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Category Archives: Transhuman News


Posted: June 19, 2013 at 3:44 am

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Al Gore Slams Ron Paul During Current TV’s Election Coverage [1-04-2012] – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Al Gore Slams Ron Paul During Current TV #39;s Election Coverage [1-04-2012]
Get your price on eBay and avoid bidding wars Youbidder: The place to bid at the last second bull; Try Youbidder Google Chrome button ...

By: Pat Barry

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Al Gore Slams Ron Paul During Current TV's Election Coverage [1-04-2012] - Video

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Ron Paul on Cavuto Jun 18, 2013 – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Ron Paul on Cavuto Jun 18, 2013
Ron Paul talks about the House NSA hearing with Neil Cavuto on Fox News.

By: campaignforliberty

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Ron Paul on Cavuto Jun 18, 2013 - Video

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Donald Trump Fights Back: ‘Ron Paul Is A Joke’ And George Will Is ‘Thi [12-05-2011] – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Donald Trump Fights Back: #39;Ron Paul Is A Joke #39; And George Will Is #39;Thi [12-05-2011]
Get your price on eBay and avoid bidding wars Youbidder: The place to bid at the last second bull; Try Youbidder Google Chrome button ...

By: Pat Barry

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Donald Trump Fights Back: 'Ron Paul Is A Joke' And George Will Is 'Thi [12-05-2011] - Video

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Ron Paul Compares Obama’s Aid to Syrian Rebels to Bush’s Invasion of Iraq

Posted: at 3:44 am

Former Texas congressman and presidential candidate, Ron Paul, recently slammed President Barack Obama's decision to help the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government forces.

Paul even went as far as to compare Obama's aid to the rebels to President George W. Bush invading Iraq.

Writing on his website, Paul stated:

This plan to transfer weapons to the Syrian rebels had become policy much earlier than that, as the Washington Post reported that the CIA had expanded over the past year its secret bases in Jordan to prepare for the transfer of weapons to the rebels in Syria.

The process was identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq war. Remember the famous quote from the leaked Downing Street Memo, where representatives of British Prime Minister Tony Blairs administration discussed Washingtons push for war on Iraq?

That is exactly what the Obama administration is doing with Syria: fixing the intelligence and facts around the already determined policy. And Congress just goes along, just as they did the last time.

However, Obama's policy is different from Iraq, as the United States is not leading the accusations of the Syrian government using chemical weapons.

Britain and France claimed Syria was using chemical weapons before the United States did, reported the Washington Post. Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Assad's forces had been using chemical weapons against the rebels back in May, noted

Unlike the "Downing Street Memo," where Bush pushed then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair into following his lead on the nonexistent WMDs, the United States has actually been the holdout, reported Reuters.

Paul then switched gears and claimed the United States move to help the Syrian rebels was like Vietnam:

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Ron Paul Compares Obama's Aid to Syrian Rebels to Bush's Invasion of Iraq

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Ron Paul: "Obama’s Syria Policy Looks A Lot Like Bush’s Iraq Policy"

Posted: at 3:44 am

Submitted by Dr. Ron Paul via The Free Foundation,

President Obama announced late last week that the US intelligence community had just determined that the Syrian government had used poison gas on a small scale, killing some 100 people in a civil conflict that has claimed an estimated 100,000 lives. Because of this use of gas, the president claimed, Syria had crossed his red line and the US must begin to arm the rebels fighting to overthrow the Syrian government.

Setting aside the question of why 100 killed by gas is somehow more important than 99,900 killed by other means, the fact is his above explanation is full of holes. The Washington Post reported this week that the decision to overtly arm the Syrian rebels was made weeks ago in other words, it was made at a time when the intelligence community did not believe with high confidence that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons.

Further, this plan to transfer weapons to the Syrian rebels had become policy much earlier than that, as the Washington Post reported that the CIA had expanded over the past year its secret bases in Jordan to prepare for the transfer of weapons to the rebels in Syria.

The process was identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq war. Remember the famous quote from the leaked Downing Street Memo, where representatives of British Prime Minister Tony Blairs administration discussed Washingtons push for war on Iraq?

Here the head of British intelligence was reporting back to his government after a trip to Washington in the summer of 2002:

Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

That is exactly what the Obama Administration is doing with Syria: fixing the intelligence and facts around the already determined policy. And Congress just goes along, just as they did the last time.

We found out shortly after the Iraq war started that the facts and intelligence being fixed around the policy were nothing but lies put forth by the neo-con warmongers and the paid informants, like the infamous and admitted liar known as Curveball. But we seem to have learned nothing from being fooled before.

So Obama now plans to send even more weapons to the Syrian rebels even though his administration is aware that the main rebel factions have pledged their loyalty to al-Qaeda. Does anyone else see the irony? After 12 years of the war on terror and the struggle against al-Qaeda, the US decided to provide weapons to the allies of al-Qaeda. Does anyone really think this is a good idea?

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Ron Paul: "Obama’s Syria Policy Looks A Lot Like Bush’s Iraq Policy"

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Ron Paul: NSA ‘fudged the figures’

Posted: at 3:44 am

Former Rep. Ron Paul isnt buying that NSA surveillance of private American citizens is necessary or has prevented as many terrorism plots as officials claim it has, as was unveiled by hearings today.

I dont really believe that because I think they fudged the figures. Of those 50 plots that they stopped, I think 40 were minor plots overseas, for all we know. So they stretched the point. And even these hearings today were a bit of a shambecause they had already decided what the results would be, Paul said on Fox News on Tuesday. They have to try to justify their existence of destroying the freedom of and the privacy of the American citizens, otherwise theyre out of work.

The Texas Republican was referencing the House Intelligence Committee hearing Tuesday where National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander said communication surveillance programs have thwarted more than 50 potential terrorist events. Paul also wasnt amused by the NSA trying to pass the intrusions off as an attempt to save Americans and the American way of life.

Its sort of like the old story about you have to burn the village to save the village. They want to burn the Constitution to save the Constitution, he said. And even today, [James] Cole, the Deputy Attorney General says, the Fourth Amendment doesnt apply to this. Where did he get this brilliance to know when it applies and when it doesnt?

If we can go to war and do all these other things and throw the constitution out the window so casually, you better be sure if you give them an inch, theyre going to take a mile and paint themselves as heroes, Paul added. The one thing they dont do is ever ask the motivation for people wanting to kill us. If we dont ask that question we cant stop these problems by just taking more liberties away from the American people. Were going in the opposite way. Weve taken away the constitution, were supposed to be fighting to save the constitution. Its completely turned on its head.

See the rest here:
Ron Paul: NSA 'fudged the figures'

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Bow Only Challenge Ep.3 – Post Human Difficulty – Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Bow Only Challenge Ep.3 - Post Human Difficulty - Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary
IMPORTANT!!!Please watch at least the briefing!I put a lot of effort into something like a Crysis 3 Special Intro!IIt"s the first 60 seconds of the video!Tha...

By: EMRGameFreak

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Bow Only Challenge Ep.3 - Post Human Difficulty - Crysis 3 Gameplay w/Live Commentary - Video

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Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Spider Legs and -Reno – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Spider Legs and -Reno
MayJam is a two-day annual music and arts festival featuring grassroots and independent bands and artists,Taiwanese and foreign, in Tainan, Taiwan, founded b...

By: Soundz OnTaiwan

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Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Spider Legs and -Reno - Video

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The Future of Digital Marketing: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard Presentation in KL Malaysia – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

The Future of Digital Marketing: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard Presentation in KL Malaysia
From a recent presentation I did in KL Malaysia, for an EConsultancy event, see and

By: Gerd Leonhard

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The Future of Digital Marketing: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard Presentation in KL Malaysia - Video

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