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Mold Fears for Space Station
Posted: June 21, 2013 at 3:44 pm
The robotic European cargo ship Albert Einstein was opened Tuesday morning at the International Space Station, a day late because of concerns that mold may have grown inside the vehicle, NASA officials said.
The unmanned Einstein spacecraft docked at the space station Saturday, June 15, but it was not opened Monday as planned due to worries that the vehicle and its cargo had not been disinfected properly before launch. The opening of the spacecraft's hatch was moved back a day to allow the space station partner nations to discuss the situation; ultimately, the partners agreed to have the station crew disinfect 21 bags of cargo on the spaceship to ensure they were clean of mold.
Whether or not any mold actually grew on the robotic spacecraft is unclear. The concerns may have arisen because Russian space agency officials were dissatisfied with the decontamination procedures European engineers took to prepare the vehicle for flight, a European Space Agency official told NBC News. [Photos: Europe's ATVRoboticSpaceCargoShips]
Furthermore, the Russian concerns might have been focused on the documentation of the decontamination procedures rather than flaws in the procedures themselves, according to NBC News space analyst James Oberg.
"It's a well-established principle of spaceflight safety that, under uncertainty, you don't 'assume the best,' you makesurethe worst cannot be true," Oberg said, according to NBC News. "And if you're notsureyou decontaminated these items to rigorous standards, then you do it again, tomakesure."
Tiny lifeforms aren't unheard of on the space station in fact, they're often launched there on purpose for scientific experiments. One study on the International Space Station between 2006 and 2008, for instance, found that Salmonella bacteria grown there in microgravity were more virulent than their counterparts on Earth.
The Albert Einstein spacecraft, also known as the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)-4, is making the second-to-last of five unmanned cargo delivery flights to the station planned by the European Space Agency. The spaceship, about the size of a London double-decker bus, was packed with food for the crew, science equipment and spare parts for the orbiting laboratory. It lifted off from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French GuianaJune 5.
Like the other ATV ships, Albert Einstein is disposable; it will burn up on purpose in Earth's atmosphere after leaving the station.
Six astronauts currently live and work on the International Space Station: three Russian cosmonauts, two NASA astronauts and one European astronaut from Italy, Luca Parmitano. Parmitano was especially looking forward to Albert Einstein's delivery of some Italian space food delicacies, such as tiramisu, that he's planning to share with his crewmates.
"Apart from the experiments, oxygen and water, ATV-4 also brings personal clothing and food, among which of course the culinary art of Italian cuisine will be a cherry on the cake," Parmitano wrote on his blog hosted by the European Space Agency."There is nothing like the promise of an Italian dinner that I will offer from my personal supply to entice my colleagues to work quickly and well!"
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Taikonaut Teaches Science on China’s Space Station
Posted: at 3:44 pm
We may be familiar with the excellent series of experiments carried out by the likes of NASA astronaut Don Pettit and Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield on the International Space Station, but now a second orbital outpost is getting in on the science outreach act.
Wang Yaping, Chinese astronaut (or taikonaut) and second Chinese woman in space, has held the nations first orbital classroom lesson onboard the Tiangong-1 (Heavenly Palace 1) module in an effort to boost the appeal of space science among schoolkids. The 33 year-old military pilot took questions live from 330 children who watched her inject floating spheres of water with air and spin pendulums to simulate orbits.
PHOTOS: Stunning Space Photos of the Week (June 8-14)
Wang was launched to the Chinese prototype space station on the Shenzhou 10 spacecraft with Nie Haisheng, 48, and Zhang Xiaoguang, 47, on June 11 and docked with the orbiting module two days later. The mission is expected to last 15 days.
China is going it alone in space as NASA is banned from working with the nation because of fears of the transfer of technologies. The Chinese space program is a huge source of pride that has seen a steady pace of progress culminating in their first man in space in 2003, first spacewalk in 2008 and now its first manned space station prototype is being inhabited for the longest period yet.
NEWS: China Launches to Prototype Space Station
There are calls to motivate a new cooperation between NASA, the international community and China in space, but it looks like the nation is doing pretty well without an international partnership.
So, as Wang Yaping demonstrated Thursday morning, microgravity lectures are no longer exclusive to the partners of the International Space Station.
Watch clips of Wangs lesson via the BBC.
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Taikonaut Teaches Science on China's Space Station
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Vegans Who Favor Genetic Engineering
Posted: at 3:43 pm
Before I stumbled across the other day I thought I knew the arguments for and against genetically-engineered crops.
The Vegan GMO website showed me I don't know as much as I thought. The site's "why are we vegans pro GMO?" page ( lists four reasons, three of which were new to me:
-- Some safety tests for GE crops involve animal experiments;
-- Genetic engineering could create "animal alternative" foods that would encourage more veganism, like artificial cheese;
-- Genetic engineering could create plants containing nutrients vegans lack, like vitamin B12 and DHA;
-- GE crops use less fertilizer and pesticides, so fewer insects and fish are killed, and "no- or low-till agriculture will save the lives of ground-dwelling animals."
It was the first reason -- opposition to animal tests -- that led me to the site. I had been reading up on a study purporting to show that pigs consuming genetically-engineered corn and soybeans had developed health problems. Vegan GMO had quoted (, a rebuttal charging that "this study subjects animals to inhumanely poor conditions resulting in health impacts which can then be data-mined to present 'evidence' against GMO feeds."
The rebuttal, by British environmentalist and recent pro-GE convert Mark Lynas, leveled other broadsides at the study ( It noted that while the study's authors highlighted one measure on which the GE-fed pigs scored worse than those on conventional feed, on several health measures the GE-fed pigs had scored better.
As you might expect, though, the vegan website's excerpt from the Lynas rebuttal stuck with the animal-cruelty argument.
"Most damning of all," the excerpt continued, "close to 60% of both sets of pigs were suffering from pneumonia at the time of slaughter -- another classic indicator of bad husbandry. Had they not been slaughtered, all these pigs might well have died quickly anyway. No conclusions can be drawn from this study, except for one -- that there should be tighter controls on experiments performed on animals by anti-biotech campaigners, for the sake of animal welfare."
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Vegans Who Favor Genetic Engineering
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DNA Says "URL is Like the NBA" of Battle Rap – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
DNA Says "URL is Like the NBA" of Battle Rap - DNA sat down with battle journalist Michael Hughes and discussed the groundbreaking level of achievement that battle rap gained in 2...
By: djvlad
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new gun shoots DNA bullets to mark protesters – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
new gun shoots DNA bullets to mark protesters
By: jon clem
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Qi Wireless Charger Roundup (Works with Galaxy S4/S3, Nexus 4, Droid DNA…) – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
Qi Wireless Charger Roundup (Works with Galaxy S4/S3, Nexus 4, Droid DNA...) takes a look at four different wireless chargers that use the Qi standard.
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Qi Wireless Charger Roundup (Works with Galaxy S4/S3, Nexus 4, Droid DNA...) - Video
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HEAF DNA Panel Presentation – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
HEAF DNA Panel Presentation
DNA Panel with Henry Louis Gates Jr. HEAF Benefit.
By: Delvina Smith
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HEAF DNA Panel Presentation - Video
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GH3 – DNA 2 100% FC w/ external guitar sound – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
GH3 - DNA 2 100% FC w/ external guitar sound
Pretty nice FC - not toooooo difficult. BTW I FCed BucketHead Pro Challenge live on stream, but none of you were there because I have no subs at the moment l...
By: TheBestGHPlayerEver
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Bacterial DNA may integrate into human genome more readily in tumor tissue
Posted: at 3:43 pm
June 20, 2013 Bacterial DNA may integrate into the human genome more readily in tumors than in normal human tissue, according to a new study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine's Institute for Genome Sciences. Researchers analyzed genomic sequencing data available from the Human Genome Project, the 1,000 Genomes Project and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). They considered the phenomenon of lateral gene transfer (LGT), the transmission of genetic material between organisms in the absence of sex.
Scientists have already shown that bacteria can transfer DNA to the genome of an animal. The researchers at the University of Maryland Institute for Genome Sciences found evidence that lateral gene transfer is possible from bacteria to the cells of the human body, known as human somatic cells. They found the bacterial DNA was more likely to integrate in the genome in tumor samples than in normal, healthy somatic cells. The phenomenon might play a role in cancer and other diseases associated with DNA damage. The paper was published in PLOS Computational Biology on June 20.
"LGT from bacteria to animals was only described recently, and it is exciting to find that such transfers can be found in the genome of human somatic cells and particularly in cancer genomes," says Julie C. Dunning Hotopp, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and lead author on the paper. Dr. Hotopp also is a research scientist with the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center. "Studies applying this approach to additional cancer genome projects could be fruitful, leading us to a better understanding of the mechanisms of cancer."
In the research, a team of interdisciplinary scientists and bioinformatics researchers found that while only 63.5% of TCGA samples analyzed were from tumors, the tumor samples contained 99.9% of reads supporting bacterial integration. The data presented a compelling case that LGT occurs in the human somatic genome and that it could have an important role in cancer and other human diseases associated with mutations. It is possible that LGT mutations play a role in carcinogenesis, yet it is also possible that they could simply be passenger mutations.
The investigators suggest several competing ideas to explain the results, though more research is needed for definitive answers. One possibility is that the mutations are part of carcinogenesis, the process by which normal cells turn into cancer cells. Alternatively, tumor cells are so very rapidly proliferating that they may be more permissive to lateral gene transfer. It is also possible that the bacteria are causing these mutations because they benefit the bacteria.
The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health's Director's New Innovator Award Program (1-DP2-OD007372) and the NSF Microbial Sequencing Program (EF-0826732).
"This is the type of basic science research, conducted using the analysis of much publicly available genomic data, that makes us leaders in the cutting edge field of genomic science and personalized medicine," says E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., Vice President for Medical Affairs at the University of Maryland and the John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and Dean of the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "It is just this type of research that will lead us to a new world of personalized medicine, in which doctors can use each patient's genomic make-up to determine care and preventive measures. We are excited to be a part of this future with the outstanding work of our Institute for Genome Sciences."
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Bacterial DNA may integrate into human genome more readily in tumor tissue
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Spotlight on National Psoriasis Foundation – Video
Posted: at 3:42 pm
Spotlight on National Psoriasis Foundation
Spotlight on National Psoriasis Foundation from Health Matters at Work. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Health Matters at Work on Blip!
By: healthcharities
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