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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Ron Paul: ‘The Govt. CAN Make Us Safe If They Turn Us Into Cattle In A Cage’ – Video

Posted: June 11, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Ron Paul: #39;The Govt. CAN Make Us Safe If They Turn Us Into Cattle In A Cage #39;
Real News @ http://RevolutionNews.US mdash; (Before It #39;s News) I wanted to write on UKIP and/or the stirring speech I heard tonight from Bishop E. W. Jackson. But...

By: RevolutionNewz

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Ron Paul: 'The Govt. CAN Make Us Safe If They Turn Us Into Cattle In A Cage' - Video

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 6/10/13: Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked? – Video

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 6/10/13: Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked? htt...

By: minnesotachris

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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 6/10/13: Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked? - Video

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Ron Paul: Obama Should Send Snowden a Thank You Note – We’re Getting Transparency He Promised – Video

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Ron Paul: Obama Should Send Snowden a Thank You Note - We #39;re Getting Transparency He Promised

By: OnlyWaxing

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Ron Paul: Obama Should Send Snowden a Thank You Note - We're Getting Transparency He Promised - Video

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Ron Paul on The Daily Rundown talking NSA – Video

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Ron Paul on The Daily Rundown talking NSA

By: campaignforliberty

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Ron Paul on The Daily Rundown talking NSA - Video

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Ron Paul Blasts NSA Defenders On Piers Morgan: ‘You’re Justifying Dictatorship!’ – Video

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Ron Paul Blasts NSA Defenders On Piers Morgan: #39;You #39;re Justifying Dictatorship! #39;
"To all of you who defend this nonsense, what should the penalty be for those who destroy the constitution?" - Ron Paul.

By: PlanetEarthAwakens01

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Ron Paul Blasts NSA Defenders On Piers Morgan: 'You're Justifying Dictatorship!' - Video

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Ron Paul: ‘Thankful’ for Snowden

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas praised NSA leaker Edward Snowden for his part in exposing how much information the government has been collecting from private citizens.

We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald who see injustice being carried out by their own government and speak out, despite the risk, Paul said in a statement posted on the website of Campaign for Liberty, a nonprofit political organization which focuses on educating about constitutional issues, which he chairs. They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret.

(PHOTOS: 10 famous whistleblowers)

The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing, Paul added in obvious criticism of the Obama administration. The Fourth Amendment is clear; we should be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, and all warrants must have probable cause. Today the government operates largely in secret, while seeking to know everything about our private lives without probable cause and without a warrant.

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Ron Paul: 'Thankful' for Snowden

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Ron Paul Slams Secret NSA Spying, People Who Support It (Video)

Posted: at 3:47 pm

While several Republican congressmen defended the National Security Agency's spying on the phone and internet records of millions of Americans, today, former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said the secret NSA program was destroying the Constitution (video below).

"This idea that you can go to the FISA court and get a warrant, that's ridiculous," Paul told CNN's Piers Morgan this evening.

According to, Paul explained he still wants intelligence gathering, but in a transparent and constitutional way.

"What [Obama] is doing is repealing the Magna Carta," Paul said. "You can't just do these kind of things. And this one is not only repealing the principles of liberty, but it's destroying the Constitution. My question should be to all of you who defend this nonsense, 'What should the penalty be for the people who destroy the Constitution?'"

He added: "I think we have embarked on a very, very dangerous course. The American people are with us on this. It's totally out of control and I would say if you're confused about what we should do, just read the Constitution. What's wrong with that? If you don't like it, get people to repeal and change the Constitution."

However, Paul might be wrong when he claims the "American people are with us."

According to a new poll released today by Pew Research Center and TheWashington Post, 56 percent of Americans support being spied on by the NSA. A whopping 62 percent support the U.S. government infringing on Americans' privacy to investigate potential terrorist attacks, reports

Source: and

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Ron Paul Slams Secret NSA Spying, People Who Support It (Video)

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Ron Paul praises Edward Snowden and defends the Fourth Amendment

Posted: at 3:47 pm

Ron Paul is definitely not done yet. Now chairman of the Campaign for Liberty, the former congressman and independent presidential hopeful has spoken out against government collection of phone and internet data and the dramatic circumstances that brought the situation to public radar.

The Fourth Amendment is clear; we should be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, and all warrants must have probable cause. Today the government operates largely in secret, while seeking to know everything about our private lives - without probable cause and without a warrant, Dr. Paul says.

The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing, he notes.

We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald who see injustice being carried out by their own government and speak out, despite the risk. They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret.

There is already an unrelated connection here, incidentally. After examining Federal Election Commission records, Open Secrets - a watchdog that tracks money in politics - revealed Monday that Mr. Snowden donated $500 to Dr. Pauls campaign in 2012.

In an appearance on CNN, Dr. Paul also asked, What is the penalty for people who deliberately destroy the Constitution and rationalize and say, Oh, we have to do it for security. Well, frankly, you end up losing - you lose your security and you lose your freedoms too.

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Ron Paul praises Edward Snowden and defends the Fourth Amendment

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Ron Paul on data mining: Blatant violation of the Constitution

Posted: at 3:47 pm

>>> the notion that we're trolling through everyone's e-mails and voyeuristically reading them or listening to phone calls is on the face absurd. we couldn't do it if we wanted to and we don't want to.

>> that's the director of national intelligence james clapper in a sit-down exclusive interview with andrea mitchell over the weekend pushing back against the notion of a big brother government but opponents say that's what we should be afraid of. joining me on the phone, famously known for a presidential candidate and former republican congressman of texas, ron paul . thank you for joining me.

>> thank you, chuck. nice to be with you.

>> i want to start with this issue. you called mr. snowden -- you have been -- you have praised him and essentially said that he's a hero in this case. you've heard there's a lot of senators, both democrats and republicans, who believe what he did was illegal and should be treated as a traitor. why shouldn't he be treated as a traitor?

>> well, it is probably illegal. there's laws against this. but what about the people who are breaking the law , violating the constitution? even using the patriot act extensively and said they did the act within the law. who's going to punish them? why not talk about those individuals breaking the law and which one has the higher order, the constitution and the written law or the authority of the executive branch who controls the enforcement of laws? i would say that the bigger the government gets the greater threat is the lack of knowing the truth of things. so really, my goal in life has always been to try to figure out what the the law and individual who is are willing to take a risk and realize the danger of telling the people the truth, they're real heroes for instance right now, we have a cia agent in prison because he told us the truth about torture so i would say that we have to sort this out both moral sense and a legal sense but to say that only the whistle-blowers are the ones who are breaking the law we should question the people in authority about breaking the law and what recourse do we have? evidently they feel very frustrated and they have to go to the public because going to the fbi and other agencies to investigate themselves doesn't seem to pan out very well.

>> now, i had a lawmaker say to me yesterday that you get more protection from the media than perhaps going to an inspector general or the fbi. i want to ask you this question about the issue, there seems to be two issues. one is disclosure of the programs and the other is whether the programs are in some part a violation of the fourth amendment. start with the disclosure and transparency. would you be potentially uncomfortable but accepting of, for instance, the telephone data base program, the idea they vacuum cleaner essentially all telephone numbers and which -- what american telephone numbers , what calls to who, not necessarily the contents in a database and if the government is transparent about that procedure, would you be more accepting of the procedure?

>> being transparent about them breaking the law and violating the fourth amendment doesn't make me feel any better.

>> you believe that even the telephone, even that specific instance, set aside the issue of prism, that that one also is a vie ligs of the fourth amendment?

>> yeah. the big question is, dwrshd they do it? we're not listening and not going to use it and we are not going to ever use it. well, why do it? you know? if they're looking for ten people, why do they have to look at 300 peopmillion people's activity? it's a blatant violation of the clear language of the constitution, the fourth amendment. and the founders knew what this was about. i mean, the british did it to them. they wanted the try to prevent this. yet now, we have the heroics and the politics saying, oh, you know, to be a patriot, the person tells us the truth, they're committing the treason and turned on its head and the foolishness, even the political foolishness of the republicans running to rescue obama, the american people are sick and tired of all this snooping and prying and surveillance.

>> right.

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Ron Paul on data mining: Blatant violation of the Constitution

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Ron Paul: Snowden’s ‘great service’

Posted: at 3:47 pm

President Barack Obama should send Edward Snowden a thank you letter for bringing transparency to the administration, former Rep. Ron Paul says.

Finally were getting the president to fulfill his promise about transparency so thats pretty exciting to me, he told CNNs Piers Morgan on Monday night.

Paul said Snowden has done a great service for telling the truth about the government surveillance program.

(Also on POLITICO: 10 things to know about Edward Snowden)

When you have a dictatorship or an authoritarian government, truth becomes treasonous and this is what they do if you are a whistle blower or youre trying to tell the American people our country is destroying our rule of law or destroying our constitution, they turn it on and they say oh, youre committing treason, Paul said.

For somebody to tell the American people the truth is a heroic effort.

(PHOTOS: 10 famous whistleblowers)

Snowden reportedly donated a total of $500 to Pauls 2012 presidential campaign.

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Ron Paul: Snowden's 'great service'

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