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Could Using Antibiotics As A Child Make You Develop Eczema?
Posted: June 20, 2013 at 9:43 am
The use of antibiotics in the first 12 months of life may increase the chance of developing eczema by up to 40%, according to a new study.
The report also found that each additional course of antibiotics further raises the risk of eczema by 7%.
Researchers reviewed existing data from 20 studies that explored the link between antibiotic exposure prenatally and in the baby's first year, and the subsequent development of eczema. They also examined whether the number of antibiotic courses affected the probability of developing the skin condition.
They found that children with eczema are more likely to have been treated with antibiotics in the first year of life, but not prenatally.
One of the study's authors, Dr Teresa Tsakok of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in London, said: "One potential explanation is that broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the gut microflora and that this in turn affects the maturing immune system in a way that promotes allergic disease development."
The paper's senior author, Dr Carsten Flohr of King's College London and Guy's and St Thomas', added: "A better understanding of the complex relationship between antibiotic use and allergic disease is a priority for clinicians and health policymakers alike, as determination of a true link between antibiotic use and eczema would have far-reaching clinical and public health implications."
The study, which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology, was also carried out by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
The paper added a note of caution, explaining that the use of antibiotics may be a consequence of more infections in children with eczema.
Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists said: "Eczema is our most common skin disease, affecting one in every five children in the UK at some stage and causing a significant burden to the patient and the health service.
"Allergic diseases including eczema have increased over past decades, particularly for children in high income countries, but the causes for this are not fully understood.
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Could Using Antibiotics As A Child Make You Develop Eczema?
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Baby antibiotics ‘link to eczema’
Posted: at 9:43 am
The use of antibiotics in the first 12 months of life may increase the chance of developing eczema by up to 40%, according to a new study.
The report also found that each additional course of antibiotics further raises the risk of eczema by 7%.
Researchers reviewed existing data from 20 studies that explored the link between antibiotic exposure prenatally and in the baby's first year, and the subsequent development of eczema. They also examined whether the number of antibiotic courses affected the probability of developing the skin condition.
They found that children with eczema are more likely to have been treated with antibiotics in the first year of life, but not prenatally.
One of the study's authors, Dr Teresa Tsakok of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in London, said: "One potential explanation is that broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the gut microflora and that this in turn affects the maturing immune system in a way that promotes allergic disease development."
The paper's senior author, Dr Carsten Flohr of King's College London and Guy's and St Thomas', added: "A better understanding of the complex relationship between antibiotic use and allergic disease is a priority for clinicians and health policymakers alike, as determination of a true link between antibiotic use and eczema would have far-reaching clinical and public health implications."
The study, which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology, was also carried out by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
The paper added a note of caution, explaining that the use of antibiotics may be a consequence of more infections in children with eczema.
Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "Eczema is our most common skin disease, affecting one in every five children in the UK at some stage and causing a significant burden to the patient and the health service. Allergic diseases including eczema have increased over past decades, particularly for children in high-income countries, but the causes for this are not fully understood.
"The evidence is not conclusive and the researchers are not suggesting that parents should withhold antibiotics from children when doctors feel such treatment is necessary, but studies like this give an insight into possible avoidable causes and may help to guide medical practice."
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Baby antibiotics 'link to eczema'
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Dermalex Treatment For Psoriasis
Posted: at 9:43 am
Dermalex Treatment For Psoriasis How it Affects the Skin - Dermalex
Dermalex treatment for psoriasis how it affects the skin. Dr Barbara Geusens of OmegaPharma discusses the effects of psoriasis of the skin. She explains ho...
By: DermalexChannel
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Dermalex Treatment For Psoriasis
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What are the Causes and Triggers of Psoriasis? – Dermalex – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
What are the Causes and Triggers of Psoriasis? - Dermalex
What are the causes and triggers of psoriasis? - Dr Barbara Geusens from Omega Pharma discusses the characteristics, main causes and triggers of psoriasis an...
By: DermalexChannel
Originally posted here:
What are the Causes and Triggers of Psoriasis? - Dermalex - Video
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Managing Your Psoriasis With Dermalex Psoriasis Cream – Dermalex – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
Managing Your Psoriasis With Dermalex Psoriasis Cream - Dermalex
Managing your psoriasis with Dermalex psoriasis cream. Dr Barbara Geusens of OmegaPharma explains how Dermalex psoriasis cream works, who it is suitable for ...
By: DermalexChannel
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Managing Your Psoriasis With Dermalex Psoriasis Cream - Dermalex - Video
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Oolong tea helps eczema, may help with psoriasis
Posted: at 9:43 am
Q: Your readers did it again! I've been drinking oolong tea for more than a month now, and the patches of psoriasis have disappeared, along with the flaking. I still have a couple of areas that need some ointment now and then, but overall I can wear shorts now without being embarrassed about my skin. (My skinny legs are another matter.) Thanks.
A: A study long ago in Japan found that oolong tea was effective in easing treatment-resistant eczema (Archives of Dermatology, January 2001), but we have found no studies of oolong tea for psoriasis.
Several visitors to our website have reported that drinking oolong tea eased their psoriasis. Others have noted that turmeric or cilantro also can be helpful.
Q: My husband has suffered with polyneuropathy for three years. After his doctors said there was no cure, we located a cure at our vitamin store and want to share it with others.
He takes 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) daily. We are elated with the results. We have a neighbor who also began taking it, and he, too, is much-improved.
A: A randomized, placebo-controlled study in Russia and Israel showed that 600 mg of ALA daily can greatly ease the symptoms of neuropathy (nerve pain) such as stabbing or burning pain, numbness and "pins and needles" (Diabetes Care, November 2006).
A recent article points out that ALA is one of the few treatments that has shown promise for diabetic polyneuropathy and calls for more research (Diabetes/ Metabolism Research and Reviews online, Feb. 5, 2013).
Another nonprescription approach to this problem is benfotiamine, a synthetic form of the B vitamin thiamine. We learned about it from Dr. Charles Beauchamp several years ago, and recently heard this from a reader: "I appreciate the suggestion of benfotiamine for my foot pain. Within a month it has totally cleared up, and I am ready to move to a maintenance regimen."
Q: My daughter had head lice several times when she was very young and her hair was long. The lice shampoos did not work at all.
Finally, we used mayonnaise in her hair. We applied it from the scalp to the ends and then wrapped her head with plastic wrap. We left it on for at least two hours while she watched her favorite DVD. When we washed her hair, you could see the lice rinsing out. We did this every three days for two weeks to make sure that they were all gone.
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Oolong tea helps eczema, may help with psoriasis
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Max Igan – Censorship and Government Criminality – June 14, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
Max Igan - Censorship and Government Criminality - June 14, 2013
Max Igan #39;s website - Youtube page - Max Igan Videos playlist -
By: 1stageofawareness
The rest is here:
Max Igan - Censorship and Government Criminality - June 14, 2013 - Video
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Censorship sucks! (My Response to Sk4zzi0us Game Over video) – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
Censorship sucks! (My Response to Sk4zzi0us Game Over video)
It is not nice when you have to worry about how what you say might just offend someone. This is a personal video response to Sk4zzi0us who has had to stop po...
By: Dulayne Movaro
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Censorship sucks! (My Response to Sk4zzi0us Game Over video) - Video
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Censorship,Creationism,Critical Analysis – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
Censorship,Creationism,Critical Analysis
Due to some Technical Difficulties this show has been only slightly over a hour, this will most likely not happen again. Thank you for watching.
By: TheLyingGhostShow
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George Galloway interviews Ishmael Reed on Huckleberry Finn censorship – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
George Galloway interviews Ishmael Reed on Huckleberry Finn censorship
Catch up with Global News 24/7 on this Youtube Account. Please Subscribe to this Account today for latest updates on World Issues. Subscribe Now: http://www....
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George Galloway interviews Ishmael Reed on Huckleberry Finn censorship - Video
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