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Internet censorship and control
Posted: June 20, 2013 at 9:43 am
20 June 2013 | The Internet is and has always been a space where participants battle for control. The two core protocols that define the Internet TCP and IP are both designed to allow separate networks to connect to each other easily, so that networks that differ not only in hardware implementation (wired vs. satellite vs. radio networks) but also in their politics of control (consumer vs. research vs. military networks) can interoperate easily. It is a feature of the Internet, not a bug, that China with its extensive, explicit censorship infrastructure can interact with the rest of the Internet.
In the following collection, published as an open access collection here and as well in a special issue of IEEE Internet Computing, we present five peer reviewed papers on the topic of Internet censorship and control. The topics of the papers include a broad look at information controls, censorship of microblogs in China, new modes of online censorship, the balance of power in Internet governance, and control in the certificate authority model. These papers make it clear that there is no global consensus on what mechanisms of control are best suited for managing conflicts on the Internet, just as there is none for other fields of human endeavour. That said, there is optimism that with vigilance and continuing efforts to maintain transparency the Internet can stay as a force for increasing freedom than a tool for more efficient repression.
This collection was edited by Steven J. Murdoch of the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and Hal Roberts of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.
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Internet censorship and control
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Shatter novel prompts censorship reform
Posted: at 9:43 am
Minister Alan Shatter: complaints have led to his novel being reissued
A steamy novel written by Minister for Justice Alan Shatter 24 years ago when he was a backbencher has prompted him to transfer responsibility for censorship out of his department.
A complaint to the Censorship of Publications Board alleging that his novel, Laura: A Story You Will Never Forget, is obscene posed a dilemma for the Minister whose department has ultimate responsibility for the board.
In response he has decided to shift responsibility for censorship out of Justice to the Department of Arts and Heritage.
The Irish Times takes no responsibility for the content or availability of other websites.
A Government spokesman said the Minister had made the decision in case there was any suggestion of a conflict of interest on the part of Mr Shatter.
The spokesman said the Minister had also come to the conclusion that the Department of Arts and Heritage was also more appropriate to have responsibility for censorship.
Obscene Following recent publicity about the Ministers novel and the complaint that it is obscene, the publisher has decided to reissue it.
The novel centres around the troubled private life of a rural TD who is having an affair with his secretary. At one point, the fictional TD attempts to force the woman to have an abortion in order to save his political career.
A complaint about the books sex scenes was lodged with the censorship board over a month ago. Another aspect of the complaint is the allegation the novel advocates the procurement of an abortion or miscarriage, contrary to Irish censorship laws.
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Shatter novel prompts censorship reform
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Censorship moves to Arts after Shatter complaint
Posted: at 9:43 am
At least one member of the public is understood to have lodged a complaint about Alan Shatter's novel Laura
Responsibility for the Censorship of Publications Board is to be transferred from the Minister for Justice to the Minister for Arts.
The change comes after a member of the public lodged a complaint about a novel by Minister for Justice Alan Shatter.
A Government spokesperson said the move was being made in part because it was more logical to have the Department of Arts in charge, and in part to avoid any perception of a conflict of interest.
The change was suggested by Minister Shatter, whose novel Laura is being republished. At least one member of the public is understood to have lodged a complaint with the board about it.
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Ron Paul Breaks Down Obama’s Syrian WMD Argument – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul Breaks Down Obama #39;s Syrian WMD Argument
The good doctor breaks down the whole Syrian conflict and the United States #39; intervention.
By: Conservative1001BG
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Ron Paul Breaks Down Obama's Syrian WMD Argument - Video
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Christopher Hitchens on Abortion, Campaign Finance, Christianity, Libertarianism (1992) – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Christopher Hitchens on Abortion, Campaign Finance, Christianity, Libertarianism (1992)
Hitchens stated that "[an] unborn child seems to me to be a real concept. It #39;s not a growth or an appendix. You can #39;t say the rights question doesn #39;t come up...
By: The Film Archive
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Christopher Hitchens on Abortion, Campaign Finance, Christianity, Libertarianism (1992) - Video
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Transhuman – Our Last Days (OFFICIAL VIDEO) – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Transhuman - Our Last Days (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Buy the album here: Filmed, Edited and Directed by Tinbot Media Copyright Transhuman 2013 For more info please visit...
By: TranshumanUK
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Transhuman - Our Last Days (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - Video
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TRANSHUMAN – Do you want to live forever? (full documentary film) – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
TRANSHUMAN - Do you want to live forever? (full documentary film)
Watch now in HD! Philosopher Anders Sandberg does not accept death as a foregone conclusion. According to him it will become possible this century to upload ...
By: Titus Nachbauer
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TRANSHUMAN - Do you want to live forever? (full documentary film) - Video
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Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Leave the Lights On – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Leave the Lights On
MayJam is a two-day annual music and arts festival featuring grassroots and independent bands and artists,Taiwanese and foreign, in Tainan, Taiwan, founded b...
By: Soundz OnTaiwan
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Post Human Primates @MayJam 2013 -Leave the Lights On - Video
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Mobile Health with the eyes of a Medical Futurist, by Dr. Bartalan Meskó – Video
Posted: at 9:41 am
Mobile Health with the eyes of a Medical Futurist, by Dr. Bartalan Mesk
By: MobileHealthStanford
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Mobile Health with the eyes of a Medical Futurist, by Dr. Bartalan Meskó - Video
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Google futurist claims we will be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by …
Posted: at 9:41 am
Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, believes we will be able to upload our entire brains to computers within the next 32 years - an event known as singularity Our 'fragile' human body parts will be replaced by machines by the turn of the century And if these predictions comes true, it could make humans immortal
By Victoria Woollaston
PUBLISHED: 09:22 EST, 19 June 2013 | UPDATED: 09:22 EST, 19 June 2013
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In just over 30 years, humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal - an event called singularity - according to a futurist from Google.
Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, also claims that the biological parts of our body will be replaced with mechanical parts and this could happen as early as 2100.
Kurweil made the claims during his conference speech at the Global Futures 2045 International Congress in New York at the weekend.
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Google futurist claims we will be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by ...
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