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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Dubai unveils world’s largest twisted tower: Cayan Tower design was inspired by human DNA – Video
Posted: June 15, 2013 at 12:44 pm
Dubai unveils world #39;s largest twisted tower: Cayan Tower design was inspired by human DNA
The world #39;s highest twisted tower has been inaugurated in Dubai, with the impressive USD 270 million building located in the emirate #39;s prestigious Marina dis...
By: JewishNewsOne
The rest is here:
Dubai unveils world's largest twisted tower: Cayan Tower design was inspired by human DNA - Video
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DNA Vergadering 13-06-2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
DNA Vergadering 13-06-2013
DNA Vergadering 13-06-2013.
By: dnasuriname
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DNA Vergadering 13-06-2013 - Video
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Local Police DNA Databases Trigger Privacy Fears – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Local Police DNA Databases Trigger Privacy Fears
Local Police DNA Databases Trigger Privacy Fears.
By: CBNnewsonline
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Local Police DNA Databases Trigger Privacy Fears - Video
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The Hidden World Part I – DNA Infection (Updated) – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
The Hidden World Part I - DNA Infection (Updated)
#39;A little leaven corrupts the whole... #39; When the fallen angels mated with human women thousands of years ago, is there any way that this DNA infection still ...
By: TheJonathankleck
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The Hidden World Part I - DNA Infection (Updated) - Video
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Bring Me to Life/DNA Mashup – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
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Twist Set Up Do With MY DNA – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Twist Set Up Do With MY DNA
This is a twist set up do created with MY DNA Hair Products. You can try this at home and let me know how it works for you! visit MYDNACURLS.COM for product ...
By: Koku Gonza
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Twist Set Up Do With MY DNA - Video
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Posted: at 12:43 pm
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DNA samples could solve mysterious Fla. school deaths
Posted: at 12:43 pm
TAMPA, Fla. Researchers on Friday collected DNA samples from family members of boys who died decades ago at a now-defunct Florida reform school in the hopes it will match the remains found on the property of the now-closed school.
University of South Florida researchers have used historical documents to verify the deaths of two adult staff members and 96 children -- ranging in age from 6 to 18 -- between 1914 and 1973 at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys. Records indicated that 45 individuals were buried on the 1,400-acre tract from 1914 to 1952, while 31 bodies were sent elsewhere for burial.
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USF associate professor Erin Kimmerle said it's unclear whether there are more children buried in unmarked graves on the property. And that's only part of the reason why the researchers are seeking DNA from at least seven family members and asking for state permits to exhume the human remains on the site.
"We're bringing a last measure of human dignity for these boys," said Kimmerle, adding that if there is a DNA match between surviving family members and the remains that it will "fulfill a human right" for the families to bury their loved ones as they wish.
Richard Varnadoe, who is 84, is one such relative. He allowed a Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputy to swab the inside of his cheek for DNA Friday in hopes of solving the mystery of what happened to his older brother, Thomas.
"Hopefully we'll get him back," said Varnadoe, who lives in Salt Springs, Fla.
Thomas Varnadoe went to the school when he was 13 and "he lasted 34 days," said Richard Varnadoe. School officials told the family that Thomas died of pneumonia, but they never believed the story -- and never got his body.
"It devastated the whole family," said Varnadoe. "Dad, mother, my sister."
The school was located in Marianna about 60 miles west of Tallahassee and was once the nation's largest reform school, with 698 youths. It closed in 2011.
Originally posted here:
DNA samples could solve mysterious Fla. school deaths
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It’s Unanimous: Natural DNA Is Not Patentable
Posted: at 12:43 pm
The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously ruled that human DNA cannot be patented.
Synthetic DNA, unlike naturally occurring DNA, can be patented, however. Isolating the gene and altering it, the court found, does not allow the company to patent the gene.
Utah-based Myriad, which holds two gene patents for breast and ovarian cancer, argued that the extracted human genes were chemically altered and therefor distinct and patentable.
You can read the court's opinion, written by Justice Clarence Thomas, here. Justice Antonin Scalia joined in part and filed a concurring opinion.
Thomas notes that there is always a "delicate balance" when discussing patents:
The rule against patents on naturally occurring things has limits, however. Patent protection strikes a delicate balance between creating "incentives that lead to creation, invention, and discovery" and "imped[ing] the flow of information that might permit, indeed spur, invention."
Hard work, Thomas writes, does not mean the company deserves a patent:
In this case, by contrast, Myriad did not create anything. To be sure, it found an important and useful gene, but separating that gene from its surrounding genetic material is not an act of invention.
In arguing the case, Myriad may have focused on the wrong part of genome science:
Nor are Myriad's claims saved by the fact that isolating DNA from the human genome severs chemical bonds and thereby creates a nonnaturally occurring molecule. Myriad's claims are simply not expressed in terms of chemical composition, nor do they rely in any way on the chemical changes that result from the isolation of a particular section of DNA.
See the article here:
It's Unanimous: Natural DNA Is Not Patentable
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