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Teen charged in East St. Louis rape after DNA cleared previous suspect
Posted: June 19, 2013 at 3:45 am
DNA testing first helped release a man from jail on a rape charge in East St. Louis. Now, investigators are using DNA testing to put another man behind bars for the crime.
Dominic R. Hood, 18, of East St. Louis, has been charged with six counts of criminal sexual assault, one count of attempted aggravated criminal assault and one count of aggravated armed robbery, the St. Clair County state's attorney's office reported.
Hood is being held at the St. Clair County Jail on $1 million bond. Authorities say DNA information already in a database links Hood to the Jan. 29 rape.
The victim, a woman in her early 30s, was walking home from the Emerson Park MetroLink stop near Bowman Avenue and North 14th Street when she was approached by a gun-wielding man who demanded her valuables and then raped her.
Originally, Marlon M. Miller, 20, of East St. Louis, was arrested and held in connection with the crime. He was released after DNA tests cleared him.
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Teen charged in East St. Louis rape after DNA cleared previous suspect
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The secret of DNA methylation
Posted: at 3:45 am
Public release date: 18-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Emmanouil Dermitzakis 41-223-795-483 Universit de Genve
Methylation refers to a chemical modification of DNA and this modification can occur in millions of positions in the DNA sequence. Until now, scientists believed that this epigenetic phenomenon actively reduced the expression of certain genes. Today, a team of researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, led by Emmanouil Dermitzakis, Louis-Jeantet Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, reveals that this is not always the case and that DNA methylation may play both a passive and active role in gene regulation. The mechanistic relationships between DNA sequence variability and gene expres- sion therefore prove to be more complex and variable than originally assumed. This discovery, published in the journal eLife, highlights the potential risks associated with over-interpreting a correlation rather than a causal link between two variables, especially when it comes to assessing disease predisposition.
The genome contains many genetic variations responsible for the diversity of living beings and their predisposition to developing certain diseases. Because of these variations, genes may be expressed differently from one individual to another. The same gene may likewise be expressed differently in different cells of a single person. These differences among individuals or cells may be mediated by genetic and/or epigenetic effects. Epigenetics is the chemical modification of DNA and its associated proteins, which may serve as a way for our cells to remember past exposures to environmental challenges or mediate genetic effects. It, therefore, offers a new way to study the role of the environment on the expression of our genes.
Causality vs. correlation
One epigenetic phenomenon, which the team from UNIGE has investigated, is DNA methylation. Until now, scientists believed that DNA methylation actively reduced the expression of certain genes. After having conducted a large-scale study performed on cells from the umbilical cords of 204 newborns, the researchers from UNIGE demonstrate that DNA methylation may play both a passive and active role in gene regulation. Indeed, in some cases, contrary to what was expected, DNA methylation has no impact on gene expression. The mechanistic relationships between DNA variability and gene expression prove to be more complex and variable than previously assumed. It was therefore essential to determine whether a causal link exists between methylation and gene expression, rather than relying on a simple correlation.
The results of this study shed light on the great complexity of factors that contribute to the physiological differences between people and allow us to better understand how genetic diseases develop, explains Maria Gutierrez-Arcelus, first author of this article and member of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research Frontiers in Genetics.
This study highlights the prime importance of determining the causal relationship between biological variables in order to be able to draw reliable conclusions. Correlations are useful when we want to make the assessment of the status of a patient. But it is only with causal relationships that we can make decisions on the relevant medical inter- ventions and expect a predictable and reliable outcome. "Correlation simply allows you to state the facts about someone's health. Causali- ty is the way to actually intervene. It is the difference between stating that a door is locked and having the key to open it", says Emmanouil Dermitzakis, professor at the University of Geneva Medical School.
The researchers predict that the approach described in their study will pave the way to further develop the modelling of biomedical parameters and large-scale datasets in order to improve biological knowledge and patient outcome.
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The secret of DNA methylation
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DNA Sequencing: Technologies, Markets and Companies – 2013 Report
Posted: at 3:45 am
DUBLIN, June 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the report "DNA Sequencing - Technologies, Markets and Companies" to their offering.
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This report briefly reviews basics of human genome variations, development of sequencing technologies, and their applications. Current large and small sequencers are described as well as companies developing them. Various applications of sequencing are described including those for genetics, medical diagnostics, drug discovery and cancer. Next generation sequencing technologies, both second and third generations, are reviewed. Companies developing software for analysis of sequencing data are also included. Selected academic institutes conducting research in sequencing are also listed.
The current market is mostly for research applications and future markets will be other applications related to healthcare. The value of the DNA sequencer market in 2012 is described with estimates for 2017 and 2022. Various methods and factors on which market estimates depend are described briefly. Markets are tabulated according to geographical areas as well as applications. Small sequencers form the basis of SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. Several marketing strategies have been outlined.
The report includes profiles of 108 companies involved in sequencing and their 106 collaborations. The report text is supplemented by 36 tables, 12 figures and 320 selected references to the literature.
Key Topics Covered:
Executive Summary
1. Introduction 2. DNA Sequencing Technologies 3. Comparative Analysis of Sequencing Technologies 4. Sequencing for Research 5. Applications of Sequencing in Healthcare 6. Markets for Sequencers 7. Companies Involved in Sequencing 8. References
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DNA Sequencing: Technologies, Markets and Companies - 2013 Report
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Algae genome could aid medical, climate research
Posted: at 3:45 am
Betsy Read, a professor of molecular cell biology at CSUSM, examines a solution of Emiliania huxleyi. Read led an international team of researchers who sequenced a "pan genome" for the organisms. Photo courtesy of Cal State San Marcos.
A ubiquitous phytoplankton found in oceans around the world could hold the key to fields ranging from climatology to dentistry, since a team of scientists led by Cal State San Marcos researchers unlocked the genomes for 14 different strains of the algae.
Their findings, published last week in the journal Nature, decoded the DNA of related strains of the algae Emiliania huxleyi. Their study is one of only a handful to unravel the genomes of marine algae and the first ever to document a pan genome - a set of core genes shared by diverse algal varieties.
Its still very rare to have a whole genome sequence for any marine phytoplankton, said Sonya Dyhrman, a professor of microbial oceanography at Columbia University and a co-author of the study. Its absolutely unprecedented to have multiple strains of the same species sequenced.
While the different strains share 70 to 80 percent of their DNA, about 20 to 30 percent of their genes are unique to each strain. That diversity allows them to inhabit virtually all the worlds oceans except the polar seas, said lead author Betsy Read, a professor of molecular cell biology at CSUSM.
They have this tremendous ability to adapt, she said. This is why we can pull them from almost every bucket of water in the ocean.
Read released the findings in the journal Nature last week, in collaboration with CSUSM computer science professor Xiaoyu Zhang, Dyhrman and about two dozen co-authors from a far-flung network of institutions in the United States, Germany, England, France.
The findings, Dyhrman said, are as valuable to microbiology as decryption of the human genome has proven to medicine.
Any time you unlock that code, it gives you this Rosetta stone to understand how that organism works and how it interacts with its environment, she said.
The algae are the third most abundant phytoplankton, and are a key component of the ocean food chain, nourishing animals including crustaceans, shellfish and other filter feeders.
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Smithsonian Genome Exhibition Unlocks 21st-Century Science of Life
Posted: at 3:45 am
Newswise The Smithsonians National Museum of Natural History, in partnership with the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health, recently opened Genome: Unlocking Lifes Codea multimedia exhibition that explores how the genomic revolution is influencing peoples lives and the extraordinary impact it is having on science, medicine and nature.
The exhibition looks at the complexities of the genomethe complete set of genetic or hereditary material of a living organismand chronicles the remarkable breakthroughs that have taken place since the completion of the Human Genome Project 10 years ago. With cutting-edge interactives, 3-D models, custom animation and engaging videos of real-life stories, the exhibition examines both the benefits and the challenges that genomics presents to modern society.
Genome: Unlocking Lifes Code will be on view at the National Museum of Natural History through Sept. 1, 2014, when it will begin a tour of venues throughout North America.
Genomic research is a vital tool for exploring the mysteries of the natural world, and it is an important part of Smithsonian science, said Kirk Johnson, the Sant Director of the National Museum of Natural History. Genome: Unlocking Lifes Code will help our visitors understand how genomics is transforming what we know about ourselves and how we make important life decisions.
Genome: Unlocking Lifes Code celebrates the anniversaries of two landmark scientific discoveries: the 10th anniversary of the Human Genome Projects first completely sequenced human genome and the 60th anniversary of James Watson and Francis Cricks discovery of DNAs double helix structure.
This exhibition reflects a remarkably productive collaboration between two scientific icons of the U.S. governmentthe Smithsonian Institution and the National Institutes of Health, said Dr. Eric D. Green, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up NIH in Bethesda. Our ability to share the science of genomics with the more than 7 million annual visitors to the National Museum of Natural History is profoundly exciting for the broader genomics research community.
When visitors enter the 4,400-square-foot exhibition they will be immersed in an interactive environment that communicates the pervasiveness of genomic science and provides new ways of looking at themselvesas individuals, as members of a family and a species, and as part of the diversity of all life.
Genome: Unlocking Lifes Code is organized around four themed areas, offering visitors personalized and interactive experiences that examine what a genome is (The Genome Within Us), how it is related to medicine and health (Your Genome, Your Health), how it connects them to all of life (Connections: Natural World and Genomic Journey) and how it is a part of their own personal story (Genome Zone):
-- The Genome Within UsAt the center of the exhibition, museumgoers will explore how the genome is a part of their own bodies. They will discover what a genome is, where it is located in the human body (in the cell nucleus), why it matters and how it influences life, all through an introductory animation. Visitors will see a three-dimensional model of a human genome and watch historic interviews with Human Genome Project researchers. They can also participate in a media interactive that explores the ethical, legal and social implications of advancing DNA sequencing technologies and submit their responses on an interactive station and find out how their views compare with those of other visitors. An electronic news-ticker display will provide an ongoing stream of recent developments in genomics.
-- Your Genome, Your HealthVisitors will explore the many ways in which genome sequencing benefits patients through improved health care. They can learn about genes, genomic solutions to mysterious medical diseases, and through a futuristic DNA interactive, search for the right medicine for a given disease. An interactive puzzle presents how genetic, environmental and random factors influence an individuals risk for a particular disease.
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Smithsonian Genome Exhibition Unlocks 21st-Century Science of Life
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Cream for my eczema set off allergic shock that could have killed me: Actress Bronagh Waugh reveals how those who …
Posted: at 3:45 am
Eczema occurs when the immune system overreacts to harmless allergens This results in red, itchy patches of skin, often on knees and elbows Food allergies are disproportionately high among eczema sufferers So people like Bronagh have to watch what they eat AND put on their skin
By Chloe Lambert
PUBLISHED: 17:34 EST, 17 June 2013 | UPDATED: 02:12 EST, 18 June 2013
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Double-edged sword: Stress sets off eczema, so it is doubly cruel that Bronagh works in an industry that demands perfect looks
Stripping off for an intimate scene in a TV show that will be watched by millions would be nerve-racking for any actress.
But for Bronagh Waugh, star of the recent BBC drama The Fall, showing some skin was nothing less than 'mortifying' - because she suffers from severe eczema all over her body.
'It was a nightmare because I felt so self-conscious, and we were outside, so my hay fever was set off, too,' says Bronagh. 'But we just laughed about it and I'm so pleased I did it now.'
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Cream for my eczema set off allergic shock that could have killed me: Actress Bronagh Waugh reveals how those who ...
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Posted: at 3:44 am
Censorship Government Criminality
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - June 14th, 2013 IP:
By: thecrowhouse
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Music Censorship – Video
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Port Clinton police practice censorship
Posted: at 3:44 am
When it comes to releasing public information state law prohibits public officials from picking and choosing which documents to release.
But some public attorneys and some law enforcement leaders don't seem to understand the responsibilities they have or they are misinterpreting their duties under the law. We don't like to think any public official would intentionally circumvent, or willfully violate the Ohio Revised Code, especially that part of government police and municipal law directors assigned to enforce the law.
It seems, however, that willful obliviousness of the rules does occur.
Port Clinton police chief Rob Hickman refuses to comply with simple and lawful requests for public documents, insisting that he be allowed to use Facebook to censor the information arbitrarily and without explanation. State law allows for some censorship, but the process is spelled out and specific as to what reasons and what explanations are required. The Ohio Revised Code also spells out specifically the steps that must be taken to withhold public records.
Hickman is skipping every step the law requires, andPort Clinton law director George Wilber has offered no solutions. He's giving tacit approval to Hickman's censorship decisions through his inaction and has offered no explanation why state law is being ignored.
The actions and responses from Hickman and Wilbur seem to be an obvious and blatant disregard of state law. Improper censorship by public officials is a practice that demands attention.
The public records mediation service of the Ohio Attorney General's office has been asked to review Hickman's censorship decisions.We hope the AG's office addresses it swiftly and instructs both Hickman and Wilber to either justify the censorship according to the law, or cease censoring public information.
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Port Clinton police practice censorship
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Ron Paul: 1 Fed weapon cost $1.5 trillion. Oh and it barely works. – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Ron Paul: 1 Fed weapon cost $1.5 trillion. Oh and it barely works.
Sponsor: - Ron Paul: 1 Fed weapon cost $1.5 trillion. Oh and it barely works. Straight Talk from the *real* leader of the opposition.....
By: RidleyReport
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Ron Paul: 1 Fed weapon cost $1.5 trillion. Oh and it barely works. - Video
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