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DNA Fog helps identify trespassers, thieves, and brigands
Posted: June 16, 2013 at 3:47 pm
Imagine prowlers broke into your company warehouse over the weekend. The alarm sounded, but the devious blaggards got away with the goods before the police arrived. Your security cameras caught only dim, shadowy images of the intruders, not clearly enough for positive identification. DNA tagging could change that.
Normally, tracking a criminal using DNA requires, at a minimum, that the perpetrator leaves behind a DNA sample in some form or other. As they are not often so accommodating, the role of DNA in crime busting, while significant, has its limits.
Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS) has developed a new approach to solve crimes using DNA tagging. The difference is that instead of tagging the objects being stolen, they tag the pilferer with DNA. While this has been tried before by applying the DNA to a fleeing criminal with a gun, ADNAS has adopted a more subtle approach.
For years banks have rigged bags of money with exploding dye packs, which mark the outlaw and the stash. The ADNAS system takes advantage of that basic concept, but implements it differently, so that a thief can be tagged without having a clue that their career will be cut short.
DNA Fog is an airborne suspension of artificial DNA molecules with a known but biologically inert sequence. The DNA molecules (Applied DNA's SigNature DNA) are artificially constructed, so that a strand of DNA with 20 base pairs can have over a trillion unique combinations. A security system could use one sequence per location, one sequence for each area within the location, or even use RFID tags to instruct a sophisticated spraying device to spray a unique DNA signature for each item stolen.
Once released, DNA molecules attach onto a malefactor's clothing, shoes, hair, and skin, as well as the objects stolen. This is rather like putting exploding dye packs in bags of money, save that the perpetrator has no idea that he has been marked.
It is surprisingly hard to scrub all the DNA off of one's body, clothing, shoes and tools. Regardless of what conventional cleaning methods a thief chooses, they will be easily detected to have been at the scene of the crime at the time it was committed for a period of at least two weeks, and potentially for years.
Should a guilty suspect be arrested, police would swab them and their clothes (and probably their apartment and car), then read the DNA samples using the polymerase chain reaction, which amplifies the genetic material from the sample to the point that it can be identified. The video below illustrates this reaction.
Amplifying makes the DNA samples easier to detect and analyze, and the overall process is simple and cheap enough that it can be done by non-specialists.
Can DNA Fog be defeated? There are couple of possibilities here. The low-tech approach is to wear an overall Tyvek suit with a diving mask. A higher-tech method is to swamp the DNA Fog system, perhaps by bathing with a body shampoo that contains millions of false DNA fragments. This would make it difficult for investigators to find the right sequence. It becomes a needle in a haystack problem, except the needle is also made of hay.
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DNA Fog helps identify trespassers, thieves, and brigands
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Genome Research Benefits More in Reach
Posted: at 3:47 pm
When movie star Angelina Jolie went public about her double mastectomy in May and said she chose that course after genetic testing indicated an 87 percent risk of breast cancer, costs of the gene testing were upwards of $3,000, which may or may not be covered by insurance. However, under Obamacare, genetic counseling and testing must be provided without patient cost-sharing for women whose family history indicates high risk.
Myriad Genetics' stock enjoyed a boost after Jolie disclosed having used the company's cancer-screening services. Thursday's Supreme Court decision was in response to a challenge to Myriad patents.
The mixed ruling, which allowed legal protections for synthetically produced genetic material while disallowing those for naturally occurring genes, sent shares surging more than 10 percent before crashing at the end the day and continuing to fall Friday to close at $27.59, 27 percent off Thursday's high. Investors apparently saw the ruling as opening Myriad's core hereditary testing business to competition.
(Read More: Bristol and Merck Shares Surge on Cancer Drug News)
Matthew Foy, with GlaxoSmithKline's independent venture capital fund SR One, offered one example of a breakthrough technology that could be available soon. He said a biotech SR One backs, PsiOxus Therapeutics, produces a cancer drug that self-amplifies as it attacks cancer cells.
"It has a genetically engineered virus. ... When it finds a cancer cell, it makes hundreds of thousands of copies of itself. It bursts the cell, kills the cell, and the environment is now flooded with these copies of the (cancer-cell-fighting) virus," he said. "The idea is it can spread throughout a tumor extremely quickly."
The drug is in Phase I clinical trials, where it is tested on a small group of people.
Silvester said a key aspect of genome technology is that it allows for the different ways people react to treatments.
"Drugs that work for some people can unfortunately not work for others, or even kill people, and that's why they're not brought to the market," he said. "So having the ability to target drugs more effectively is critical."
GlaxoSmithKline shares are up more than 20 percent year-to-date. The British drugmaker this week fired one head researcher and disciplined others over "misrepresented" data.
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Genome Research Benefits More in Reach
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Ash genome reveals fungus resistance
Posted: at 3:47 pm
15 June 2013 Last updated at 19:20 ET By Tom Heap BBC Countryfile
Scientists have sequenced the genome of a type of ash tree with resistance to the deadly fungal disease sweeping the UK.
The development could be the starting point for breeding a strain of ash to replace thousands expected to succumb to ash die-back in the next few years.
Ash die-back is now established and spreading within Britain
Researchers are hoping that genetics might yield the knowledge to fight back.
A joint project by the John Innes Centre, the Genome Analysis Centre and the Sainsbury Laboratory - all based in Norwich - have reached this milestone just two months after receiving the samples.
Dr Mario Caccamo of the Genome Analysis Centre said: "Speed is important to the research so that all those studying the epidemic can start to look for clues to tackle it."
And they do mean everyone.
All the data is being put on a crowd sourcing website OpenAshDieBack to enable experts from around the world to help identify genes that might be connected to the trees' ability to withstand the fungus.
These genes could then be part of a breeding programme for resistant trees.
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Genome Research Benefits Growing, Getting Cheaper
Posted: at 3:47 pm
The ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court this week that human genes cannot be patented comes a decade after the Human Genome Project was completed to much fanfare, and people might be forgiven for wondering what the fuss was about. After all, where are the miraculous benefits?
Biotech and drug companies say some are here, and more are on the way. Just as importantly, advances are pushing the technology toward greater affordability. Analysts said Thursday's ruling will help drive costs lower as well.
(Read More: High Court's Ruling on DNA Could Boost Biotech )
"Ten years ago it would've taken a factory full of machines the size of fridge-freezers costing millions of dollars. Now you're talking about doing DNA sequencing on a chip," Life Technologies (LIFE) President Peter Silvester told CNBC's "Squawk Box Europe," showing one little bigger than a Scrabble tile. "The cost is coming down dramatically, and our goal is really to democratize sequencing."
He said that where the mapping of the first human genome took 13 years and $3 billion, five years ago that cost was down to a million, last year it was down to tens of thousands and now it's down to thousands or possibly hundreds of dollars.
The time it takes has been dramatically reduced as well. "Technology, like semiconductor sequencing, can do it in a few hours," he said.
When movie star Angelina Jolie went public about her double mastectomy in May and said she chose that course after genetic testing indicated an 87 percent risk of breast cancer, costs of the gene testing were upwards of $3,000, which may or may not be covered by insurance. However, under Obamacare, genetic counseling and testing must be provided without patient cost-sharing for women whose family history indicates high risk.
Myriad Genetics (MYGN)' stock enjoyed a boost after Jolie disclosed having used the company's cancer-screening services. Thursday's Supreme Court decision was in response to a challenge to Myriad patents.
The mixed ruling, which allowed legal protections for synthetically produced genetic material while disallowing those for naturally occurring genes, sent shares surging more than 10 percent before crashing at the end the day and continuing to fall Friday to close at $27.59, 27 percent off Thursday's high. Investors apparently saw the ruling as opening Myriad's core hereditary testing business to competition.
(Read More: Bristol and Merck Shares Surge on Cancer Drug News )
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Genome Research Benefits Growing, Getting Cheaper
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Shaving my Head for Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 3:47 pm
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In Regard to Media Censorship and Police Terror in Turkey HD – Video
Posted: at 3:46 pm
In Regard to Media Censorship and Police Terror in Turkey HD
TAKS #304;M GEZ #304; PARKI NBET #304;.
By: TheMyerdiTV
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In Regard to Media Censorship and Police Terror in Turkey HD - Video
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Daily English News – Porn Ban or Web Control? ‘EU censorship a pretext to gag Internet’ – Video
Posted: at 3:46 pm
Daily English News - Porn Ban or Web Control? #39;EU censorship a pretext to gag Internet #39;
http// English NewsPlz Subscrib for Latest NewsThe European Parliament is set to vote on banning all forms of pornograph...
By: Nilay Uzer
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Daily English News - Porn Ban or Web Control? 'EU censorship a pretext to gag Internet' - Video
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Lindsey Graham Would Consider Censorship For ‘National Security’ – Video
Posted: at 3:46 pm
Lindsey Graham Would Consider Censorship For #39;National Security #39;
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told reporters on Tuesday that he approved of censoring snail mail if it was necessary to protect innocent lives. "If I thought ce...
By: Secular Talk
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Lindsey Graham Would Consider Censorship For 'National Security' - Video
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Ron Paul Dismantles NSA Spying – Video
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Ron Paul Dismantles NSA Spying
Appearing on CNN with host Piers Morgan on Monday, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has embarked on "a heroic effort" i...
By: Secular Talk
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Ron Paul Dismantles NSA Spying - Video
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Edward Snowden — echoing Ron Paul’s voice of… 1984! – Video
Posted: at 3:46 pm
Edward Snowden mdash; echoing Ron Paul #39;s voice of... 1984!
Back in 1984, when Edward Joseph Snowden was barely one year old, Dr. Ron Paul #39;s warning about the government electronic surveillance fell on deaf ears. Will...
By: 4clearsky
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