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Category Archives: Transhuman News
DNA Channel Informational – Video
Posted: June 16, 2013 at 3:48 pm
DNA Channel Informational
DNA Channel Informational.
By: TheRealDNAGaming
Originally posted here:
DNA Channel Informational - Video
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DNA with Anthony and Mike – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
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Police Departments Across The U.S. Collecting DNA Databases Without Your Knowledge! – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
Police Departments Across The U.S. Collecting DNA Databases Without Your Knowledge!
June 13, 2013 C-SPAN
Excerpt from:
Police Departments Across The U.S. Collecting DNA Databases Without Your Knowledge! - Video
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DNA Fit Testing – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
DNA Fit Testing
The DNA Fit test uses science to determine what sort of exercise your body is designed for. Using this information can drastically improve your fitness regim...
By: Healthista
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DNA Fit Testing - Video
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Human DNA can’t be patented, US Supreme Court rules – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
Human DNA can #39;t be patented, US Supreme Court rules
In a unanimous ruling, the US supreme court says that human genes cannot be patented, as DNA is a... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of internationa...
By: Euronews
See more here:
Human DNA can't be patented, US Supreme Court rules - Video
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Marianne playing DNA by Little Mix – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
Marianne playing DNA by Little Mix
via YouTube Capture.
By: Arlene Garcia
Read the rest here:
Marianne playing DNA by Little Mix - Video
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Twins Arrested For DNA! – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
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Gothic II #33 – Do dna – Video
Posted: at 3:48 pm
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dna Conversations: Power tariffs need revision
Posted: at 3:48 pm
Almost every power producer knows that power tariffs need to be revised upwards. One reason is the surging costs of inputs especially of coal and gas. A second reason is that industry has begun to find solar power cheaper than the price they pay for industrial and commercial power, and thus could reduce their offtake from the grid. That would leave state governments with less money to subsidise cheap power for agriculture and below the poverty line (BPL) families. A third reason is unpaid bills both by consumers and by state distribution companies, threatening to adversely affect power producers. Then there is the problem of losses and theft.
Something needs to be done. Increasing tariffs is one short term solution.
To discuss this, DNA called together a panel comprising (in alphabetical order) G. J. Deshpande, Regional Executive Director, Western Region-I Headquarters, National Thermal Power Corporation; O. P. Gupta, General Manager, BEST [Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport Undertaking]; Ajoy Mehta, Managing Director, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company; S. Padmanabhan, Executive Director, Operations, Tata Power;
Moderated by DNA's R.N.Bhaskar with editorial support from Karishma Goenka, the panel discussed the options that lie ahead.
Given below are edited excerpts:
Padmanabhan: The need for tariff increase is there across the country. Almost all the state distribution companies have accumulated regulatory assets, and there is a definite need. There are many reasons why we are at this stage.
One is there has not been a steady, annual, regular increases in tariff across all the states. Second, there has been an acute fluctuation in fuel prices in the last two- three years, which was never seen before, both in oil and coal prices.
DNA: And now gas.
Padmanabhan: And now gas.
Original post:
dna Conversations: Power tariffs need revision
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