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Ron Paul: NSA Leakers Are ‘The Real Heroes’ – MSNBC 6/11/2013 – Video
Posted: June 15, 2013 at 12:42 pm
Ron Paul: NSA Leakers Are #39;The Real Heroes #39; - MSNBC 6/11/2013
Former Texas Rep. Ron Paul has become one of the few defenders of Edward Snowden, and the limited government supporter is praising the NSA leaker #39;s actions a...
By: Eduardo89rp
Ron Paul: NSA Leakers Are 'The Real Heroes' - MSNBC 6/11/2013 - Video
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Ron Paul: I’m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden with a drone – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Ron Paul: I #39;m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden with a drone
Ron Paul: I #39;m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden with a drone.
By: Charlie Spiering
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Ron Paul: I'm worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden with a drone - Video
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Ron Paul destroys neo-con argument on Syria poison gas – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Ron Paul destroys neo-con argument on Syria poison gas
Full video here:
By: RonPaulInstitute
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Ron Paul destroys neo-con argument on Syria poison gas - Video
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Piers Morgan "Ron Paul Could Have Been President" (HAHA) – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Piers Morgan "Ron Paul Could Have Been President" (HAHA)
Ron Paul could have been president if he wasn #39;t screwed by the media as well as additional agencies that made sure that Ron Paul would never win.
By: R11110000
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Piers Morgan "Ron Paul Could Have Been President" (HAHA) - Video
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Republicans Need Ron Paul (for Congressional Baseball)
Posted: at 12:42 pm
The Congressional Baseball Game gives congressmen tired of shouting matches on the floor an annual chance to blow off steam on the diamond. There, the shot at clear victory, alien in the world of committee meetings and debates, inspires fever pitch efforts from both parties. Yesterday at Nationals Park, the Democrats hit boiling point early and blew by the Republicans 22-0. Rep.Cedric Richmond(D-LA), who has carried the team for the past two years, pitched seven shutout innings and drove in two runs with his four hits. There was no mercy on display.
Whuppings arent uncommon incongressional baseball historythe Dems won 29-4 in 1913, 36-4 in 1928, and18-5 last year, while the GOP scored blowouts in 1999 (17-1), 1968 (16-1), and 1932 (19-5). Though the GOP leads the Dems with a 41-38-1 overall record, as long as Richmond remains in office (he was elected with65% of the vote) Republicans face bleak prospects.
If only the GOP ballplayers could call up one of their all-stars, Ron Paul, to pull them out of the Richmond rut. A congressional baseball Hall of Famer and the first player in congressional baseball history to hit a home run over the fence, Paul had a stellar career on the diamond while in office, and you can see himsmacking a doubleabove in the only tie in congressional baseball history, a 17-17 showdown in 1983.
According toRoll Call, the Capitol Hill news source that has sponsored the game since 1962, Paul went up to the House chamber floor the next year and said,I am convinced the annual baseball game played by the Republicans and the Democrats must be considered one of the most productive events in which the Members of Congress participate. In 2012, he still felt the same way. Ive always argued that sports are a great way to get to know people, said Paul.Theres a little difference in relationships than with those you only confront on the House floor.
Republicans have 364 days to find their next Ron Paul.
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Republicans Need Ron Paul (for Congressional Baseball)
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Libertarianism: Doing It Right – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Libertarianism: Doing It Right Answering Salon #39;s question: Taken
By: heavens2kadonka
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Libertarianism: Doing It Right - Video
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Jan Lester "A Response To Walter Block’s "David Friedman and Libertarianism: A Critique"" Part 2 – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Jan Lester "A Response To Walter Block #39;s "David Friedman and Libertarianism: A Critique"" Part 2
On Monday 09th June 2013, Jan Lester gave the second part of "A Response To Walter Block #39;s "David Friedman and Libertarianism: A Critique"" to the Libertarian Alliance in London.
By: LibertarianAlliance
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Jan Lester "A Response To Walter Block's "David Friedman and Libertarianism: A Critique"" Part 2 - Video
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Statism, Libertarianism, and Art – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Statism, Libertarianism, and Art
Skyler Miller, President of the Student Libertarian Association at SEMO, discusses why you shouldn #39;t get discouraged when great music with libertarian-themed...
By: LibertarianMusicTV
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Statism, Libertarianism, and Art - Video
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Post Human 720p – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Crysis 3 Walkthrough Post Human 720p
I use Fraps to record and Freemake Video Converter to join the files and convert them into mp4.
By: GameWalkthroughs2013
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Post Human 720p - Video
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A1 – The Futurist – Stomper – Video
Posted: at 12:40 pm
A1 - The Futurist - Stomper Label: Concern Records Rf.: [CNC 001] Artists: The Fu...
By: Noomi Shawlee
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A1 - The Futurist - Stomper - Video
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