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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Future of Mobile Technology – Brooklyn Futurist Member Presentations – Video

Posted: June 19, 2013 at 3:43 am

The Future of Mobile Technology - Brooklyn Futurist Member Presentations
Brooklyn Futurist Meetup - Future of Mobile Technology - Member Presentations at Brooklyn Law School on MAy 15 2013.

By: BrooklynFuturist

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The Future of Mobile Technology - Brooklyn Futurist Member Presentations - Video

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Energy Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Five Utility Industry Events This Summer

Posted: at 3:43 am

Denver, CO (PRWEB) June 18, 2013

Following on the heels of successful presentations to San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern Company, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, popular keynote speaker, energy industry futurist, change management expert and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich, has been selected to deliver keynote presentations to Associated Electric Cooperative (June 25), the Southeastern Electric Exchange (June 26), New England Public Power Association (Aug. 26), The Electric Power Research Institute (Sep. 10) and the Northwestern Public Power Association (Sep. 18). The topic of each his presentations will be a customized version of his talk: "The Future of the Utility Industry Will Require Unlearning."

The talks, as well as the extended strategic planning sessions which will follow the presentations, will be based on Uldrich's two latest books: "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future" and "Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow," will begin by discussing how continued advances in Smart Grid technologies, "Big Data," natural gas discoveries and renewable energies will radically transform the utility industry in the years ahead. Specific technologies to be discussed will include high temperature superconducting wires, solid-state transformers, smart meters, high storage grid-capable batteries as well as continued advances in home sensors, solar cells, wind turbines and fuel cell technology. An overview of his talk can be found in this article: 5 Future Trends for the Utility Industry.

Uldrich will then discuss why these trends will require unlearning as well as review the consequences of not embracing the concept of unlearning. Uldrich, who has been hailed as "America's Chief Unlearning Officer," will conclude by providing an overview of how these technological changes will also transform customer behaviors and upend long-standing business models in the utility industry.

Throughout his talk, Uldrich will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning "sticks" with his audience. A sample of his ideas may be found in this chapter, Shifting Power: The Future of Electricity, from his new book.

In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of utility associations, including delivering customized keynote presentations to San Diego Gas & Electric, the Southern California Gas Company, Southern Company, Northwestern Energy, the Wabash Valley Power Power Association, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Idaho Power, Northwestern Energy, the Minnesota Rural Electric Cooperative, the Western Energy Institute, Idaho Power, the American Public Power Association, the Northwest Public Power Association, the Eugene Board of Water and Electricity, the Missouri River Energy Service, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Wisconsin Public Power and dozens more. Uldrich has also addressed a number of major, non-utility-related corporations on the topic of unlearning including Cisco, IBM, WiPro, PepsiCo, United Healthcare and General Electric.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website. Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.

Uldrich is a renowned global energy futurist, best-selling author, editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning website, He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers' bureaus, including Leading Authorities and Executive Speakers Bureau.

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Energy Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Five Utility Industry Events This Summer

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Space Station Live: Microbiome Experiment – Video

Posted: June 17, 2013 at 7:48 pm

Space Station Live: Microbiome Experiment
NASA Public Affairs Officer Lori Meggs talks with Microbiome experiment Investigator Mark Ott to learn more about this research taking place aboard the Inter...

By: nvdktube

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Space Station Live: Microbiome Experiment - Video

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Space Station Crew Talks with Seattle Area Students About Life On-Orbit – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Space Station Crew Talks with Seattle Area Students About Life On-Orbit
Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 36 Flight Engineers Chris Cassidy of NASA and Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency described the da...

By: NASAtelevision

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Space Station Crew Talks with Seattle Area Students About Life On-Orbit - Video

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ScienceCasts: Strange Flames on the International Space Station – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

ScienceCasts: Strange Flames on the International Space Station
Visit for breaking science news. Researchers experimenting with flames onboard the International Space Station have produced a stran...

By: ScienceAtNASA

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ScienceCasts: Strange Flames on the International Space Station - Video

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European Cargo Ship ‘Albert Einstein’ Docks at Space Station

Posted: at 7:48 pm

PARIS Europe's fourth Automated Transfer Vehicle pulled into port at the International Space Station on Saturday (June 15), delivering a hefty load of supplies, including rocket fuel, experiments, food and clothing for the lab's six-person crew.

The 20-ton spaceship, named for physicist Albert Einstein, docked with the space station's Russian service module at 10:07 a.m. EDT (1407 GMT) after a glacial automated approach guided by high-tech lasers and cameras.

The docking occurred about 20 minutes behind schedule after engineers at the ATV control center in Toulouse, France, took extra time to reset navigation parameters on the unmanned supply craft. [See Photos of Europe's ATV Robotic Space Cargo Ships]

"Thanks to the ground teams," Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano posted on his Twitter account. "ATV docking was really easy. Now the hard job begins: unpacking everything!"

The cargo ship blasted off on an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana on June 5, beginning a 10-day pursuit of the space station. A Russian Progress supply freighter left the space station Tuesday, clearing the aft port of the Zvezda service module for the arrival of the Albert Einstein spacecraft.

The ATV hauled seven tons of payload to the space station, including 5,465 pounds (2,479 kilograms) of supplies stowed inside the craft's cargo cabin. The materials include food tiramisu, lasagna, parmesan and other meals along with experiments, clothing and spare parts.

"With the fourth ATV now ready to support and supply the space station with essential supplies and scientific experiments, ESA again proves itself to be a reliable partner in the international station upon which the future can be developed," said Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general of the European Space Agency.

Astronauts will open the hatches between Zvezda and the cargo ship Monday, with unpacking of the ATV's pressurized compartment due to begin Tuesday. Technicians loaded the ATV's cargo hold with 209 bags containing 1,400 items, which will take several weeks for the crew to move and store inside the space station.

Most of the supplies are for NASA, which uses resupply craft owned by Europe and Japan in a barter arrangement. The European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency pay for their share of the space station's operating costs through cargo services instead of cash.

ESA says each ATV mission costs 450 million euros, or about $600 million.

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European Cargo Ship 'Albert Einstein' Docks at Space Station

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International Space Station Crew Welcomes Albert Einstein ATV

Posted: at 7:48 pm

June 17, 2013

Image Caption: Europe's supply ferry ATV Albert Einstein on approach to the International Space Station. Credit: ESA

ESA Press Release

ESAs fourth Automated Transfer Vehicle, Albert Einstein, completed a flawless rendezvous with the International Space Station on June 15 when it docked smoothly with orbital outpost at 14:07 GMT (16:07 CEST).

The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) is now connected to the Space Station.

Bravo Europe, bravo ESA, bravo ATV. Thank you Member States, thank you industry, thank you CNES, thank you Russian partner, commented Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA.

With the fourth ATV now ready to support and supply the Space Station with essential supplies and scientific experiments, ESA again proves itself to be a reliable partner in the international station upon which the future can be developed.

The 20-ton ferry, the heaviest spacecraft ever launched by Europe, flew autonomously and docked with the 420-ton complex with a precision of a few cm as both circled Earth at 28 000 km/h.

Such a gentle contact between a spacecraft the size of a double-decker bus and a Station 20 times larger is an amazing achievement, highlighting the impressive level of control achieved by this European space system developed by our industry under ESAs direction, said Thomas Reiter, ESAs Director of Human Spaceflight and Operations.

These impressive technological capabilities will live on in the service module of NASAs upcoming Orion crew vehicle.

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International Space Station Crew Welcomes Albert Einstein ATV

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Posted: at 7:48 pm


By: KafkaWinstonWorld

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Bringing back the mammoth – decoding extinct DNA – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Bringing back the mammoth - decoding extinct DNA
People are very excited about the idea that an extinct species could be resurrected - Jurassic Park for real! We meet a world-leading expert in this field to...

By: MoleCluesTV

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Bringing back the mammoth - decoding extinct DNA - Video

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DNA Vision – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

DNA Vision
This video is about Dna Vision.

By: DNA Vision

DNA Vision - Video

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