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You can’t patent DNA, Supreme Court rules
Posted: June 14, 2013 at 12:45 am
NBC's Pete Williams shares details on the Supreme Court's unanimous decision that says human genes cannot be patented, but Synthetic DNA is patentable.
By Maggie Fox, Senior Writer, NBC News
Patients, researchers and industry all claimed victory Thursday when the Supreme Court ruled that human DNA cannot be patented, opening the door for dozens of scientists and others trying to market newer and better tests to tell people about their risks for a range of illnesses from cancer to heart disease.
But the unanimous ruling left in place protections for the biotechnology industry and methods used to make drugs based on engineered DNA.
The ruling clearly invalidated Myriad Genetics' most controversial patents on tests for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that raise the risk of breast, ovarian and other cancers. But it did not go so far as to remove patents on artificial DNA, which is not widely used in genetic testing, but is used in other biotechnology applications.
We just are so glad that women and our genes are not being held hostage by a private corporation any more, said Lisbeth Ceriani, a Massachusetts breast cancer survivor who is one of the plaintiffs in the suit.
The researchers whose lawsuit prompted the decision were also celebrating. They say it will make genetic tests cheaper and far more widely available in the future.
I think it changes everything, Dr. Harry Ostrer, a genetics expert at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and one of the main plaintiffs in the case, told NBC News.
I think this is a green light for us to go ahead with our testing.
Patients will benefit, said Dr. Ossama Tawfik an expert in breast cancer pathology at the University of Kansas Medical Center and a member of the American Society for Clinical Pathology. I know the costs of these tests will be considerably lower without patent protection, allowing more women at risk to be tested, Tawfik said in a statement.
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DNA ruling will make gene tests cheaper, experts say
Posted: at 12:45 am
NBC's Pete Williams shares details on the Supreme Court's unanimous decision that says human genes cannot be patented, but Synthetic DNA is patentable.
By Maggie Fox, Senior Writer, NBC News
Patients, researchers and industry all claimed victory Thursday when the Supreme Court ruled that human DNA cannot be patented, opening the door for dozens of scientists and others trying to market newer and better tests to tell people about their risks for a range of illnesses from cancer to heart disease.
But the unanimous ruling left in place protections for the biotechnology industry and methods used to make drugs based on engineered DNA.
The ruling clearly invalidated Myriad Genetics' most controversial patents on tests for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that raise the risk of breast, ovarian and other cancers. But it did not go so far as to remove patents on artificial DNA, which is not widely used in genetic testing, but is used in other biotechnology applications.
We just are so glad that women and our genes are not being held hostage by a private corporation any more, said Lisbeth Ceriani, a Massachusetts breast cancer survivor who is one of the plaintiffs in the suit.
The researchers whose lawsuit prompted the decision were also celebrating. They say it will make genetic tests cheaper and far more widely available in the future.
I think it changes everything, Dr. Harry Ostrer, a genetics expert at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and one of the main plaintiffs in the case, told NBC News.
I think this is a green light for us to go ahead with our testing.
Patients will benefit, said Dr. Ossama Tawfik an expert in breast cancer pathology at the University of Kansas Medical Center and a member of the American Society for Clinical Pathology. I know the costs of these tests will be considerably lower without patent protection, allowing more women at risk to be tested, Tawfik said in a statement.
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DNA ruling will make gene tests cheaper, experts say
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Genome of global deep ocean being sequenced
Posted: at 12:45 am
Washington, June 13 (ANI): A team of Spanish researchers, coordinated by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), has begun sequencing the genome of the global deep ocean.
They are using more than 2,000 samples of microorganisms collected in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans during the Malaspina Expedition. This collection of marine microbial genomic, the first in the world on a global scale, will provide new clues about a reservoir of biodiversity yet to explore, considering that it could imply the discovery of tens of millions of new genes in the coming years.
The works of sequencing (framed in the Malaspinomics project) focus on the viruses, bacteria and protists that inhabit the ocean to 4,000 meters deep.
Most of the biomass of marine organisms is composed of microorganism. Of these, a 72 percent inhabit the dark ocean, from 200 meters deep. However, so far, the DNA or RNA sequencing had been almost exclusively limited to the ocean surface waters.
Malaspinomics preliminary results reveal a wealth of unknown species of microorganisms in the deep ocean, characterized by an intense biological activity. Specifically, 60 percent of the bacterial species of the deep ocean detected by massive sequencing techniques are unknown.
Carlos Duarte, CSIC researcher and coordinator of Malaspina Expedition, asserted: "Malaspinomics means a leap forward because, for the first time, we are analyzing samples from the deep ocean, covering the great oceans. The new protocols of sequencing and analysis allow us to extract quite more information than in previous studies, which were limited to specific regions or surface waters, to an unprecedented level of resolution".
Researchers have already detected some bacteria, which are capable of degrading highly toxic compounds that have gradually gathered in the seabed.
Analysis are being conducted by a team that includes researchers from the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC), the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies -joint centre of CSIC and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB)- and the National Genome Analysis Centre of Barcelona (CNAG).
They also count on the collaboration of MareNostrum -National Supercomputing Centre (BSC) in Barcelona-, the Joint Genome Institute (USA) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany). (ANI)
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Genome of global deep ocean being sequenced
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Bizarre Ehux Algae Adapts To Environment With Variable Genome
Posted: at 12:45 am
June 13, 2013
Image Caption: Emiliania huxleyi's shapes are as varied as the ocean environments it lives in. Credit: Nature
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online
An international team of researchers has sequenced the genome of Emiliania huxleyi, a species of single-celled photosynthetic marine algae that they say is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the air, supplying the oxygen we breath, and even forming the basis of marine food chains.
The results of their work has just been published in the journal Nature and helps explain the tremendous adaptive potential and global distribution of this algae, which is smaller than a speck of dust and contains a shield of thin calcified platelets resembling the outside of a soccer ball.
A team of 75 researchers from a dozen different countries spent seven years mapping the genome, and found a set of core genes that have mixed with a separate set of variable genes. The authors reported that genetic diversity allows E. huxleyi (Ehux for short) to adapt to different environments, as part of its gene pool is dependent upon its geographic location and living conditions. It is the first algae in which scientists have detected this unique characteristic.
The Ehux genome is incredibly variable, said study co-author Dr. Uwe John and biologist with the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). For example, if the genetic information of two humans is compared, an agreement of about 99 per cent is found. However, if, for example, we take two Ehux strains from different ocean regions, we find a degree of similarity of only 70 or 80 per cent. The rest of the genome differs.
This means that all of the algae possess a certain basic set of genes, the core genome, which is supplemented by different genes, i.e. is interchangeable to a certain extent, depending on the habitat of the algae, he continued. In the scientific world, we call this phenomenon pan-genome, which was only known from bacteria until we conducted our study. We have now demonstrated the pan-genome in a calcified alga for the first time.
Dr. John and colleagues from the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) sequenced the Ehux genome and compared it with the genetic information from other algal isolates, reporting their results in the June 12 edition of Nature. The strain sequenced by the researchers was isolated from the South Pacific and is the first reference genome for coccolithophores.
The project wound up taking the scientists longer to complete than originally predicted because of the complexity and size of the Ehux genome. They originally believed that it was an estimated 30 million bases, but the genome wound up being more than four times that size approximately 141 million bases. Sequencing efforts of Ehux, which is part of the third most abundant group of phytoplankton, was first proposed by researchers back in 2002.
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Bizarre Ehux Algae Adapts To Environment With Variable Genome
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Eczema Free Forever – Eczema Free Forever Review – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
Eczema Free Forever - Eczema Free Forever Review click here for eczema free forever bonus Eczema free forever is the latest solution developed by Rachel Anderson, who helps people cure eczema permanently....
By: Eczema Freeforever
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Are Eczema and Acne Related? Probiotic Action Sheds Light on New Ways to Treat Adult Eczema
Posted: at 12:44 am
Miami, FL (PRWEB) June 13, 2013
A recent article by discussed the continued growth of eczema cases, which have grown to nearly 15 million, mostly effecting children and infants. For many, the skin condition disappears away with age, but many adults are finding their symptoms have worsened since a their youth. Probiotic Action shares industry insight on the causes of eczema, and how it may be related to acne.
As the article by states, many are turning to topical antibiotic treatments, anti-fungal ointments and other acne like products to treat their eczema. While the sources of eczema vary from one individual to the next, often rough, dry, flaky skin is caused by an allergic reaction to outside elements, fibers like wool, colds, stress, or other illnesses that weaken the immune system. At a first glance the above listed are very similar to many causes and symptoms of acne, which is often why many of the treatments are the same.
Probiotic Action spokesman, Fernando Perez explains why using a natural acne remedy to help reduce the side effects of eczema may help those with the skin condition,
For those with severe eczema, often breakouts are worsened by dry, cracked skin which create an environment for bacteria and infection to grow. If you notice, many of the prescribed treatments for eczema contain antibiotic properties, similar to the ones used for acne- there is a reason for this. When the skin is interrupted, and immune system is compromised, the balances of good and bad bacteria react on the skin, and infection occurs.
Perez suggests that instead of using an antibiotic acne treatment that may over treat a skin condition, he suggests using a topical probiotic, or a natural acne remedy that helps to fight the bad bacteria causing infection, and maintain the good bacteria which protects skin rather than killing all bacteria. Perez continued that while using a topical probiotic may not defend skin from allergic reactions, it may help prevent the growth of breakouts.
For more information on topical probiotics and probiotics for acne, visit probiotic
Probiotic Action is an advanced acne treatment that uses Probiotics for acne containing the good bacteria that is naturally found on healthy human skin. By using probiotics, Probiotic Action is an effective treatment that restores the normal bacteria content on skin, while battling what causes acne. Probiotic Action will successfully clear skin when used as an adult acne treatment while protecting skin against bad bacteria, free radicals, and pollutants*.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Probiotic Action is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Are Eczema and Acne Related? Probiotic Action Sheds Light on New Ways to Treat Adult Eczema
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Understanding Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
Understanding Psoriasis
The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a noncontagious, skin dise...
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Things You Should Know About Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
Things You Should Know About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease affecting the skin and joints. When it affects the skin it commonly appears as red scaly elevated patches called plaques. ...
By: VoiceArticles
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Things You Should Know About Psoriasis - Video
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LeAnn Rimes Presents the ‘Stop Hiding from Psoriasis’ Campaign – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
LeAnn Rimes Presents the #39;Stop Hiding from Psoriasis #39; Campaign
By: WomenAndFashion
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LeAnn Rimes Presents the 'Stop Hiding from Psoriasis' Campaign - Video
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freedomfighterguy3 advocates censorship – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
freedomfighterguy3 advocates censorship
proof that freedomfighter3 advocates censorship.
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