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esq krasha – Ensoniq ESQ1 demo and lofi futurist anthem by magus niche – Video
Posted: June 15, 2013 at 12:40 pm
esq krasha - Ensoniq ESQ1 demo and lofi futurist anthem by magus niche
all sounds made on ESQ1 synth, arranged with reverb, delay and eq in logic.
By: nicholas dallwitz
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esq krasha - Ensoniq ESQ1 demo and lofi futurist anthem by magus niche - Video
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The Future of Mobile (i.e. everything:) Futurist Gerd Leonhard at Mobile Convention Amsterdam – Video
Posted: at 12:40 pm
The Future of Mobile (i.e. everything:) Futurist Gerd Leonhard at Mobile Convention Amsterdam
Thanks for your interest in my work! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO of http://www.thefutures...
By: Gerd Leonhard
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FUTURIST – Solid Rock Session III – Video
Posted: at 12:40 pm
FUTURIST - Solid Rock Session III
band :
By: TheJumpiss
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Ford’s futurist ponders the world’s aging population
Posted: at 12:40 pm
Fast Company magazine recently named Sheryl Connelly to its list of 100 most creative business people.
She determines what factors will influence cars in the coming decades.
As Ford Motor Co.s manager of global trends and future, Connelly is the rare auto industry expert who has almost nothing to do with cars. Recently she took time out at Fords Irvine, Calif., office to offer a glimpse into her crystal ball.
Q: As Fords first and only in-house futurist, what exactly are you trying to achieve?
A: It takes Ford Motor Co. three years to bring a vehicle to market, so even if we have the most ingenious idea today, what feels cutting edge at this point might not be. We have no crystal ball, but we can look to five arenas for guidance: social, technological, economic, environmental and political.
Q: Why those five arenas?
A: You start there because youll never be able to predict the future, but those will be the forces that shape the landscape. It gives us a framework to play in this space of What if? and If so, then what? You talk about the possibilities, and then you explore what it means for the industry what it does to demand, supply, competitors, retail, the distribution network. Only if youve explored all of that do you even ask what that means for Ford.
Q: What timeline are you looking at?
A: The most distant function in the Ford team is advanced product research and engineering. Theyre trying to figure out what technologies are on the horizon and what to invest in. Their time horizon is 10, 20 years out.
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Ford's futurist ponders the world's aging population
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Space Station Live: June 10, 2013 – Video
Posted: June 14, 2013 at 12:46 am
Space Station Live: June 10, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for June 10, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m..
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: June 10, 2013 - Video
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ISS – International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video – Video
Posted: at 12:46 am
ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video
ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video From NASA: "ISS Configuration This fly-around video shows the International Space Station from space shuttle Endeavour...
By: Bright Enlightenment
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ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video - Video
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Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 ) – Video
Posted: at 12:46 am
Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 )
Thanks for watching guys, I #39;m bringing you BF4 gameplay today! #9675; Xbox Conference Recap! #9675; PS4 Conference Recap!
By: TmarTn
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Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 ) - Video
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Canada Seeks to Rove Beyond the Space Station
Posted: at 12:46 am
LONGUEUIL, Quebec With two flicks of the wrist, Simon Rocheleau sent a lunar rover spinning in the dirt.
The Juno rover prototype operated by a remote control in Rocheleau's hand was skidding here at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) headquarters Mars Yard, a backyard playground of dirt and rocks where robots can simulate missions to the Red Planet.
At the Mars Yard, university students regularly take rovers out for a spin to learn how operators perform similar work on Mars and, perhaps one day, the moon. [Photo Tour: Canadian Space Agency Headquarters]
"They learn some of the thought processes of the scientists, and how they go about selecting targets," Rocheleau, a member of the CSA's robotics and engineering group, told a visiting group of journalists from the Canadian Science Writers' Association on June 6.
Rovers like Juno could play a prominent role in the future of the CSA, which is looking beyond the expiration of its commitment to the International Space Station in 2020. Although Canada could remain active on the station project long beyond that date, the agency is cultivating its options. Rovers and robotics appear to be among the most promising directions, officials said.
Stimulating robotics and rovers
In 2009, the CSA received a onetime boon from the federal government: 110 million Canadian dollars ($108 million) in stimulus funding to develop promising space technologies. By inviting the private sector to bid for contracts, the agency hoped to assist struggling companies until other business picked up again.
Most of that funding went to two projects: one to develop a successor to the Canadarm series of robotic arms used on the space station and space shuttle, and another to create rover prototypes. Both of those projects were finished in 2012, and the agency is now shopping for buyers of the technology.
External money will likely be needed for further development, as the agency's budget has been dropping steadily. The Canadian federal government, conscious of the deficit racked up in the wake of the recession, has been slashing more and more money from many of its departments to address the gap.
Next year, the CSAs budget could fall to as low as CA$258 million to CA$260 million ($253 million to $255 million). In comparison, the agency's budget for 2013-2014 is about CA$309.7 million ($304 million), down 20 percent from 2012-2013.
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Canada Seeks to Rove Beyond the Space Station
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Old Space Station Treadmill to be Dumped from Orbit
Posted: at 12:46 am
Its always a chore when, at home, a big hulking piece of equipment needs to be dumped. Do you break it up and put it in the trash? Try to sell it for space parts on eBay? Refurbish it? Recycle it? Make special arrangements with a hazardous waste company? Leave it in your front lawn in the hope someone might pilfer it?
On the International Space Station, however, the choices for disposing outdated equipment are few, inevitably ending with the ultimate garbage disposal technique: atmospheric reentry.
Space Station Astronauts Log One Million Photos
Thats exactly the fate waiting for the faithful old space station treadmill a.k.a. the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System, or TVIS that kept the first 34 astronauts resident in the orbital outpost fit and healthy for the past 12 years. Superseded by the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill (COLBERT) so named in honor of comedy talk show host Stephen Colbert the TVIS will be loaded on board the returning Progress M-18M (50P) cargo vehicle. Progress will then detach on July 26 and commence its fiery reentry over the Pacific Ocean.
The TVIS went into operation on November 2000 but it ran its last lap in March 2013, so now its just taking up space. Although this piece of kit would likely fetch quite an impressive bid on eBay, the astronauts and cosmonauts have no means of delivering the piece of keep fit kit to any prospective buyer, so theyll just have to toss it into the atmospheric incinerator with the rest of their junk. Oh well.
via collectSPACE
Image: Keep fit memories: Leroy Chiao, Expedition 10 commander and NASA ISS science officer, equipped with a bungee harness, exercises on the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System (TVIS) in the Zvezda Service Module of the International Space Station (ISS) on April 10, 2005.
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Old Space Station Treadmill to be Dumped from Orbit
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Genetic Engineering – A New Perspective – Video
Posted: at 12:46 am
Genetic Engineering - A New Perspective
AP Lang Video Essay Music by Jake Chudnow (Poodles and Going Down)
By: bnaranbaatar
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