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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Analyzing Genome Scale Methylome Data Sets GSE44350) – Video
Posted: June 20, 2013 at 9:44 am
Analyzing Genome Scale Methylome Data Sets GSE44350)
GSE44350 is composed 3 sub-series. Two are based on Illumina human methylation beadchips, 27000 and 450000 methylation sites respectively. 24 samples were ...
By: subiosupport
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Analyzing Genome Scale Methylome Data Sets GSE44350) - Video
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Say Hello to GMOs – Changing the Human Genome One Meal at a Time – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
Say Hello to GMOs - Changing the Human Genome One Meal at a Time
By: Divine Anger
See original here:
Say Hello to GMOs - Changing the Human Genome One Meal at a Time - Video
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Waldorf Rocket Synth being powered by Genome MIDI Sequencer on my iPad – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
Waldorf Rocket Synth being powered by Genome MIDI Sequencer on my iPad
Very easy to access CC #39;s using Genome as always.
By: Ashley Elsdon
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Waldorf Rocket Synth being powered by Genome MIDI Sequencer on my iPad - Video
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How to download the human genome – DNA (sketch) – Video
Posted: at 9:44 am
How to download the human genome - DNA (sketch)
What happens when human DNA falls into the public domain? Writer Gregg Lopez Cast Matthew Harris Gregg Lopez Brent Pope.
By: topstoryweeklyvideos
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$1,000 genome a mirage?
Posted: at 9:44 am
Years of talk about cutting the price of sequencing a human genome to $1,000 has made one prominent genomics guru more than a little cranky. Mick Watson wrote on his blog Tuesday that such talk is "utter crap."
Watson, a genomicist/bioinformatician who heads a genomics center at the Roslin Institute, isn't at all sheepish about voicing his disdain for popular and scientific media accounts of the impending $1,000 genome. What set him off was a marketing statement in the new journal PeerJ that talked of a $99 genome.
Two even more prominent genomics experts I contacted for comment, J. Craig Venter and Eric Topol, say Watson is both right and wrong. Right that the full cost of a human genome today is much more than $1,000. Wrong because the price of that genome continues to drop, so a $1,000 genome is indeed fast approaching.
But first, some details on Watson's complaint.
Watson says just the cost of chemicals for doing a medical-grade human genome runs to more than $1,000. (Because today's DNA sequencers are fast but far from error-free, genomes must be run many times -- at least 30x is the standard -- to eliminate errors. Venter and colleagues learned that the hard way when they synthesized a bacterial genome, put it in a host cell that had its DNA removed, and nothing happened. An apparently trivial mistake -- one base pair deleted -- made the whole genome fail. They tried again and succeeded, once they had fixed the error. That's the difference between research-grade and medical-grade genomes, Venter says.)
Throw in equipment depreciation, data storage, overhead, staff time and the need for genome sequencing companies to make money, Watson says, and the current cost is more than $2,000.
"Obviously, Illumina dont charge themselves list price for reagents, and nor do LifeTech, so its possible that they themselves can sequence 30x human genomes and just pay whatever it costs to make the reagents and build the machines; but this is not reality and its not really how sequencing is done today," Watson wrote on his blog. "These guys want to sell machines and reagents, they dont want to be sequencing facilities, plus they still have to pay the staff, pay the bills, make a profit and return money to investors."
Apples and oranges, Venter said.
"Sequencing cost is the only thing anyone measures and is approaching $1k in theory, the accuracy of whole genomes is not of diagnostic quality, and the informatics cost more than the sequencing," Venter said by email. "I have been saying this for years."
Venter cited a 2011 article he wrote for Science pointing out the progress and challenges that remain.
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$1,000 genome a mirage?
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Dry Skin and Eczema Treatment – Video
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Babies given antibiotics before they’re one ‘are more prone to eczema’: Drugs increase risk by 40%
Posted: at 9:44 am
By Jenny Hope
PUBLISHED: 19:34 EST, 19 June 2013 | UPDATED: 01:42 EST, 20 June 2013
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Babies given antibiotics before they are a year old are more likely to develop eczema, say British researchers.
After years of debate about a possible link, a huge study shows taking the drugs in the first year of life increases the chances of developing the skin disorder by 40 per cent.
Each additional course of antibiotics further raises the risk of eczema which affects one in five children in the UK by 7 per cent.
Babies given antibiotics before they are a year old are more likely to develop eczema, say British researchers
About 2.4million of the UKs 12million children have been diagnosed with the disease, caused by an over-active immune system and resulting in dry and itchy skin.
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Babies given antibiotics before they're one 'are more prone to eczema': Drugs increase risk by 40%
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Eczema Dermatitis) – Video
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UK & World News: Baby antibiotics ‘link to eczema’
Posted: at 9:44 am
Jun 20 2013
The use of antibiotics in the first 12 months of life may increase the chance of developing eczema by up to 40%, according to a new study.
The report also found that each additional course of antibiotics further raises the risk of eczema by 7%.
Researchers reviewed existing data from 20 studies that explored the link between antibiotic exposure prenatally and in the baby's first year, and the subsequent development of eczema. They also examined whether the number of antibiotic courses affected the probability of developing the skin condition.
They found that children with eczema are more likely to have been treated with antibiotics in the first year of life, but not prenatally.
One of the study's authors, Dr Teresa Tsakok of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in London, said: "One potential explanation is that broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the gut microflora and that this in turn affects the maturing immune system in a way that promotes allergic disease development."
The paper's senior author, Dr Carsten Flohr of King's College London and Guy's and St Thomas', added: "A better understanding of the complex relationship between antibiotic use and allergic disease is a priority for clinicians and health policymakers alike, as determination of a true link between antibiotic use and eczema would have far-reaching clinical and public health implications."
The study, which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology, was also carried out by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
The paper added a note of caution, explaining that the use of antibiotics may be a consequence of more infections in children with eczema.
Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "Eczema is our most common skin disease, affecting one in every five children in the UK at some stage and causing a significant burden to the patient and the health service. Allergic diseases including eczema have increased over past decades, particularly for children in high-income countries, but the causes for this are not fully understood.
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Antibiotics linked to eczema risk in children
Posted: at 9:43 am
A review of 20 earlier studies found that children with eczema are significantly more likely to have been treated with antibiotics during their first year of life.
Every additional course of antibiotics appeared to increase the risk by a further seven per cent, but there is no evidence that antibiotics taken by mothers during pregnancy confer a similar risk to their unborn child, researchers found.
Dr Teresa Tsakok, of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust, London, said: "One potential explanation is broad-spectrum antibiotics alter the gut microflora and this in turn affects the maturing immune system in a way that promotes allergic disease development."
One in five schoolchildren in Britain and one in 12 adults suffers from eczema and the condition, which causes itchy sores, is becoming increasingly common.
Scientists have long speculated that it could be triggered by allergies or reactions to common drugs including vaccines, antibiotics and paracetamol.
Researchers said their work, published in the British Journal of Dermatology, was the "most comprehensive and detailed study of its kind" but warned that use of antibiotics could be a consequence of an increased occurrence of infections in children with eczema.
Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists, added: "Allergic diseases including eczema have increased over past decades particularly for children in high income countries but the causes for this are not fully understood.
"The evidence is not conclusive and the researchers are not suggesting parents should withhold antibiotics from children when doctors feel such treatment is necessary but studies like this give an insight into possible avoidable causes and may help to guide medical practice."
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