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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Bacterial Genome COG – Video
Posted: June 11, 2013 at 3:50 pm
Bacterial Genome COG
Uploaded by NTHRYS TEAM - |
By: Nthrys Team
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Bacterial Genome COG - Video
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Bio305 Bacterial Genome Dynamics and Evolution – Video
Posted: at 3:50 pm
Bio305 Bacterial Genome Dynamics and Evolution
Uploaded by NTHRYS TEAM,
By: Nthrys Team
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Bio305 Bacterial Genome Dynamics and Evolution - Video
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Dynamic Genome Outreach Group at UCR does a strawberry DNA extraction en español! – Video
Posted: at 3:50 pm
Dynamic Genome Outreach Group at UCR does a strawberry DNA extraction en espaol!
DGOG got together on Sunday June 9th at the Neil A. Campbell Science Learning Laboratory at UCR to record a how-to video on strawberry DNA extraction en espaol! Enjoy and share with your...
By: dynamicgenomeucr
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Dynamic Genome Outreach Group at UCR does a strawberry DNA extraction en español! - Video
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Methotrexate/Azathioprine for Eczema – Video
Posted: at 3:49 pm
Methotrexate/Azathioprine for Eczema
This video was taken on 8th June 2013 Azathioprine dose 25mg increased up to 100mg over the course of approx. 2 years. Result: some relief however eczema still quite prominent.
By: mtxuser1
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Full body eczema – Video
Posted: at 3:49 pm
Full body eczema
Genuine hobo Shea butter beats full body eczema.
By: WonderfulHoBo
Full body eczema - Video
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Scalp Eczema 3 – Video
Posted: at 3:49 pm
Scalp Eczema 3
Scalp Eczema 3 If you have scalp eczema, then you know just how horribly irritating and potentially embarrassing it can be. However, you are not alone. Many people worldwide also suffer daily...
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Big Country boy with severe food allergies, eczema gets surprise of lifetime
Posted: at 3:49 pm
ABILENE, Texas -
About 5 percent of children in the United States have food allergies.
Kids with food allergies are likely to have asthma and suffer from eczema, a skin condition that can be serious.
One child in the Big Country has all three asthma, food allergies and eczema.
Kason McDowell has been in and out of the hospital since he was three months old.
Food or anything in the air could trigger an allergic reaction.
He's like any other 3-year-old boy, except he has a nebulizer machine and his mother has to carry epinephrine (epi) pens wherever they go.
When Kason was an infant, his eczema was so bad he would scratch his face until it bled. The open wounds caused many infections, some so bad he was even quarantined.
His mother, Mary, said the diagnosis was hard to bear, especially since there is no cure.
"How do I deal with it?" McDowell said. "It was kind of almost like anyone would grieve a situation. It was anger, then hostility, then depression. You realize once you get the diagnosis, it's like okay ... they tell you how to deal with it, but when what they tell you doesn't work, you're like, 'What now?'"
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Big Country boy with severe food allergies, eczema gets surprise of lifetime
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New Hope For Psoriasis Sufferers – Video
Posted: at 3:49 pm
New Hope For Psoriasis Sufferers
Warm weather normally means a return to shorts and T-shirts and relaxing trips to the beach, but for the millions of Americans with psoriasis, it can be a mo...
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Baidu censorship lawsuit gets new life in US
Posted: at 3:48 pm
A US judge has given a lawsuit by pro-democracy activists against Baidu and the People's Republic of China new life, even after the country invoked its authority as a sovereign nation to block the censorship case.
US District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan said the activists were entitled to serve their lawsuit on Baidu's lawyer in New York, without infringing China's sovereign protections.
Saying the issue had never been analyzed in detail, Furman on Friday night rejected Baidu's contention that allowing service would turn the part of the Hague Convention that China invoked into a "dead letter" by letting a court circumvent it.
The convention is a multilateral treaty that makes it easier to serve court papers internationally.
In their May 2011 lawsuit, eight New York writers and video producers had accused Baidu and China of conspiring to suppress their political speech from Baidu's search engine, the country's most widely used.
The plaintiffs said the content could be found via search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft's Bing, and Google's YouTube. They sought millions of dollars in damages for alleged violations of their First Amendment rights and human rights law.
Furman had dismissed the lawsuit on March 25 but put the dismissal on hold to let the plaintiffs propose another means to serve Baidu.
In giving the plaintiffs another chance to pursue their case, Furman said the Hague Convention was designed to ensure "sufficient" notice to recipients abroad of court documents.
Allowing service in the United States "in a manner that does not call upon China to effect service (in that country) does not override its invocation of its own sovereignty and security; to the contrary, it honors that invocation," the judge wrote.
Carey Ramos, a partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan representing Baidu, declined to comment.
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Baidu censorship lawsuit gets new life in US
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Banning censorship of historical documents in schools to be considered by Michigan Senate committee
Posted: at 3:48 pm
LANSING -- A pair of bills pending before the Senate Education Committee would mandate lessons on American history during "Constitution Week" and would prohibit any restrictions on or censorship of America's "founding documents" by school administrators or teachers.
The bills, Senate Bill 120 and Senate Bill 121, will be up for discussion during a committee hearing Wednesday afternoon.
Senate Bill 120 would create a new section of Michigan's school code preventing school boards from prohibiting the reading or studying of "documents that contributed to the foundation or maintenance of America's representative form of limited government, the bill of rights, our free-market economic system, and patriotism."
The bill also prohibits school boards and employees from attempting to "censor or restrain instruction in American history or heritage or Michigan state history or heritage based on religious references in original source documents, writings, speeches, proclamations, or records."
Some conservative commentators, including Phyllis Schlafly, have expressed concern about references to God being "removed" from the Declaration of Independence.
Senate Bill 121 would establish "Constitution Week" as the week between Sept. 11 and Sept. 17 each year to recognize the Sept. 17, 1787, adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Schools would be required to provide instruction on key figures in American history, "limited government," the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and the development of the American flag.
Both bills were introduced by Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R-Canton) in late January and referred to the committee.
Brian Smith is the statewide education and courts reporter for MLive. Email him at or follow him on Twitter or Facebook.
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Banning censorship of historical documents in schools to be considered by Michigan Senate committee
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