silk with multicolour hues and colour blocks. It features a wide range of prints inspired from the retro drama of the 1960's like lazer beams, polka dots, cassettes and music.
The collection is meant for all the "fashionable" men.
"Our main clientele is the well-travelled business executive, who isn't afraid to try new textures and colours. The contemporary prints and look of the collection prompts a younger generation to sport these ties in order to express an innovative style statement," said Grover.
The collection is available in all Satya Paul stores with a price range starting from Rs.995 and going up to Rs.2,495.
Originally posted here:
Time to experiment with retro-futurism neck-ties
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ARMCHAIR FUTURIST Ep.2 – NSA Spying Scandal (w/bloopers!) – Video
Posted: at 3:46 pm
ARMCHAIR FUTURIST Ep.2 - NSA Spying Scandal (w/bloopers!)
Here #39;s episode 2, posted up late, but better late than never, please like, subscribe comment!
By: BrilliantDisguisePro
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ARMCHAIR FUTURIST Ep.2 - NSA Spying Scandal (w/bloopers!) - Video
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EBU Vision 2020 Future of Public Broadcasters: Innovation
Posted: at 3:46 pm
EBU Vision 2020 Future of Public Broadcasters: Innovation Disruption (Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
This is the complete video (13 mins) of my talk at the European Broadcasting Union Vision 2020 conference in Brussels, see
By: Gerd Leonhard
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EBU Vision 2020 Future of Public Broadcasters: Innovation
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Gerd Leonhard, Futurist
Posted: at 3:46 pm
Gerd Leonhard, Futurist CEO of The Futures Agency on The Leaderonomics Show
Gerd Leonhard is a Media Futurist, and CEO of The Futures Agency, Think-Tank Leader, Author Strategist. Gerd is considered a leading expert on topics such ...
By: leaderonomicsmedia
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Gerd Leonhard, Futurist
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Kerbal Space Program – Episode 2 – Space Station Attempt 1 – Video
Posted: June 10, 2013 at 2:44 pm
Kerbal Space Program - Episode 2 - Space Station Attempt 1
Today i attempt a space station! Lets see how this turns out... Thanks to TeknoAXE for the ending theme! *Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the or...
By: 59thCaboose
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Kerbal Space Program - Episode 2 - Space Station Attempt 1 - Video
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Anacapa School contacts the International Space Station – HD video – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Anacapa School contacts the International Space Station - HD video
HD video from Anacapa School #39;s ARISS contact with Astronaut Chris Cassidy on May 22, 2013.
By: Anacapa School
Anacapa School contacts the International Space Station - HD video - Video
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Kerbal Space Program Space Station (No mods) – Video
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Kerbal Space Program Space Station (No mods)
The Hollandia Space Station was a big project maybe to big but you can #39;t complain about the results be sure to hit that like button and leave a comment if yo...
By: TheMineEmpire
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Kerbal Space Program Space Station (No mods) - Video
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