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Space Station Rocket – Kerbal Space Program Ep #3 – Video
Posted: June 19, 2013 at 3:46 am
Space Station Rocket - Kerbal Space Program Ep #3
It #39;s time to build the first component of a new space station in Kerbal Space Program! We #39;re going to need batteries, RCS, lights, a crew compartment, a comm...
By: DaSquirrelsNuts
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Space Station Live: Announcing the 2013 Astronaut Class – Video
Posted: at 3:46 am
Space Station Live: Announcing the 2013 Astronaut Class
NASA announced on June 17 eight candidates to train for its 2013 astronaut class after an extensive year-and-a-half long search. These new trainees would pot...
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: Controlling a Rover from Space – Video
Posted: at 3:46 am
Space Station Live: Controlling a Rover from Space
Space Station Live commentator Pat Ryan talks with Surface Telerobotics Payload Developer Maria Bualat about the experiment to study controlling an Earth-bou...
By: ReelNASA
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US man discovers debris from Russian Space Station
Posted: at 3:46 am
Washington:A US man has stumbled upon a palm-sized rock which turned out to be space debris from a decommissioned Russian space station that washed up on a river bank in Amesbury.
Phil Green was looking for arrowheads at the back of his property in the town of Amesbury when he saw a big, green rock in the bank of Merrimack River.
"There she was just sitting there, sticking up like that, and I said heck what is this," said Phil.
The rock was covered in mud when Phil found it. At first he thought it was a rock used to make arrowheads, CBS affiliate WBZ-TV reported.
Then he suspected it might be meteorite. He even used a metal detector to check and found it wasn't metallic.
Phil then placed the rock in the yard and forgot about it.
It sat under a tree for six years until a friend enquired about the rock.
Phil's sister-in-law also thought it was from space so she sent it to a friend, who works for NASA, who confirmed what Phil had found was a piece of the Russian Space Station Mir.
When Mir was de-commissioned in 2001, much of it burned up as it re-entered Earth's orbit. The rest landed in the South Pacific Ocean. Somehow, one palm-sized chunk crashed into the Merrimack River in Amesbury.
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US man discovers debris from Russian Space Station
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International Space Station ISS Moon Transit 2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:46 am
International Space Station ISS Moon Transit 2013
Date: 18.06.2013 Camera: Jozef Uhlar st.
By: Jozef Uh #318;r - AViPro
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Space station will be visible over Berks
Posted: at 3:46 am
If you look up at the night sky at just the right time this week, you may notice something unusual: A dot that appears several times brighter than any stars around it.
But that's no moon - or star or planet for that matter. It's a space station.
The International Space Station will be visible over Berks County several nights this week, according to groups including NASA that predict satellite paths.
Wednesday and Saturday are expected to offer the best viewing opportunities for the space station.
It's not a rare occurrence; the station is usually visible for periods twice a year. But it's something astronomy enthusiasts, like Jeff Woods of Spring Township, look forward to.
"It's fascinating to look up and imagine: That's moving at 17,000 miles per hour, 250 miles above my head holding six people who are going to be up there for months weightless," Woods said. "I didn't follow the exact career path that would have taken me into space, but I can live vicariously through it (seeing the station)."
The space station passes over the area twice a day, Woods said. But it's usually not visible because the sky is too bright during the day and the spacecraft isn't lit up at night.
The only way to see the space station is when it's close enough to the sun to reflect the light but the sun is far enough from the land below it to darken the sky.
That happens when the station passes just before sunrise or just after sunset, like it will this week.
"This is not exclusive to Reading," Woods said. "It's going to be visible all over the Eastern Seaboard. But this one on Saturday is going to be right over us."
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Space station will be visible over Berks
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Kansas Students to Speak Live With Space Station NASA Astronauts
Posted: at 3:46 am
HOUSTON -- Expedition 36 crew members and NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Karen Nyberg, currently orbiting aboard the International Space Station, will speak with students gathered at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center at 9:40 a.m. CDT (10:40 a.m. EDT), Wednesday, June 19.
Students will be able to ask the astronauts questions about life, work and research aboard the orbiting space station. Media representatives are invited to attend and cover the 20-minute air-to-ground event, which will be broadcast on NASA Television and the agency's website.
To attend the event, journalists must contact Becky Christner at or 620-665-9320. The Cosmosphere is located at 1100 North Plum, Hutchinson, Kan.
NASA activities have been incorporated into Cosmosphere summer programs and local Boys and Girls Club activities in preparation for the conversation with the space station astronauts. Linking students directly to the astronauts aboard the space station provides them with an authentic, live experience of space exploration, space study, the scientific components of space travel and possibilities of life in space.
This in-flight education downlink is one in a series with educational organizations in the United States to improve science, technology, engineering and math teaching and learning. It is an integral component of NASA's Teaching From Space education program, which promotes learning opportunities and builds partnerships with the education community using the unique environment of space and NASA's human spaceflight program.
For NASA TV streaming video, schedule and downlink information, visit:
For information about NASA's education programs, visit:
For information about the International Space Station, visit:
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Kansas Students to Speak Live With Space Station NASA Astronauts
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Space station crew opens Europe’s Einstein cargo ship after fungus flap
Posted: at 3:46 am
Video of the first ingress into the Albert Einstein cargo craft on Tuesday.
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News
It doesn't take an Einstein to see that international differences can still crop up on the final frontier: Take the case of the European Space Agency's Einstein cargo craft, for example. Russian concerns about some potentially moldy cargo bags caused a holdup in the schedule for unloading seven tons of supplies.
The Albert Einstein Automated Transfer Vehicle linked up with the International Space Station on Saturday, delivering a payload that included scientific experiments, clothing, spare parts and an assortment of European-style goodies such as tiramisu and lasagne.
Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano couldn't wait to get at the cargo. "There is nothing like the promise of an Italian dinner that I will offer from my personal supply to entice my colleagues to work quickly and well!" he wrote on his blog.
It took longer than expected to start the job, however. A source at ESA told NBC News that the Russians were dissatisfied with the decontamination procedures as they applied to some bags of NASA gear in the shipment. That report was confirmed in NASA's daily status report for the space station, which said that "Russian management expressed concerns with suspected microbial growth on some of the cargo bags in the vehicle."
As a result, the hatch opening was delayed for a day while NASA and the Russians worked out the logistics for wiping down the bags with fungicide. Mission managers agreed to have the crew disinfect 21 cargo bags for possible mold, and Parmitano was finally given the go-ahead to open the hatch early Tuesday.
The European Space Agency's Einstein cargo craft docks with the International Space Station on Saturday.
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Space station crew opens Europe's Einstein cargo ship after fungus flap
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International Space Station to make several passes over Md.
Posted: at 3:46 am
Karen Nyberg, a NASA astronaut, mechanical engineer, and mother of a 3-year-old boy, will spend six months on the International Space Station.
10:29 a.m. EDT, June 18, 2013
The International Space Station is making several passes over Maryland this week, a handful of which will be visible in the night sky so long as skies stay clear.
Some nights the spacecraft will appear brighter than others, and some nights its flyover will be cut short when it passes into the Earth's shadow and turns dark. In general, it will be on a path from the northwest horizon to the southeast each night.
Here are instructions on when and where to look for it over the next week:
The space station appears as bright or brighter than many stars, moving swiftly across the sky like an airplane, but appearing much further away.
NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Karen L. Nyberg are on board, in a mission being led by Pavel Vinogradov, a Russian cosmonaut. Follow Nyberg on Twitter for updates and images of Earth from above. She is a mother of a 3-year-old boy and is spending six months in space.
International Space Station to make several passes over Md.
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Posted: at 3:46 am
Unlike the presentation of my paternal grandmothers Mississippi Choctaw heritage video; whereas, I #39;d had the privilege of personally hearing from her about o...
By: kbull612
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